The text is from here.
Open data
- Average monthly temperature and precipitation
- Population and Number of Households
- Population and Number of Households by Gender-Administrative District
- Population by Gender and Number of Households - Town
- Age, Population by Gender-Administrative District
- Population by age, gender-town
- Demographic (Annual)
- Population dynamics (monthly) - administrative district
- Foreign Population - Administrative District
- Number of Households by Number of Households - Town
- Manufacturing establishments with 4 or more employees - towns
- Civil economic calculations (total production in the city, etc.)
- Average consumption expenditure (worker households out of two or more households)
- Consumer Price Index
- Ratio of active job openings to applicants
- Number of newly established housing units
- Nursery school/Yokohama nursery room (number of installations, number of enrolled elementary school student and number of waiting children)
- Changes in the number of certified persons requiring long-term care
- Trends in social security Households and Actual Personnel
- Total amount of waste and resources
- Number of tourists
- Number of fire incident per month
- Number of emergency participation and transport personnel
- Number of vehicles and number of traffic accidents
List of related pages Open the menu of related page list
- Population and Households
- Yokohama City Statistical Report
- Major Statistical Survey Results
- Search for statistical data (from field)
- Search for statistical data (from keywords)
- Open data
- Civil Economic Calculation
- Major Indicators of Yokohama City
- Comparison of Major City Statistics
- Schedule for publication of statistical data
- Statistical publications
- Statistic link
- Notice and Information
- Contact
Page ID: 261-855-878