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Schedule for publication of statistical data

Please note that the scheduled time is a guide and is subject to change.

Last updated on March 31, 2023.

Population and Households

Population and Households
Details of the announcementDate of publication
Population per month (latest)Date of the 5th of every month
Population by ageMid-April and October each year
Population by TownPopulation by TownDate of the 5th of every month
Population by Age by TownMid-April and October each year
Population movementMonthly TrendsDate of the 5th of every month
Yearly TrendsEnd of March every year
Population of ForeignersPopulation of ForeignersDate of the 5th of every month
Population by Status of ResidenceMid-January, April, July and October each year
Population movement every monthDate of the 5th of every month
Number of households by householdMid-April and October each year
Long-term time series dataFrom time to time

Major Statistical Survey Results

  • The date of publication is the date of publication in the country.
  • After publishing the results from the country, we will publish a statistical table for Yokohama City and a report summarizing the results on the "Main Statistical Survey Results" page.
Key statistics
Name of surveyMost recent year (fiscal year)Date of publication
Census2020 (Reiwa 2)Announced
Housing and Land Statistics Survey2018 (Heisei 30)Announced
Basic Survey of Economic Census2019 (Reiwa 1)Announced
Economic Census Activity Survey2021 (Reiwa 3)Starting in May 2022
Industrial Statistics Survey2020 (Reiwa 2)Announced
Agriculture and Forestry Census2020 (Reiwa 2)Announced
Fishery Census2018 (Heisei 30)Announced
School Basic Survey2022 (Reiwa 4)Announced
Basic Survey on Employment Structure2022 (Reiwa 4)Starting in July 2023
National Structural Survey2019 (Reiwa 1)Announced

Yokohama-shi statistics book (※ only main index)

Monthly update

Major statistical indicators (monthly)
ChapterContentsDate of publication
Chapter 1 Land and Weatherweather observation (temperature, precipitation, wind, sunshine hours, weather, number of earthquakes, etc.)Date of the 5th Open Agency
Chapter 2 PopulationPopulation (male and female), number of households, Basic Resident Register population (Japanese and foreigners), demographicsDate of the 5th Open Agency
Chapter 7 Finance and InsuranceBanks (deposits, loans), bankruptcies, etc.

Date of the 5th Open Agency
Date of last open agency

Chapter 9 Roads, Transport and CommunicationsNumber of passengers at each railway station
Chapter 12 Prices and HouseholdsAverage monthly income and expenditure per household per year
Chapter 14 Social WelfareNumber of Households and Number of Households in social security

Annual renewal

Major Statistical Indicators (Annual)
ChapterContentsDate of publication
Chapter 1 Land and WeatherArea by land typeNovember
Urban planning areas, restricted areasJuly
Land Price AnnouncementApril
Chapter 2 PopulationDemographic survey, total fertility rate, number of deaths by causeMarch
Chapter 6 CommerceTransactions at Central Wholesale MarketDecember
Chapter 8 Trade and HarborsStatistics of Yokohama PortNovember
Chapter 9 Roads, Transport and CommunicationsRoad extensionNovember
Number of registered vehiclesNovember
Bus ridersFrom time to time for each company
Railroad cargo arrivals and departuresMay
Chapter 10 Buildings and HousingStatus of taxable housesNovember
Chapter 11 Water and SewageWater supply and sewage treatmentNovember
Chapter 12 Prices and HouseholdsConsumer Price IndexMarch
Retail Price StatisticsOctober
Chapter 13 LaborEmployment placement status (recruiting ratio, etc.)November
Chapter 14 Social WelfareSurvey of social welfare facilitiesApril
National Health Insurance, National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin), Medical Care for the ElderlySeptember

Situation in The Long-term Care Insurance

Status of daycare centers (number of enrolled elementary school student and number of waiting children)August
Chapter 15 Hygiene and EnvironmentStatus of medical facilities (number of facilities, number of medical staff, number of patients)July
Community Health Business (physical checkup, etc.)November

Number of Food Sanitation Guidance

Number of food poisoning casesNovember
Status of Waste and RecyclingNovember
Chapter 16 Education and CultureSchool conditions (number of students, number of faculty and staff, etc.)As needed for each school category
Library usage status, number of books in collectionOctober
Usage status of cultural facilitiesAs needed for each facility
Number of touristsJuly
Chapter 17 Judicial and SecurityNumber of cases handled by courtsJune and October
Number of crimes cleared in acknowledgement, number of traffic accidentsOctober
Number of fires and damageOctober
Number of emergency servicesSeptember
Chapter 19 FinanceRevenue and expenditure status of general and special accounts (budget and settlement of accounts)October
Chapter 20 Election, Parliament, Public ServiceNumber of city staffOctober

Comparison of Major City Statistics

Open data

Civil Economic Calculation

Inquiries to this page

Statistics and Information Division, Policy Administration Bureau General Affairs Department

Phone: 045-671-4201

Phone: 045-671-4201

Fax: 045-663-0130

E-Mail address [email protected]

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