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Concept of user burden such as citizen use facilities

Last updated on January 24, 2025.

When using facilities in the city, obtaining a certificate, or obtaining a business license, you are required to pay a part of the fee in the form of usage fees, usage fees and fees. This is because all costs (expenses) are incurred for facility management and administrative services, and these costs are covered by "royalties" from citizens used and "taxes" of citizens. It has become a mechanism.
Therefore, from the viewpoint of the fairness of the burden on the entire citizens, the "public expenses (city) burden" paid by citizens who do not use it in the form of taxes and the "beneficiaries ( We believe that it is necessary to clarify the way of thinking about the ratio of "user) burden" and to obtain the sufficient understanding of citizens. We will determine the concept of user burden so that this burden ratio is generally appropriate.
How much of the cost is paid by beneficiaries (users) and how much is covered by taxes are set as "standard standards for burden ratio" for each facility and service.
In addition, when using facilities and services, standard treatment is set for the "reduction and exemption system" in which usage fees are exempted and reduced.

Current costs and usage fees for citizen use facilities

Current Costs and Fees Related to Major Fees

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