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About one-day response

One-day response means responding to inquiries, etc. up to one day or an appropriate deadline. If it is difficult to respond in one day, it means that some kind of action will be taken promptly, such as by notifying when to respond.

Last updated on April 1, 2023.

Construction work

Subject works

All of the ordering work in Motoichi

Date of implementation

Applicable from construction on or after April 1, 2015

Details of implementation

As described in the specifications, a one-day response will be applied.



Civil engineering, surveying and geological surveys

Target business

All of civil engineering design, surveying, and geological survey work ordered by Motoichi

Details of implementation

We will strive to provide one-day response according to the specifications common to outsourcing operations.


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Inquiries to this page

Public Works Coordinating Division, Facility Management Promotion Department, Finance Bureau Facility Management Promotion Office

Phone: 045-671-2025

Phone: 045-671-2025

Fax: 045-651-7599

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 838-708-472


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