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Statistical information

Last updated on May 11, 2022.

About statistical information and surveys

◆Statistics on Population in Hodogaya Ward and Yokohama◆

Monthly (latest) population, age, population by town, population movement (child birth, death, transfer, transfer, etc.)
(From the following to each page by internal link)
Click here for statistical information portal (population / household)

◆Results of Major Statistical Surveys◆

Census, Housing and Land Statistics Survey, Economic Census, Business and Corporate Statistics Survey, Industrial Statistics Survey,
Commercial Statistics Survey, Agriculture and Forestry Census, School Basic Survey, Employment Structure Basic Survey
Click here for statistical information portal (main statistical survey results)

Statistical surveys are conducted in accordance with the law (statistics law).
The results of the statistical survey include not only population and households, but also corporate activities, employment status, households, etc.
Surveys that reflect the current state of socio-economic conditions, covering a wide range of fields, including prices.
The results are used in a wide range of fields.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.

◆Hodogaya Ward Statistics Handbook◆

Click here for basic statistical data of Hodogaya Ward
 ・Hodogaya Ward Statistical Handbook (PDF file version)
 ・Hodogaya Ward Statistical Handbook (Open Data / CSV file version)

Inquiries to this page

Hodogaya Ward General Affairs Department General Affairs Division Statistics and Elections Section

Phone: 045-334-6206

Phone: 045-334-6206

Fax: 045-334-6390

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 913-106-114

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