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Izumi Ward Wanwan Patrol

Last updated on January 29, 2024.

Even on a course where you usually take a walk casually, you may notice that it is different from usual if you look consciously. "Awareness" of these changes is the first step toward anti-crime program. In addition, taking a walk with a patrol lead card will help "visualize" anti-crime program activities and create an environment that keeps criminals away.

Member (Registration) Conditions

1 Qualification
Dog dog's license tag and rabies vaccination have received votes.

Illustration of a Wanwan Patrol

2 How to register
Bring your dog dog's license tag and rabies vaccination vote to the patrol headquarters (Regional Promotion Division) and fill out the list of members. Members will receive a certificate and a wan patrol lead slip.
Lead slip <Sample> (PDF: 394KB)
Certificate <Sample> (PDF: 352KB)
To register as a member, go to the Regional Promotion Division (311 window on the 3rd floor of the ward office).

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Inquiries to this page

Regional Promotion Division Regional Activities Support Section (311 on the 3rd floor)

Phone: 045-8002391・2397

Phone: 045-8002391・2397

Fax: 045-800-2507

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Page ID: 832-048-814

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