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After-School Care Program Clubs (schoolchild Nursery School)

Last updated on September 25, 2024.

After-School Care Program Clubs (schoolchild Nursery School) is a facility that provides a place to live with elementary school student, a first- to sixth-grade elementary school student who has no parents during the day. It is operated by a steering committee composed of representatives of the community, schools, parents, etc.

[As of August 2024] List of elementary school student Healthy Upbringing Facilities after Kanagawa Ward (PDF: 517KB)

About After-School Care Program Clubs (schoolchild Nursery School)


1st to 6th grade elementary school students who live in Yokohama City and have no guardians in the daytime due to employment etc.

Date of establishment

Every Monday to Saturday (excluding Sunday, national holidays, and New Year's holidays)
※It depends on each After-School Care Program Clubs.

Opening hours

Because it depends on each After-School Care Program Clubs
Please contact each club directly.

Application for membership

Please apply directly to each After-School Care Program Clubs.

Usage fees

Please contact each After-School Care Program Clubs directly.

The following window provides an overview of the business of After-School Care Program Clubs.

Contact person in charge
InquiriesChildren and Families Support DivisionWindow 304 on the 3rd floor of the annexTelephone 045-411-7046
FAX 045-321-8820
List of After-School Care Program Clubs (schoolchild Nursery School) in Kanagawa Ward



(area code 045)

Nakayoshi Schoolchildren's Day Care (outside site)726-3, Hazawacho


Nakamaru Yamabato Club schoolchild Nursery School (outside site)1-11-23, Kandaiji 


Mitsuzawa Children's Club (outside site)6-16, Mitsuzawashimomachi


Aoki Taiyo Club Schoolchildren's Day Care (outside site)

22-4 Takashimadai Masuda Building 1F


Kandaiji schoolchild Club (outside site)

Shindaiji 2-29-23 Kita Heights 1F


Kandaiji Mori no Ie Gakudo Club (outside site)

Katakura 5-17-24 Higurashiso


Acorn schoolchild Club (outside site)2-641-4, Matsumicho


Nishiterao schoolchild Club dragonfly (outside site)

6-3 Kaminogicho Parkside Obata V


Nishiterao Daini schoolchild Club dragonfly (outside site)2-15-16-101, Nishiterao


No. 1 Koyasu schoolchild Club dragonfly (outside site)1-7-13, Shinkoyasu


2nd Koyasu schoolchild Club dragonfly (outside site)1-35-10, Shinkoyasu 2F


Higashikanagawa schoolchild Club (outside site)1-2-7 Higashi-Kanagawa MS Building 2F


Nishikannagawa schoolchild Happy Smile (outside site)2F, YSY Building, 1-1-3 Nishi-Kanagawa


YMCA Higashi Kanagawa After-School Care Program Clubs (outside site)2-5-3, Hashimotocho


Schoolchildren's Day Care Homecoming (outside site)5-21-7, Katakura


schoolchild Club SkyMaster (outside site)109-4, Hakuraku


After School Waokids Shinkoyasu Garden (outside site)

1-18-1, Shinkoyasu

The Park House Yokohama Shinkoyasu Garden 1F

In addition, about link of each club, Motoichi does not assume any responsibility about the contents because it is not managed by Motoichi.

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Inquiries to this page

Kanagawa Ward Health and Welfare Center Children and Families Support Division 

Phone: 045-411-7046

Phone: 045-411-7046

Fax: 045-321-8820

E-Mail address [email protected]

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