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- Ward office window
- Ward office information
- Kanagawa Ward Office Information Floor Map
The text is from here.
Kanagawa Ward Office Information Floor Map
Last updated on September 11, 2024.
- 1st floor of the annex
- 3rd floor of the annex
- Main Building 1F
- 2nd floor of the main building
- 3rd floor of the main building
- Main Building 5F
Reception hours
Monday to Friday (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and December 29 to January 3)
From 8:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(Note 1) At the Kanagawa Ward Office, all sections provide window services from noon to 1:00 p.m.
Depending on the content of some work and consultation, you may have to wait until 1:00 pm For more information, please contact each section.
(Note 2) Bank "Koban" (police box) operates from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
About ward office window opening agency of the second, fourth Saturday
Representative phone number
Reception hours
Open all year round
From 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
B1F, Annex
Underground parking lots
1st floor of the annex
Family Registry Division
No. 103 (Registration Section)
- Notification of moving in, moving out, moving, etc.
- Application for Seal Registration
- My Number Card Related Business
- Issuance of digital certificates
No. 104 (Registration Section)
- Issuance of digital certificates for My Number Card (Personal Number Card) ※Those who have already booked
No. 105 (Certificate issuance window)
- Certificate issuance (copy of resident certificate, certificate of entry on resident certificate, certificate of non-resident, certificate of all Seal Registration Certificate, family register (individual) matter certificate, identification card, etc.)
No. 106 (Registration Section)
- Elementary and junior high school transfer / enrollment
No. 107 (Family Registry Section)
- Acceptance of notifications related to family register (child birth, marriage, death, transfer of domicile, adoption, etc.)
- Proof of family register (partial copy of nullified family register, copy of remodeled original family register, proof of acceptance, proof of absence, etc.)
- Permit to reinterment of ashes
☆(Registration Section)
- Issuance of My Number Card (Personal Number Card) ※Those who have already booked
Insurance & Pension Section
No. 151 (National Health Insurance Section Tax Receipt Section)
- National Health Insurance and The Long-term Care Insurance qualifications (notification of participation, withdrawal, relocation, etc.)
- National Health Insurance premium and Long-term Care Insurance Premium charge (determination of insurance premiums)
- Fund transfer of insurance premiums
- Return of incorrect payment
- Certificate of payment
No. 152 (in charge of benefits)
- National Health Insurance benefits (high medical costs, lump-sum payment for childbirth and childcare, funeral expenses, etc.)
- Benefits from The Long-term Care Insurance (expensive nursing care services, housing renovation, purchase of welfare equipment, etc.)
- Qualifications, benefits, and premiums for the latter-stage medical care system
- medical expenses grants for children, single-parents and severely disabled persons (Medical Certificate grants, medical expenses refunds, etc.)
No. 153 (National Pension Plan Section)
- Notification of joining the National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin)
- Exemption from National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin) insurance premiums (general, student, application for grace)
- Acceptance of National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin) benefits (old age, disability, bereaved family)
No. 154 (in charge of delinquency arrangement)
- Payment and consultation of delinquent insurance premiums
- Dunning letter
- Notice, seizure and disposal
2nd floor of the annex
health check-up floor
3rd floor of the annex
Elderly and Disabled Support Division
No. 301 (Consultation Support Section / The Long-term Care Insurance / Regional Comprehensive Care Promotion Section / Disability Support Section)
- Issuance of Special Ride Certificate and Special Welfare Ticket (Disabled Persons)
- Issuance of welfare taxi tickets and vehicle fuel tickets for persons with disabilities
- Discount on toll roads for persons with disabilities
- Specified medical expenses (designated incurable disease)
- Hama also card/help mark
- Grants for the Elderly Club
- General consultation on welfare and health needs and application acceptance
- Certification, consultation and application of The Long-term Care Insurance
- Home / Nursing Care Prevention Service Plan Creation Request Notification Reception
- Support guidance to home care support companies
- Dispatch of nursing care counselors
- Welfare and health services for the elderly in need of assistance
- Care prevention and independence support services
- Support for the Elderly with Dementia
- Consultation and application for each service
- Consultation and application for notebooks, benefits and services for persons with physical and intellectual disabilities (18 years or older)
- Medical treatment consultation for patients with incurable disease
- Thing about promotion of community-based comprehensive care
No. 302 (person in charge of disability support)
- Mental health and welfare consultation
- Independence support medical care (Psychiatry outpatient medical care)
- Mental Handicapped Health and Welfare Handbook ※From 12:00 to 13:00, procedures and consultations are not accepted.
Children and Families Support Division
No. 303 (in charge of childcare and education)
- Thing about nursery school (admission application reception, consultation, etc.)
No. 304 (Children and Families Support Section / Child and Family Support / School Cooperation / Child)
- Maternal and Child Health Handbook
- Children's allowance
- medical care benefits
- Special welfare ticket (for single-parent families)
- Check ups for Infants and Toddlers
- Matters related to pregnancy, childbirth and child care support
- Thing about welfare of woman
- Consultation on school cooperation
- After-School Care Program Clubs (Schoolchildren's Day Care)
- Thing about kids club
No. 305 (Children's Family Support)
- Thing about welfare of single-parent home
- Consultation and application for notebooks, benefits and services for children with disabilities (under 18 years of age)
Main Building B1F
Laboratory and Functional Training Room
Main Building 1F
Kanagawa fire department
- fire brigade
- Fire prevention manager / fire plan notification
- Fire equipment
- Dangerous goods
- certificate of damage / disaster (fire)
- Notification of water reduction
- Emergency certificate
- Notification of fire smoke
- Road construction notification
2nd floor of the main building
Health Sanitation Division
204 (Food Sanitation Section)
- Application and notification of business license for restaurants, etc.
- Food hygiene consultation
- Application and notification of pharmaceutical facilities such as pharmacies
- Notification of treatment centers and dental laboratories
- Application and issuance of licenses for medical professionals
No. 205 (Environmental Sanitation Section)
- Business related to barber, beauty, cleaning, inns, public bath, etc.
- Hygiene consultation on specific buildings (Building Management Law) and water tanks and wells for beverages
- Guidance on the control of sanitary pests (bees, rats, etc.)
- Consultation on sick houses
- Registration of dogs
- Animal welfare and management consultation
Life Support Division
No. 210 (Secretary Section)
- Payment of welfare expenses and management of receivables
- Support for the bereaved families of the war dead
No. 211 (Life Support Section)
- Decision on consultation acceptance, application acceptance and protection of social security
- Provision of protection and independence support for social security recipients
- Consultation, reception, and subsequent support for the independence support system for the poor in life
- Business related to traveling sick and dead
- Support for the escape of homeless outdoor life
3rd floor of the main building
Health and Welfare Division
306 (Administration Planning Section)
- Thing about local welfare officer, children's committee
- Thing about disaster excursion money
No. 307 (in charge of business planning)
- Planning and coordination of welfare-related businesses
- Thing about promotion of community-based welfare health
- Disaster medical care (Y-Nurse registration, etc.)
- Thing about advocate in need of disaster
308 (Health Promotion Section)
- Vaccinations, Cancer Screening, Tuberculosis and Infectious Disease Control
- Health Promotion Business
- Nutrition improvement
- Dentistry Health
- A-bomb survivor relations
- Hepatitis medical expenses Grant
- Health activity promotion staff
- Member of dietary life improvement promotion
Tax Affairs Division
321 (Tax Receipt Section)
- Consultation on payment of city taxes
- Reissue of payment slips
- Certificate of tax payment of city tax
No. 322 (House charge)
- (House) Investigation, evaluation and taxation of property tax and city planning tax
323 (Land Section)
- (of land) Investigation, evaluation and taxation of property tax and city planning tax
- Viewing fixed tax books and drawings
- Certificate of valuation of land, houses and depreciable assets
325 (City Tax Section)
- Declaration and taxation of personal municipal tax and prefectural tax
- Taxation of light motor vehicles tax (keijidosha-zei)
- Registration and scrapping of motorized bicycles
- Tax proof and tax exemption proof
4th floor of the main building
Kanagawa Prefectural Tax Office
Specifically, please confirm "web page of Kanagawa prefectural tax office" (outside site).
Main Building 5F
General Affairs Section
No. 501 (General Affairs Section/Budget Adjustment Section)
- General affairs of the ward office
- Temporary car operation permission (temporary number)
- Certificate of change in street name and lot number
- Social Activities Insurance
- Disaster countermeasures in the ward
- Government building management
- Parking lot
- Lost items in the agency
504 (Statistics and Elections Section)
- Various statistical surveys
- Viewing statistical materials
- Ward Election Administration Committee
- Absentee voting
Ward Administration Promotion Division
No. 502 (Planning and Adjustment Section)
- Planning and progress management of ward management policy
- Consultation on town development
- Support for the promotion of regional power
503 (Public Relations Section)
- Public information Yokohama Kanagawa Ward version
- Issuance of inhabitant of a ward life map
- Viewing public relations arrangements
- Special consultation (law, judicial scrivener, tax, notarization, administration, housing construction)
- Acceptance of requests for information disclosure
- Reception of Life Memorial Trees
- Public hearing
- Thing about homepage
Community Promotion Section
No. 505 (in charge of Neighborhood Associations Neighborhood Association / traffic safety, anti-crime program, illegallyResources Reuse Promotion)
- Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations
- Inhabitant of a ward festival
- Shopping district promotion
- Traffic safety
- anti-crime program
- Measures for abandoned bicycles
- Inhabitant of a ward facility
- Reduction of waste
- Promotion of recycling
- Measures against illegal dumping
- Creating a clean and clean city
No. 506 (Youth, Sports, etc.)
- Lifelong class
- Development of Youth
- Promotion of sports
- Promotion of local culture
No. 507 (Citizens' Activities Support Center)
- Lifelong learning support (information provision, learning consultation, equipment rental)
- Provision of circle information, etc.
- Coordination of volunteer activities, etc.
Related links
Inquiries to this page
Kanagawa Ward General Affairs Department General Affairs Division
Phone: 045-411-7011
Phone: 045-411-7011
Fax: 045-324-5904
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 987-105-696