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Kanagawa area support subsidy

Last updated on February 3, 2025.

In Kanagawa Ward, there is a “Kanagawa Regional Support Subsidy” that supports efforts to improve the city in which local residents live.
We support businesses that are newly launched by various local actors and businesses that aim to solve local issues by residents.
When application is hoped for, please confirm subsidy grant summary, offer essential point.
Kanagawa area support subsidy grant summary (PDF: 558KB)
Kanagawa area support subsidy offer essential point (community development University graduate support course) (PDF: 807KB)
[Reference] List of Kanagawa area support subsidy projects in 2024 (PDF: 193KB)

Subsidy course

Subsidy course (recruitment is being accepted: March Monday, March 3, 2025 deadline)

community development University
Graduation Support Course

Subsidized projects

We can expect local problem solution or appeal dispatch, and approach corresponding to any of the following
①Initiatives to realize the Action Plan submitted at community development University School
②New initiatives to start in the community

Subsidized groups

Organizations of two or more graduates of Kanagawa Ward community development University (one or more of whom are within three years after graduation (*))
※Targets for the 8th to 10th period

Subsidy support periodUp to 3 years

Other support
(Up to 5 years)

・Cooperation in public information Yokohama Kanagawa Ward version
・Priority reservations for ward residents' facilities (district centers, public hall, etc.)
※You cannot use the meeting room in the ward office.
※We may not be able to meet your request.

Subsidiary limit (FY2025)

community development University Graduate School Graduation Support Course
 1st year2nd year3rd year
Subsidiary limit amount90,000 yen50,000 yen50,000 yen
Ratio of subsidized expenses9/10 limit

How to apply

○When applying for a subsidy, be sure to consult with Ward Administration Promotion Division Planning and Adjustment Section in advance for confirmation of the requirements and business plans of the organization.
○Please submit the following documents to Kanagawa Ward Office Ward Administration Promotion Division (502 on the 5th floor of the main building). (Postal and e-mail are acceptable)
※In the case of submission by e-mail, after accepting the submitted documents, we will contact the representative or contact person by telephone to confirm the identity.
(1)Business application (style first) (word: 17KB)
(2)Business plan (style second) (Excel: 15KB)
(3)Income and expenditure budget book (Form No. 3) (Excel: 11KB)
(4)Group summary book (style fourth) (word: 15KB)
(5)Organization rules and regulations (free format)
(6)Officers and Member List (free format)
※(1) (4) can be downloaded.

Download documents

Documents related to application and reports can be downloaded here.

Downloading various styles
(1)Business application (style first) (word: 17KB)(2)Business plan (style second) (Excel: 15KB)
(3)Income and expenditure budget book (Form No. 3) (Excel: 11KB)(4)Group summary book (style fourth) (word: 15KB)
(5)Business change application (style seventh) (word: 15KB)(6)Notification of Business Withdrawal (Style No. 9) (Word: 15KB)
(7)Business results report (style 10th) (word: 17KB)(8)Business report (Style No. 11) (Excel: 11KB)
(9)Income and Expenditure Statement (Form No. 12) (Excel: 12KB)(10)Grant bill (style 14th) (word: 29KB)
(11)Estimated payment settlement form (Yokohama-shi budget, settlement of accounts and monetary accounting rules No. 50 style) (word: 15KB) 

Checkpoints for writing application documents

If you keep these points in mind, it will be easier to write your application.

Points to write business applications and plans

(1)Is it a proposal for activities that capture and solve local issues?
(2)Do you have any advanced or pioneering ideas or ideas?
(3)Regarding the organizational structure, is there a number of people or system appropriate for the business?
(4)Do you expect to continue in the future and expand your activities?

Points to write a business budget book

(1)Is the budget items, contents, and amount of money for implementing the project appropriate?
(2)Is there an effective expenditure in line with the business content?
(3)Is the unit price of printing costs, instructor rewards, etc. appropriate?
(4)Are you trying to secure funds other than subsidies such as participation fees, membership fees, and sponsorship fees?



~ Monday, March 3, 2025

Submission of application
middle of March, 2025


beginning of April, 2025

Notification of results
We will notify you of the results of the assistance.

After notification of results to March 2026

Project implementation

Within 30 days after the end of the project

Submission of Report

Examination method

community development University Graduate School Graduation Support Course

 Based on the application documents, the committee will evaluate the business contents, etc. and decide on the grant.

Regional Human Resources Matching Course

 Based on the application documents, the committee members evaluate the organizational structure and business plan, etc. and decide on the grant.  

※Since the grant is determined within the budget, it may not be eligible for the grant as a result of the examination.


We can use subsidy about "subsidy target" of the next table.
Please refer to the application form.

List of eligible assistance
Expense itemsThose to be subsidizedNot eligible for assistance
Cost of consumables

Purchase of office supplies and material costs associated with activities

Exclusive expenses (such as souvenirs and prizes)
Printing costsPrinting flyers and posters related to business 
Fees for use

Rental fees for venue use, equipment, etc. directly related to the business

・Maintenance and management expenses for group offices
・Expenses for venues managed by the organization
Communication costs

・Contact with business participants
・Postcards and postage costs associated with the activities

Call charges for telephones, etc. owned by an organization
Travel expenses

・Transportation such as public transportation used for business

・Transportation expenses for ordinary activities
・Transportation expenses for project participants
・Transportation expenses required for meetings within the group

Rewards to outside instructors, performers, instructors, etc.

・Rewards to employees within the organization
・Personnel expenses for organizations

Event insurance and activity insurance associated with business holding

OthersExpenses specifically approved by Director General

・Purchase of equipment of 30,000 yen or more
・Food expenses
(However, ingredients and ingredients for hands-on events, etc.
Instructor drinks are subject to assistance.)

The following items are excluded from the scope of this project.

  • For profit purposes
  • Politics, religion, election activities
  • Construction and maintenance of facilities
  • Policy proposal
  • Social food and drink



  • Organizations wishing to continue applying for subsidies must be reviewed every year after applying.
  • Projects supported or subsidized by Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama City and the Japan National Council of Social Welfare cannot apply for this project.
  • Documents submitted will not be returned.
  • In this project, if other subsidies can be used, it will be given priority and applications for this project cannot be made.
    (Example: Disaster Prevention Initiatives → “community support Promotion Project”)
  • About group targeted for assistance, we publish business name, group name, business summary on HP (this page) of city after grant decision.

※ This project is based on the assumption that the budget for FY2024 will be approved in Yokohama City Council.

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Inquiries to this page

Kanagawa Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division Planning and Adjustment Section

Phone: 045-411-7026

Phone: 045-411-7026

Fax: 045-314-8890

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 794-264-676

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