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Kanagawa Ward Regional Promotion Division

Last updated on April 7, 2022.


3-8, Hirodaiotamachi, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi
5th floor of the main building of the Kanagawa Ward Office

Major Operations and Contacts

Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations, etc.

Major Operations and Contacts
Major Operations Contact information

Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations
Inhabitant of a ward festival
Shopping district promotion

TEL: 045-411-7086・045-411-7087
Fax: 045-323-2502
E-Mail address
[email protected] (common)
[email protected] (in charge of Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations)
Contact: Window 505 on the 5th floor

Traffic safety, anti-crime program, illegally parked bicycles, etc.

Major Operations and Contacts
Major Operations Contact information

Traffic safety
anti-crime program
Measures for abandoned bicycles

TEL: 045-411-7095
Fax: 045-323-2502
E-Mail address [email protected] (common)
Contact: Window 505 on the 5th floor

Inhabitant of a ward facility

Major Operations and Contacts
Major Operations Contact information
Inhabitant of a ward facility

TEL: 045-411-7095

Fax: 045-323-2502

E-Mail address [email protected] (in charge of inhabitant of a ward facility)

Contact: Window 505 on the 5th floor

Resources Reuse Promotion

Major Operations and Contacts
Major Operations Contact information
Reduction of waste
Promotion of recycling
Measures against illegal dumping
Creating a clean and clean city

TEL: 045-411-7091
Fax: 045-323-2502
E-Mail address
[email protected] (common)
[email protected] (Resources Reuse Promotion)
Contact: Window 505 on the 5th floor

In charge of youth, sports, etc.

Major Operations and Contacts
Major Operations Contact information
Lifelong class
Development of Youth
Promotion of sports
Promotion of local culture

TEL: 045-411-7092・045-411-7093・045-411-7094
Fax: 045-323-2502
E-Mail address
[email protected] (common)
[email protected] (in charge of lifelong class)
[email protected] (Youth)
Contact: Window 506 on the 5th floor

Inhabitant of a ward activity support center

Major Operations and Contacts
Major Operations Contact information
Lifelong learning support (information provision, learning consultation, equipment rental)
Provision of circle information, etc.
Coordinating social activities volunteers, etc.

TEL: 045-411-7089
Fax: 045-323-2502
E-Mail address
[email protected] (common)
[email protected] (Citizens' Activities Support Center)
Contact: Window 507 on the 5th floor

Inquiries to this page

Kanagawa Ward General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division

Phone: 045-411-7086

Phone: 045-411-7086

Fax: 045-323-2502

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 807-227-587

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