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About evacuation sites, which is opened in the event of a typhoon or heavy rain

Last updated on September 13, 2024.

 In Yokohama City, we have identified cliffs that could cause significant damage to houses in the event of a landslide, and have selected "Immediate evacuation warning Areas" that will simultaneously issue evacuation warning along with the announcement of the landslide alert information.

If landslide alert information is announced in the southern part of Yokohama, the Kanazawa Ward Office will  immediately issue the evacuation warning and open five evacuation sites locations to help those living in the target area evacuate.
 If you live in the target area, you will be notified by posting around June every year.

evacuation sites when landslide alert information was announced in the southern part of Yokohama

・Daido Elementary School (2-3-1, Daido)

・Kamariyahigashi Elementary School (2-12-1, Kamariya Higashi)

・Nishishiba Junior High School (Nishishiba 1-chome 23-1)

・Ben Net Hall, Kanto Gakuin University (4th floor of Science and Culture Center) (1-50-1, Rokuura-Higashi)

 ※From September 30, 2023, it was changed from Kanto Gakuin University Building No. 12.

  For details on the location, please refer to the campus map of Kanto Gakuin University (outside site).

・Rokuura District Center (Rokuura 5-chome 20-2)

 On March 25, 2019, when landslide alert information was announced in the southern part of Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture and Yokohama City will send "Emergency Bulletin Mail" to all smartphones and mobile phones in Kanazawa Ward.
 However, evacuation warning covers only some areas listed in the e-mail distribution, and about 470 of the approximately 91,000 households in Kanazawa Ward are eligible.

 Please check in advance whether your home is immediately included in the evacuation warning area on the following Yokohama City site.

Evacuation (horizontal evacuation, vertical evacuation, indoor evacuation)

Special evacuation sites only when special heavy rain warning's announcement is expected

Only when special heavy rain warning is expected to announce, the ward office will set up additional facilities in addition to the above five evacuation sites locations.
・Tomioka Elementary School (7-13-1 Tomioka Nishi)
・Nokendai Elementary School (Nomidai 3-chome 32-1)
・Namiki Junior High School (3-4-1 Namiki)
・Kanazawa Ward Office (Mudgame 2-9-1)
※As it is not always opened, please confirm on ward homepages whether it is established before evacuation.

How to communicate flood damage, landslide's evacuation information, etc. will change

Following the damage of Typhoon No. 19 in 2019, the Cabinet Office considered the measures for natural disaster, and the revised Basic Act on Disaster Countermeasures was enacted on May 20, 2021, and the name of the evacuation information was changed.

Inquiries to this page

Kanazawa Ward General Affairs Department General Affairs Division

Phone: 045-788-7706

Phone: 045-788-7706

Fax: 045-786-0934

E-Mail address [email protected]

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