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- Kanazawa Ward Health Awareness Video
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Kanazawa Ward Health Awareness Video
I'm interested in my health, but my daily life is busy and I'm not good for my body. I wanted to deliver it to you like that, so I created a video related to health. Let's start health promotion from today!
Last updated on February 7, 2025.
Medical examination
Let's take a medical check-up once a year
Even if you are confident in your health, take a medical checkup once a year.
Even if you don't have any subjective symptoms, lifestyle-related diseases may be sneaking in.
Continuing medical examinations every year is a great opportunity to notice changes in your body.
Those who have taken out National Health Insurance (aged 40 to under 75) Specific medical examination
Health Checkups, Yokohama City
If you are a member of other employee health insurance, please contact your health association.
Yokohama-shi Cancer Screening
Oral cavity
Oral care and medical examination are important to eat deliciously forever.
Oral health is greatly related to the health of the whole body. Dental checkups and oral care are necessary to live a healthy life.
Let's start! Good practice! (PDF)(PDF:2,084KB)
Let's eat 350 grams of vegetables a day
Eating 350g of vegetables a day is the first step in lifestyle-related diseases prevention. Let's eat at least one small bowl every meal.
・Link (nutrition and dietary life) of Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Smart Life Project (outside site)
・Meal Balance Guide (Leaflet) PDF
Are you sleeping well? Do you have any sleepiness during the day? Be careful not to overwatch your smartphone before going to bed.
You can get a good sleep, that is, sleep well and wake up neatly, improve your daytime performance!
・Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Smart Life Project Link (outside site)
・A leaflet created by members of the health activity promotion "Are you sleeping well?" (PDF:633KB)
Are you sitting too much? Let's move your body frequently
Oversitting can lead to obesity and lifestyle-related diseases.
Let's move frequently in our lives. Exercise habits should be 30 minutes at a time, at least twice a week.
Are you sitting too much or feeling lack of exercise? Let's start with small steps such as stepping on the spot.
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Inquiries to this page
Kanazawa Ward Health and Welfare Center Health and Welfare Division
Phone: 045-788-7820
Phone: 045-788-7820
Fax: 045-784-4600
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 437-874-044