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Management Guidelines

Last updated on August 8, 2023.

Yokohama-shi welfare adjustment committee administration summary

Established: April 1, 2012 Health Minister No. 276 (appointed by Director General)
Recent revision: May 1, 2019 Kenso No. 75 (deputed by Director General)


Article 1 This outline is based on the provisions of Article 4 of the Yokohama City Affiliated Organization Ordinance (December 2011 Yokohama City Ordinance No. 49), and the organization of the Yokohama City Welfare Coordinating Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "Committee"). , Operations and other necessary matters shall be determined.


Article 2 The details of the office work in charge of the committee prescribed in Article 2, Paragraph 2 of the Yokohama City Affiliated Organization Establishment Ordinance shall be listed below.

(1)Thing about complaint consultation from citizen about welfare health service of Yokohama-shi.

(2)Thing about suggestion to perform for the mayor about welfare health service system of Yokohama-shi.

Article 3 In this outline, the meanings of the terms listed in the following items shall be as prescribed respectively in those items.

(1)Health and Welfare Services

Refers to services and procedures related to welfare and health under the jurisdiction of Yokohama City.


Welfare and health services that are found to be disadvantaged or infringed on rights, including incorrect explanations to service users or applicants.

(duties of committee members and committees)
Member of Article 4 Committee (Yokohama City Welfare Coordinator) In order to promote the improvement of the quality of welfare and health services, in accordance with their own experience and knowledge, receive complaints from citizens regarding welfare and health services in Yokohama City, and conduct necessary investigations and adjustments from the standpoint of a neutral and fair third party, and respond to complaints and activities that contribute to improving the quality of services.

2. Members may seek the opinions and cooperation of other members when necessary to perform their duties.
The 3 committee reports the operation status to the mayor once a year and announces it to the citizens.

Article 5 committee members are appointed by the mayor from those listed below.

(1)Academic experience

(2)Psychiatry Doctors


(4)Those who live in the city and have an understanding of welfare and health

(2) The term of office of members shall be two years. Provided, however, that if a member is missing, the term of a substitute member shall be the remaining term of the predecessor.

(3) Members may be reappointed. Provided, however, that the members prescribed in Paragraph 1, Item 4 may be reappointed only for one term.

(4) The proxy of a member shall not be accepted.

(Method of selection of committee members)
Article 6 The members prescribed in Paragraph 1, Item 4 of the preceding Article shall, in principle, select one male and female each by a method specified separately, and shall be candidates.

(Representative and Deputy Representative)

Article 7 The committee shall have one representative member and one deputy representative member by mutual election of members.

2. The representative committee shall represent the committee and shall be responsible for the duties of the committee. The Deputy Representative Member assists the Representative Member.

(3) If the representative member has an accident or the representative member is missing, the deputy representative member shall represent the duties. If the Deputy Representative Committee has an accident, or if the Deputy Representative Committee is missing, a member discussed and nominated by the Deputy Representative Committee in advance will represent the duties.


Article 8 Meetings of the Committee shall be convened by the Representative Members.

2. The representative member shall be the chair of the meeting of the committee.

3. The committee cannot hold a meeting without at least a majority of the members present.

4. The proceedings of the committee shall be decided by a majority of the members present, and in the case of a tie, the decision of the representative member shall be made.

(Regular meeting)

Article 9 Regular meetings shall be held at the committee to understand and examine the status of complaints consultation.

2 Regular meetings shall be convened by the representative committee members.

(Opening of meetings)

Article 10 According to the provisions of Article 31 of the Ordinance on Disclosure of Information Held by Yokohama City (Yokohama City Ordinance No. 1 of February 2000), meetings of the Committee shall be made public. However, with the consent of the committee members, part or all of the meeting may be kept private.

(Hearing of opinions, etc.)

Article 11 When a representative member finds it necessary for the operation of a committee meeting, he / she may request the attendance of related parties, listen to their opinions or explanations, and request the submission of materials and other necessary cooperation. .

(Obligations to keep secrets, etc.)

Article 12 Members shall not disclose secrets obtained in their duties. The same shall apply after resigning his duties.

2. Members and committees must pay attention to the protection of personal information in their duties.

(Dismissal of committee members)

Article 13 The mayor may dismiss the committee when the committee falls under any of the following.

(1)When it is deemed unbearable to perform duties due to physical or mental injury

(2)When it is deemed that there is a violation of duties or other delinquency that is not appropriate as a member of the committee

(Scope of complaints)

Article 14 Matters for which a complaint can be filed pursuant to this outline shall be related to welfare and health services. Provided, however, that those listed in the following items are excluded.

(1)Matters currently being disputed in the court and matters that have already been judged by the court.

(2)Items that have been processed according to this outline

(3)Matters that are being processed according to this outline and matters deemed substantially the same as those prescribed in the preceding item

(4)Matters in which the content of the complaint has passed one year or more from the date on which the fact that the claim occurred.

(5)Matters to be petitioned or petitioned to City Counsil

(6)Matters related to the duties of the Welfare Coordinator

(7)Matters related to medical practice and food and environmental hygiene

(8)Matters where the content of the complaint is false or that there is no other justifiable reason

(9)Matters for which professional judgment is made, such as administrative sanctions

(10)Matters related to personnel dispositions of staff, matters seeking liability for damages, and other matters deemed inappropriate to respond to complaints

(Scope of the Requester)

Article 15 A person who can file a complaint pursuant to this outline (hereinafter referred to as the “claimant”) shall be a person who falls under any of the following items.

(1)Users of welfare and health services or those who wish to use them (hereinafter referred to as "the person")

(2)Spouse of the person or relatives within the third degree (limited to cases where the committee finds that the person cannot file a complaint directly for unavoidable reasons)

(3)Others specifically recognized by the mayor

(A complaint)

Article 16 The petitioner shall make a complaint to the committee member by clearly stating the facts that cause the complaint in a complaint. Provided, however, that if it is not possible to make a written request, it may be made verbally. If the complaint is verbally filed, the required items shall be heard and a complaint shall be prepared.

(2) If a member finds it necessary for a complaint to be filed, he / she may request the petitioner to submit related materials such as documents proving his / her claim.

(3) If, after a complaint has been filed, it is found that the complaint is outside the scope of the complaint provided for in Article 14 of the Guidelines, a member may suspend the response to the complaint.

(Date of interviews with committee members, etc.)

Article 17 In principle, appointments shall be made by telephone or other means, and shall be accepted by the Health and Social Welfare Bureau Consultation and Coordination Division.

(Committee meeting place)

Article 18 Normally, it shall be conducted in the committee interview room.

2. If it is difficult to conduct a petition interview in the committee interview room due to reasonable reasons such as physical conditions, the petitioner shall visit the petitioner's home, etc. at the request of the petitioner.

(Investigation and Notification)

Article 19 When a complaint is filed pursuant to the provisions of Article 16, a committee member shall, for the competent department and the business providing welfare and health services (hereinafter referred to as the “jurisdiction section and business operator”) , Necessary investigations shall be conducted.

2 Jurisdiction departments and businesses requested to conduct investigations pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall cooperate with the committee's investigation.

(3) When a member conducts an investigation pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), he / she shall give his / her opinion to the result and notify the petitioner. In addition, a copy of the notice shall be sent to the relevant section and the company.

4. In principle, investigations shall be conducted by committee members. However, it does not prevent the secretariat staff from acting on behalf of the committee members.

5 Investigations shall be conducted by hearings, etc., after notifying the responsible section and businesses in advance.

(Application for improvement, etc.)

Article 20 As a result of an investigation pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, if a member finds that there is a reason for filing a complaint and that improvement is necessary for the welfare and health services pertaining to the complaint, the relevant section and business operator Can be requested to take measures such as improvement.

2 Jurisdiction departments and businesses that have received the application pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall endeavor to respect the application and respond accordingly.

(Investigation not based on filing, etc.)

Article 21 Even if there is no complaint, if the Committee finds it particularly necessary, it shall appoint a member in charge and obtain the necessary investigation with the competent department and business operator with the cooperation. Can be done. In addition, the result shall be notified to the relevant section and the company.

(2) The provisions of the preceding Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the case of conducting an investigation, etc. that does not comply with the petition set forth in the preceding paragraph.

(Confirmation of response status)

Article 22 The Committee may request the competent department and business operator to report, etc. in order to confirm the status of measures to be taken regarding the application of committee members pursuant to the provisions of Article 19 and the preceding Article.

2. The responsible section and business operators requested to report under the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall cooperate with the Committee to confirm the status of response.


The style of documents such as notices prescribed in Article 23 outline shall be as listed in the separate table.

(Proposal to the Mayor)

Article 24 The Committee may make proposals to the mayor with the consent of all members, especially when it is deemed necessary to take measures such as improvement regarding the welfare and health service system regarding complaints.

When 2 mayors receive proposal by rule of the preceding paragraph, they shall respect the proposal.


Article 25 The secretariat of the Committee shall be assigned to the Health and Social Welfare Bureau General Affairs Department Coordinating Section and Child and Youth Bureau General Affairs Department Planning and Coordination Section to handle general affairs and other matters.


Article 26 In addition to what is provided for in this outline, necessary matters concerning the operation of the committee shall be determined by the representative committee in consultation with the committee.

Supplementary Provisions

(Effective Date)

(1) This outline shall come into effect on April 1, 2012.

(Transitional measures)

(2) The term of a member appointed first pursuant to the provisions of Article 5, Paragraph 1 after the enforcement of this summary shall be from the date of enforcement of this summary to March 31, 2013, regardless of the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the same Article. I do.

3 The meeting of the first committee after the enforcement of this summary shall be convened by the mayor regardless of the provisions of Article 8, Paragraph 1.

Supplementary Provisions

This outline shall come into effect on April 1, 2016.

Supplementary Provisions

This outline shall come into effect on May 16, 2018.

Supplementary Provisions

(Effective Date)

(1) This outline shall come into effect on May 1, 2019.

(Transitional measures)

2 At the time of enforcement of this outline, the processing of cases that are currently in the process of approval is still the same as before.

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