Last updated on August 8, 2023.
The text is from here.
Proposals to the Mayor
2015 Recommendations (PDF: 208KB)
"Improving the Effectiveness of the Act on the Prevention of Abuse of Persons with Disabilities"
Recommendations for FY2002 (PDF: 18KB)
"Risk Management in Welfare Services"
Recommendations for FY2000 (PDF: 15KB)
"Reinforcement of functions of mother and child life support facilities"
1999 Recommendations (PDF: 18KB)
“Towards the Early Elimination of Nursery School Reservation elementary school student”
1998 Recommendations (PDF: 15KB)
"Development of guidelines for the protection of human rights of welfare facility users"
1997 Recommendations (PDF: 11KB)
About "enhancement of bathing service business such as elderly people"
1996 Recommendations (PDF: 13KB)
"About thorough awareness of citizens of the Yokohama City Home Handicapped Allowance System and improvement of procedures"
1995 Recommendations (PDF: 13KB)
"About support costs for unlicensed childcare facilities"
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