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Services available in the Mental Handicapped Health and Welfare Handbook

Introducing the services available in the Health and Welfare Handbook for the Mentally Handicapped. Please check the contents and conditions of the service from the linked website for details.

Last updated on April 26, 2024.

Support for living at home

Contact collection and oversized garbage take-out collection
・We collect garbage directly from the site of the target person's house and the entrance. (Contact collection)
・Collect oversized garbage by entering the premises or indoors of the target person's house. (collected by oversized garbage)

Daily life tools and assistive devices

Payment of daily life equipment
・For those with severe disabilities, we will provide the necessary tools to spend your daily life smoothly.
Subsidies for the purchase cost of training and assistance equipment
・We support two-thirds of the cost of purchasing equipment etc.


Application for UR rental housing
・There is a preferential entry when applying for rental housing (UR rental housing) of the UR City Organization.
Preferential access to municipal and Prefecture Housing
・There is an incentive to move in when applying for a municipal or Prefecture Housing.

Services that support going out

Guide help (movement support)
・If you have difficulty moving outdoors, a helper will accompany you.
Support for outings by guide volunteers
・If you have difficulty moving outdoors, you can use a guide volunteer companion to go out.
Issuance of special welfare tickets
・Route buses operating in the city (including some out-of-city sections. Free of charge when using late-night express buses and express buses), municipal subways (all lines) and Kanazawa Seaside Line (all lines). In order to receive the grant, a user burden of 1,200 yen per year (600 yen per year for children under 20 years old) is required.
Taxi fare discount
・Taxi fare discounts are provided by taxi operators, with a 10% discount on fares. Not all taxis can be used, so check with the crew before boarding.
Issuance of welfare taxi tickets
・We will issue a welfare taxi ticket that subsidizes up to 500 yen per ticket. Up to 7 welfare taxi tickets can be used for each ride.
Domestic airfare discounts (some airlines have not been implemented) 
Issuance of automobile fuel tickets for persons with disabilities
・In order to subsidize the fuel cost of private cars (excluding motorcycles) owned by persons with disabilities or their families, we will issue a car fuel ticket for persons with disabilities that subsidizes 1,000 yen per sheet.
Subsidy for obtaining a driver's license
・When obtaining a license at a driving school designated by each prefectural public safety committee, we will support two-thirds of the cost required for skill training. However, the grant amount is within 100,000 yen.
Discount on car parking lots (Click here for municipal underground parking lots)
・Parking fees are discounted at six municipal parking lots in the city.
Exemption from bicycle parking fees
・The fee for rearranging paid bicycle parking lots run by Yokohama City is exempted.
Designation of vehicles that are exempt from parking prohibition
・If you post a parking prohibition exclusion designated vehicle mark issued by Public Safety Commission, you can park in a parking prohibited area (excluding statutory prohibited areas, parking prohibited areas, etc.) unless it interferes with other traffic.

Medical care

Grants from medical expenses for severely disabled people
・When we receive medical treatment in hospitals, we support a part of insurance medical treatment. (Excluding hospitalization fees)
Medical system for elder senior citizens (outside site)
・It is a medical insurance system for those 75 years or older, but those who meet the conditions can receive medical benefits by receiving the certification of the Kanagawa Prefecture Elderly Medical Care Wide Area Alliance.

Benefits, pension, etc., loans

Taxes, utilities, etc.

Inquiries to this page

Health and Social Welfare Bureau Kokoro Health Consultation Center (Please contact each office for details of the service)

Phone: 045-671-4455

Phone: 045-671-4455

Fax: 045-662-3525

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Page ID: 423-349-433


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