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Introduction of Senior Nurses

Last updated on July 22, 2024.

Introduction of Specialists

In a specific nursing field, we conduct high-level nursing practice using skilled nursing skills and knowledge. We strive to expand and improve the quality of nursing care while fulfilling the three roles of practice, guidance, and consultation at the nursing site.

A certified nurse for stroke rehabilitation nursing

➀Why did you decide to become a certified nurse?

Although I was not good at stroke nursing, I felt rewarding that nurses and family members actively involved and expanded ADL in the process of recovering patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Also, while teaching juniors, I was wondering, "Is this correct?" At that time, with the support of my boss at that time, I wanted to gain specialized knowledge and expand the range of nursing, so I decided to acquire qualifications.


We regard all situations as "rehabilitation" in hospital life, and we are walking with patients with the goal of functional recovery and various actions in daily life leading to home support. I am working as a member of the urination care team. Lectures at nursing schools and lectures on preventive lectures for citizens are also provided. 

➂Special skills

Support body mechanics To share joy without missing small ADL enlargement of patients with transfer behavior independence.

A certified nurse for stroke rehabilitation nursing

➀Why did you decide to become a certified nurse?

I started working at a specialty hospital for stroke and wanted to learn the knowledge and skills that could be considered together in order to return to life including the remaining functions of stroke patients and their families, and became a certified nurse I aimed.


We provide consultation and guidance on stroke rehabilitation nursing. We also participate in lectures in hospitals, preventive lectures for citizens, and urinary care teams.

➂Special skills

Positioning Early Leave

Dementia nursing certified nurse

➀Why did you decide to become a certified nurse?

When I became a nurse, I wanted to become a certified nurse and deeply understand nursing because it could be in any field someday. In addition, by accumulating experience, I became more aware that it is important to have knowledge that can be assessed from various perspectives, and to verbalize experience and nursing and improve team strength. Based on these facts, for the aging society, we believe that it is necessary to understand people and protect and respect the lives of people with dementia and their families, and certified nurses for self-improvement I got a qualification.


It is important to relieve problems by speaking on behalf of people with dementia, to create an environment where people can live like that person, and to consider health management. We also give lectures outside the hospital, paying attention to the thoughts of the family members who care for them.

➂Special skills

In conversations with patients and family members, I listen to them so that they can bring out their personality. I pay attention to the patient's "what I can do".

Nursing certified nurse for eating and swallowing disorders

➀Why did you decide to become a certified nurse?

A patient from Neurology incurable disease, who was in charge of his third year, had reduced the function of oral intake and led him to discharge from home by teaching me tube feeding with nasal gastric tubes. After a while, when a pressure ulcer was formed and was re-entered, I learned that I was secretly eating ice at home. At that time, I regretted that I might have been able to eat it, but I have taken away the possibility.


While concurrently serving as the Education Section of the Nursing Department, I go to the bedside and look at the patient. We also support juniors' eating and swallowing nurses, certified nurses who have just acquired qualifications, and nurses who are aiming to acquire qualifications. We also use the experience and thoughts of certified nurses to create educational plans in the hospital. We also support students through the acceptance of clinical training and lectures at nursing schools. In cooperation with local people such as care plazas, we also give lectures to citizens.

➂Special skills

Neck stethopathy adjustment meal assistance (can be done with both hands) Talk skills that patients want to eat

Nursing certified nurse for eating and swallowing disorders

➀Why did you decide to become a certified nurse?

As I interacted with patients, I came to feel the fun and importance of eating. I wanted to get a qualification because there was a grounded relationship and a desire to gain confidence in myself.


We provide dietary intervention for people with dysphagia, guidance on tube feeding management, instructors (nursing schools and facilities, etc.), assistance to oral hygiene, introduction and support of OHAT-J, NST activities, attendance of swallowing imaging tests, family guidance before discharge, nutrition management-related support, etc.

③Special skills

Tooth brushing (mouth making for eating) Positioning People with dysnopathy Observation of Exutumn Care

Certified Intensive Care Nurses

➀Why did you decide to become a certified nurse?

When I was a new graduate, I was assigned to Lifesaving ICU. When I said, "I can walk with my whole body condition stable!", With a patient who couldn't walk with my pointed feet in front of me, I thought that the pointed feet were made by us . After that, I decided to work on acute rehabilitation nursing and changed jobs to our hospital. In continuing to be a nurse in the future, I wanted to study more about acute treatment and human reactions, and with the support of my boss at that time, I wanted to go on to school.


I am away from clinical practice and now I am working on medical safety. In promoting medical safety, learning at schools and activities in the field of intensive care are useful, such as treatment-related matters, patient biological responses, how to search and read literature. In addition, we provide on-site response and guidance in case of sudden in-hospital changes.

③Special skills

Respiratory management before wearing a respiratory tract Respiratory Medicine Reading physical assessment blood gas data on the hands and face of patients who are lying in bed.

Certified Intensive Care Nurses

➀Why did you decide to become a certified nurse?

As I was assigned to ICU and interacted with patients, I felt inconsistent with myself that I thought I was able to do something and myself that I thought I was still missing, and I was worried about changing jobs. I heard from a senior that I was qualified as a certified nurse, and I thought it was impossible for me, but I wanted to understand the patient's condition more in detail and learn more about what I did not know, with the support of my boss, I tried it. The goal is not to become a certified nurse, but I feel that the range of nursing that can be done by predicting what will happen in the future will expand. Having friends who have learned together all over Japan is irreplaceable for continuing nursing.


Currently, we are managing the ward. Although I was a little away from the place of practice, I try to check on-site whether the patient's breathing condition and safety aspects are maintained, and make the staff aware of the joy of nursing practice.

③Special skills

Management of high-flow oxygen administration in response to sudden changes blood collection and securing blood vessels

Certified Intensive Care Nurses

➀Why did you decide to become a certified nurse?

I was sometimes involved in the acute phase at a new hospital where I joined. After that, there was a time when I went to university once and moved away from medical care. Again, as I got a job in Yokohama as a nurse and gained experience with convalescent rehabilitation wards, SCUs, and emergency wards, I wanted to learn more about acute treatment and intensive care.


We are in-hospital training for BLS and ICLS, and work in cooperation with doctors who serve as directors. I also play a role as a teacher and a leader at ICU. Utilizing the remote ICU system, we work with doctors and nurses specializing in intensive care in Yokohama City University Hospital to practice nursing.

③Special skills

Through experience in many departments, we have built a face-to-face relationship. Based on that experience, there should be a reputation for collaboration between other occupations.…?

Infection management certified nurse

➀Why did you decide to become a certified nurse?

In the past, when I was assigned to the Medical Safety Management Office, I felt "difficult" about infection control and was not very interested in it. However, while continuing to be involved in infection management, "I want to be able to understand a little more about the conversation between doctors and pharmacists with ICT (Infection Control Team)", "Nurses will play a central role in implementing infection control. I want to be able to do it, "and with the support of my boss.


The Management Committee of the Nursing Department is working on infection control. In addition to conducting examinations, practices, evaluations, etc. with the committee members, we also provide consultation. ICT holds meetings and rounds on the treatment of patients with infectious diseases and infection control. We conduct SSI (Surgery Site Infection) surveillance and are examining measures to prevent infection with certified nurses for surgical nursing. We give lectures on infection control both inside and outside the hospital, and also support infection control at other facilities.

③Special skills

Improvement of nursing environment related to COVID-19 zoning

Surgery nursing certified nurse

"We have an operation interview before hospitalization and support patients so that they can perform surgery with peace of mind."

Surgery nursing certified nurse / specific act

➀Why did you decide to become a certified nurse?

When I was working at ICU before, I saw seniors who became certified nurses, and I came to want to improve my career with goals. After that, the living environment changed, and I reconsidered my career. I was transferred to the operating room and wanted to deepen my understanding of perioperative nursing. Anesthesiologist recommended specific actions related to anesthesia management, and thought that he could clarify the grounds for nursing he practiced, and aim to acquire new skills.


[Surgery nursing]
・Implementation of study sessions related to perioperative nursing
・Adjustment and preparation of procedures for newly introduced surgical instruments
・Collaboration with perioperative departments
・Coordination of the educational system within the department
[Specific Acts]
・Anesthesia management assistant: Radial artery line, etc.
・Respiratory management support in RST: Changes in the setting of invasive positive pressure ventilation, withdrawal of respirators, etc.
・Participation in RST Round
・Artificial airway management
・Conduct study sessions related to specific actions

③Special skills

・You can insert a peripheral vein line or bladder storage catheter using either hand.
・The skin coating agent can be arranged according to the patient to prevent skin damage caused by the intraoperative position.
・Arrange the wiring in the surgical room (I don't fall on my feet! It looks beautiful!
・In anesthesia, about 70% of what anesthesiologist thinks.

Peripheral anesthesia nurse

Image of a perennial nurse

➀Why did you decide to become a peripheral anesthesia nurse?

As I accumulated my experience, I wanted to acquire even more advanced knowledge and skills, and I was thinking about going to graduate school, and talked about training nurses during peripheral anesthesia. In addition to being able to enter graduate school, it was a field where I could make use of my experience from my first year of nurse, so I took on the challenge.


 ・Anesthesia assistance service
 ・Postoperative pain management team related
 ・Department study sessions (related to the anesthesia period)

③Special skills

 ・I love talking to patients (although it's been a long time), so I can gather a lot of information from patients.
 ・I have acquired the knowledge and skills necessary for perioperative surgery.
 ・It has become better to secure the infusion route.

Inquiries to this page

Yokohama City Apolexy and Spinal Nerves Center Nursing Department

Phone: 045-753-2500 (Representative)

Phone: 045-753-2500 (Representative)

Fax: 045-753-2859

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