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Subsidies for Medical Expenses for Pediatric Treatment

Last updated on September 11, 2024.


[From August 2024] Medical Certificate for infant, Yokohama, has a card size.

In line with the renewal of Medical Certificate for infant in August 2024, the size of Medical Certificate will be changed to an easy-to-carry card size (same size as credit cards).
In addition, the renewal period for those over one year will be changed from August every year to October every other year.
For children aged 0 to 3rd grade who have Medical Certificate as of June 22, 2024, we will send a new Medical Certificate in late July 2024.
※From the beginning, a card size Medical Certificate will be issued to children whose new Medical Certificate will be issued at the counter after Monday, June 24, 2024 due to child birth and transfer.

Card flyer

For flyer download (PDF: 854KB)

Changes due to card size
Medical Certificate for infantOldNew

Passport size

Postcard size

Credit card size

Card size


Those who have Medical Certificate as of Saturday, June 22

Until July 31

Please use it from August 1st.

Those who will receive a new Medical Certificate after Monday, June 24

It can be used from the date of delivery.

1 year old~
Renewal of third-year junior high school students

Date of renewalAugust 1 of each yearEvery other year (even years) October 1
Effective date1 year2 years

※For 2024, due to the renewal time change, the validity period will be two years and two months from August 1, 2024 to September 30, 2026.
※The renewal of the 0-year-old remains unchanged on the 1st of the month following the 1st birthday month (the 1st birthday is the 1st of the birth month).
※As there is no change in the public expenditure payer number or recipient number, both the old and new Medical Certificate are valid within the validity period.

[From August 2023] I have lost income restrictions up to the third grade of junior high school.

From August 2023, we have eliminated income restrictions and window burdens up to 500 yen at a time paid at the time of going to the hospital so that all children up to the third grade of junior high school can consult a medical institution with peace of mind. .
※Non-insurance benefits, such as hospitalization differential bed charges, document fees, physical checkup, and selected medical expenses, are not eligible for subsidies after August.
For details on the expansion of the system, please refer to "[Subsidies for Medical Expenses for Pediatric Treatment System] We have eliminated income restrictions from August 2023 to third-year junior high school students."

To Medical Institutions

What is Subsidies for Medical Expenses for Pediatric Treatment?

This is a system for subsidizing insurance medical treatment when a child who has a Address in Yokohama and joins employee health insurance consults a medical institution due to illness or injury. (Those that are not covered by insurance benefits, such as hospitalization differential bed charges, document fees, physical checkup, and selected medical expenses, are not eligible for the subsidy.)

Targets and scope of Subsidies for Medical Expenses for Pediatric Treatment (from August 1, 2023)
Age 0 years old to 3rd grade junior high school
Grants Hospitalization and hospital visits
Subject expenses Out-of-pocket expenses for insurance medical treatment
Details of the grant Full grant

If not subject to Subsidies for Medical Expenses for Pediatric Treatment

  • If you are receiving other medical expenses grants (such as medical expenses grants for severely disabled people, medical expenses grants for single-parent families, etc.)
  • If you are receiving welfare
  • Measures based on the Child Welfare Law When receiving medical treatment, etc.

Application method of Subsidies for Medical Expenses for Pediatric Treatment (grant, refund, transfer)

We can apply for grant, refund, transfer application in common from "Yokohama-shi child care support site Pamatoko".
You can apply 24 hours a day from your smartphone or PC.
You can access the application site from the link below.
Grant application (outside site)
Transfer application (outside site)
Application for refund (outside site)
We will review the application based on the application and issue the Medical Certificate of Subsidies for Medical Expenses for Pediatric Treatment and refund the medical expenses.
※ To apply, you need to register your account in advance on the site. 
※ Before applying, please check the notes at the time of application on the above page before applying.
※ If you wish to apply by mail, please fill out the application form with required items and submit it to your ward office Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section Payment Section.
 In addition, you can apply directly at the counter.

Application for grant of Medical Certificate for infant

Required to apply for Medical Certificate for infant grant

Required to apply for Medical Certificate for infant grant
TargetsWhat I needExplanation
All requiredMedical Certificate for infant Grant Application Form (and Consent Form) Transfer of Child Medical Subjects registration form (PDF: 322KB)Please download the form from the left and fill in the form referring to the description example. It is also available at the counter.
You can confirm your child's health insurance card or the contents of employee health insurance (such as "certificate of qualification", "notice of qualification information")In the case of mailing, please enclose a copy.
Only applicable personsIf the applicant's (guardian) resident registration place is outside Yokohama CityCopy of identity verification documents (Subsidies for Medical Expenses for Pediatric Treatment identity verification mount (PDF: 423KB))If the resident registration place of the applicant (guardian) is outside Yokohama City, it is necessary to have the personal number (My Number) listed on the registration form, such as the transfer of child medical care recipients (Medical Certificate for infant grant application form and consent form). In that case, please attach a copy of your identity verification documents to the Subsidies for Medical Expenses for Pediatric Treatment identity verification mount (PDF: 423KB) and submit it.

How to use Medical Certificate for infant

When going to a medical institution in Kanagawa Prefecture

Please present your Medical Certificate for infant and your health insurance card at the window of the medical institution. The co-payment for insurance medical treatment will be subsidized.
※Medical institutions in the prefecture that do not handle medical treatment under this system cannot use Medical Certificate for infant.

When Medical Certificate for infant cannot be used

In the following cases, you will need to pay the co-payment at the medical institution, etc., but you will be refunded at a later date by applying to the ward office Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section Benefits Section.

  • When consulting at a medical institution outside Kanagawa Prefecture
  • When consulting at a medical institution that does not handle medical treatment under this system in Kanagawa Prefecture
  • Those who are members of the National Health Insurance Association outside Kanagawa Prefecture (excluding the National Construction Industry National Health Insurance Association and the National Civil Engineering and Construction National Health Insurance Association) (those who have a Medical Certificate for infant dedicated to redemption payment)

Medical Certificate for infant update

The update is an automatic update, so there is no need to complete the procedure. I'll send you a new Medical Certificate by the last day of the expiration date.
If you do not receive the new expiration date of Medical Certificate by the last day, please contact Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section Benefits Officer in your district.
The renewal time differs between 0 years old and 1 year old to 3rd year junior high school students as follows.

Date of renewal

0-year-old child

On the first day of the month following the month of your birthday
※The first day of birth is the first day of birth month
※Renewal after the age of one is October 1, so the first renewal certificate for the age of one is valid until September 30 of even years.

Children from 1 year old to 3rd year junior high school

Every other year (even years) October 1

Application for payment (refund) by medical expenses

If you do not use the Medical Certificate for infant at a medical institution and pay the copayment amount, please apply to the medical expensesInsurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section Payment Section.
It will be refunded in about 3 months. (It will take more time if there are inadequate documents or insurance benefits.)

Precautions (* Please be sure to check before applying.)

About receipt

Please submit a receipt for at least one month and apply within one year from the month following the medical treatment.

Application deadline

Please note that it is statute of limitations in five years from next month 1st of the consultation month and cannot apply.

If medical expenses is expensive

If the medical expenses paid by a medical institution exceeds the co-payment limit in one month, there is a high medical costs system that provides the excess amount.
Apart from high medical costs, there are additional benefits that are paid if the amount specified by the health insurance union, etc. is exceeded.
If a large amount of medical expenses or additional benefits are provided by the health insurance union, etc., Subsidies for Medical Expenses for Pediatric Treatment will be provided excluding that amount.
Please receive high medical costs and additional benefits from the health insurance union you have joined earlier and receive a notice of payment decision before applying for payment of Subsidies for Medical Expenses for Pediatric Treatment.
Since the standard of payment and the application method vary depending on the health insurance union, etc., please check with the participating health insurance union.
Person who has taken out Yokohama-shi National Health Insurance, please confirm "high medical expenses payment system".

If you are unable to show your health insurance card for unavoidable reasons and have paid 100% in full.                       When a treatment device such as a pediatric amblyopia treatment glasses or corset is made at the direction of a doctor.

It is necessary to apply for the payment of medical expenses (70% or 80% of medical expenses's health insurance burden) to the health insurance union you have joined earlier (insurance coverage). The application method differs depending on the health insurance union, etc., so please check with the health insurance union, etc. that you have joined.
If you are a member of Yokohama City National Health Insurance, please check "Payment of medical expenses".
Please apply for Subsidies for Medical Expenses for Pediatric Treatment's payment after receiving the medical expenses and receiving the payment decision letter.

Required to apply for a refund

Required to apply for a refund
TargetsWhat I needExplanation
All required

Child medical expenses supply application (PDF: 1,415KB)
Child medical expenses Application Form (Excel: 334KB)

Please download the form from the left and fill in the form referring to the description example. It is also available at the counter.
Medical Certificate for infantIn the case of mailing, please enclose a copy.
You can confirm your child's health insurance card or the contents of employee health insurance (such as "certificate of qualification", "notice of qualification information")In the case of mailing, please enclose a copy.
Original receipt

Patient name, total number of insurance medical treatment, medical treatment period, receipt amount, medical institution name.
If you submit the original receipt to the health insurance union, you can also copy it.

Bankbook or cash card of the financial institution to which the transfer is madeIn the case of mailing, please enclose a copy of the place where the transfer destination is known.

It is
A person

When transferring to an account other than the applicant (guardian)seal of the delegate (applicant) in the power of attorney column of the application formkiller whale is not allowed.
If medical expenses is expensivehigh medical costs, Notice of Payment Decision of Additional Benefits

Please be sure to check the notes before applying.

If you are unable to show your health insurance card for unavoidable reasons and have paid 100% in full

Notification of medical expenses payment decisionPlease be sure to check the notes before applying.
When a treatment device such as a pediatric amblyopia treatment glasses or corset is made at the direction of a doctor.

Doctor's instructions

A copy (copy) is also acceptable when submitting the original to the health insurance union.
Notification of medical expenses payment decisionPlease be sure to check the notes before applying.

※Please note that only a person of 1 pertinence cannot use the electronic application when there is necessary submission of documents.

Other Notifications

In the following cases, it is necessary to notify the ward office Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section Benefits Section.

  • When employee health insurance has changed
  • Address, when your name changes
  • When Medical Certificate is lost or soiled
  • When receiving other medical expenses subsidy programs (the medical expenses subsidy program for severely disabled people, the medical expenses subsidy program for single-parent families, etc.)
  • When receiving social security
  • When using Medical Certificate due to traffic accidents, etc.
  • When a parent changes due to marriage, divorce, etc.
  • When the parent and spouse who mainly maintain their livelihood changes.

For more information, please contact your ward office Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section Payment Section.

Necessary items for notification

Other necessary items for notification
TargetsWhat I needExplanation

Member of the Board

Medical Certificate for infant Grant Application Form (and Consent Form) Transfer of Child Medical Subjects registration form (PDF: 442KB)Please download the form from the left and fill in the form referring to the description example. It is also available at the counter.
Medical Certificate for infant

In the case of mailing, please enclose a copy. You don't need it if you lose Medical Certificate.

You can confirm your child's health insurance card or the contents of employee health insurance (such as "certificate of qualification", "notice of qualification information")In the case of mailing, please enclose a copy.

※If you move out of the city, you will not be able to use Medical Certificate, so please be sure to notify us.
※If you go to a medical institution using Medical Certificate after you lose your qualification due to a transfer, etc., you will be required to refund the amount you received. Please contact the Health and Social Welfare Bureau Medical Aid Division for procedures.

About injuries at schools, etc.

medical expenses and others are provided for injuries to elementary school student students under the management of elementary and junior high schools in Yokohama City.
If you are injured under school management, please pay medical expenses's co-payment (20% before elementary school and 30% for first-year elementary school students) without using Medical Certificate for infant.

If you are not eligible for the “Independent Administrative Japan Sports Promotion Center Disaster Mutual Aid Benefit Program” (for example, if you do not reach the prescribed amount), you will be required to apply for the above refund, and medical expenses will refund your co-payment.

Contact information

To Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section, the ward office where you live.
Ward TEL FAX Location
Tsurumi Ward 045-510-1810~11 045-510-1898 〒230-0051 3-20-1, Tsurumichuo, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama-shi
Kanagawa Ward 045-411-7126 045-322-1979 〒221-0824 3-8, Hirodaiotamachi, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi
Nishi Ward 045-320-8427~28 045-322-2183 〒220-0051 1-5-10, Chuo, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi
Naka Ward 045-224-8317~18 045-224-8309 〒231-0021 35, Nihonodori, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi
Minami Ward 045-341-1128 045-341-1131 〒232-0024 2-33, Urafunecho, Minami-ku, Yokohama-shi
Konan Ward 045-847-8423 045-845-8413 〒233-0003 4-2-10, Kounan, Kounan-ku, Yokohama-shi
Hodogaya Ward 045-334-6338 045-334-6334 〒240-0001 2-9, Kawabecho, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama-shi
Asahi Ward 045-954-6138 045-954-5784 〒241-0022 1-4-12, Tsurugamine, Asahi-ku, Yokohama-shi
Isogo Ward 045-750-2428 045-750-2545 〒235-0016 3-5-1, Isogo, Isogo-ku, Yokohama-shi
Kanazawa Ward 045-788-7838 045-788-0328 〒236-0021 2-9-1, Deiki, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama-shi
Kohoku Ward 045-540-2351 045-540-2355 〒222-0032 26-1, Mamedocho, Kouhoku-ku, Yokohama-shi
Midori Ward 045-930-2344 045-930-2347 〒226-0013 118, Terayamacho, Midori-ku, Yokohama-shi
Aoba Ward 045-978-2337 045-978-2417 〒225-0024 31-4, Ichigaocho, Aoba-ku, Yokohama-shi
Tsuzuki Ward   045-948-2336~37 045-948-2339 〒224-0032 32-1, Chigasakichuo, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama-shi
Izumi Ward 045-800-2427 045-800-2512 〒245-0024 5-1-1, Izumichuokita, Izumi-ku, Yokohama-shi
Sakae Ward 045-894-8426 045-895-0115 〒247-0005 303-19, Katsuracho, Sakae-ku, Yokohama-shi
Totsuka Ward 045-866-8450 045-871-5809 〒244-0003 16-17, Totsukacho, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama-shi
Seya Ward 045-367-5727~28 045-362-2420 〒246-0021 190, Futatsubashicho, Seya-ku, Yokohama-shi

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Inquiries to this page

Medical Aid Division, Ministry of Life and Welfare, Health and Social Welfare Bureau

Phone: 045-671-4115

Phone: 045-671-4115

Fax: 045-664-0403

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 466-099-460


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