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Member of Yokohama-shi health activity promotion

Last updated on December 23, 2024.

What is a health activity promotion member?

Member of Yokohama-shi health activity promotion is leader of local health promotion.
More than 3,600 people commissioned by the mayor, recommended by Neighborhood Associations Neighborhood Association, etc., are working with the ward office to promote community health.
We carry out various activities as a promoter in the area of the Yokohama citizen's health promotion plan "Healthy Yokohama 21".
In this page, we mainly introduce the activities of the Yokohama City Health Activity Promotion Committee. Please refer to each ward office Health and Welfare Division about activity in each ward.

Term of office

2 years (can be reappointed)

Requirements for recommendation

 The mayor commissions a person (Yokohama citizen) who meets the following requirements and is recommended by Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations.

  1. Those who are interested in health promotion and are willing to carry out health promotion activities in the community
  2. Those who can work throughout the term of office of 2 years
  3. Those who can work independently in cooperation with various local organizations, institutions and residents
  4. Those who can actively participate in health promotion-related businesses implemented by Health and Welfare Center
  5. In principle, those under the age of 78 as of April 1 of the year to which the commission date belongs

What kind of activities are you doing?

Health activity promotion members are mainly active in ward units (18 wards in the city) and district units (254 districts in the city).

Health activities that meet local needs

 To promote health in the community, we are working with the government to promote health promotion (lifestyle-related diseases prevention, etc.) workshops and promote awareness of tobacco control.

Support for local child-rearing groups

 We support local "baby classrooms" and "child care salons" together with the government and related organizations so that child care can be done with peace of mind.

Support for the elderly in the community

 In order for the elderly to continue living with peace of mind, we carry out visiting activities for the elderly in cooperation with various organizations.

Cooperation with Health and Welfare Center's business

 We promote the dissemination and dissemination of information on projects and health promotion conducted by Health and Welfare Center (distribution of each household through educational booklets), local walking events, and cooperation in health promotion projects conducted by Health and Welfare Center.

Other hygiene activities

 In addition, in order to maintain a clean and healthy local environment, we conduct awareness-raising activities for the control of sanitary pests (mosquitoes and cockroaches), awareness-raising activities for dogs and cats, and cleaning activities.

What is the frequency of activities of health activity promotion members?

The frequency and schedule of activities vary depending on each ward, but we are making various efforts so that we can be interested in activities and participate happily.

For those who have difficulty taking time during the day due to work or nursing care, etc., we are calling for activities as much as possible, such as purchasing necessary items and participating only in the establishment of events, so those who are working can also work without difficulty It has become.

For more information, please refer to "What is "What?" (Excerpt from news from member of health activity promotion 46th) (PDF: 2,202KB).

Number of promotion members for each ward (as of February 1, 2024)

More than 3,600 health activity promotion staff are active throughout Yokohama City.

Number of promotion members for each ward
WardNumber of Promotion MembersWardNumber of Promotion Members
Tsurumi Ward289Kanazawa Ward216
Kanagawa Ward195Kohoku Ward418
Nishi Ward92Midori Ward196
Naka Ward105Aoba Ward241
Minami Ward264Tsuzuki Ward  128
Konan Ward159Totsuka Ward240
Hodogaya Ward221Sakae Ward96
Asahi Ward322Izumi Ward176
Isogo Ward150Seya Ward153

About details of activity (reference of each ward office)

Activities of the Yokohama City Health Activity Promotion Committee

Health Activity Promotion Staff Long-Term Service Award Ceremony

 As a member of the Yokohama City Health Activity Promotion Team, we express our gratitude for their contribution to community health promotion activities for many years, and hold a long-term service award ceremony. In addition to the award ceremony, lectures are also held for the purpose of sharing information among health activity promotion staff and developing human resources.
 In fiscal 2023, 290 health promotion staff members (including 230 10-year service awards, 39 20-year service awards, and 21 30-year service awards) were awarded.

2023 Yokohama City Health Activity Promotion Member Long-Term Service Award Ceremony
Date and timeFrom 13:30 to 15:45 on Tuesday, August 22, 2023
VenueYokohama City Cultural Center Kannnai Hall Great Hall

Health Activity Promotion Committee General Workshop

 For the purpose of learning the activity examples of each ward health activity promotion member's association and correct knowledge about health promotion, we hold a training session for all health activity promotion members jointly in the 18 wards.

2023 Health Activity Promotion Staff Whole Workshop
Date and timeFrom 13:00 to 15:00 on Thursday, November 9, 2023
VenueYokohama City Cultural Center Kannnai Hall Great Hall

News from health activity promotion staff (a newsletter)

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Inquiries to this page

Health Promotion Division, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Health Promotion Department

Phone: 045-671-2454

Phone: 045-671-2454

Fax: 045-663-4469

E-Mail address [email protected]

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