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Support for single-parent families

Last updated on September 30, 2023.

Target person

The following people can enter the mother and child life support facility.

  1. Mothers, elementary school student under the age of 18, and similar households.
  2. If elementary school student's growing environment lacks welfare, such as difficulties in raising children alone and poor relationships with the living together family.


  • With the goal of stabilizing and improving the lives of mother-child families and fostering healthy elementary school student, we live in independent living rooms for each household so that both mothers and children can live a bright and enjoyable life. In addition, we provide advice and guidance in response to consultations from mothers and provide childcare and learning guidance in elementary school student as necessary. The maternal and child life support facility has a facility manager, a mother and child (life) instructor, a boy instructor, a nursery mother, a part-time doctor, etc., and takes care of the mother and child from a professional standpoint.
  • Emergency temporary protection business
    Mothers and children who need urgent protection are temporarily admitted to the mother and child life support facility and provide necessary protection, consultation, guidance, etc.


Children and Families Support Division Children's Family Support Section (first consultation: 14th floor on the first floor)
Telephone 045-540-2320
FAX 045ー540-2426

Overview of System

To the City of Yokohama, Child and Youth Bureau page


Children and Families Support Division Children's Family Support Section (first consultation: 14th floor on the first floor)
Telephone 045-540-2320
FAX 045-540-2426

Overview of System

For more information, please visit the Child Raising Allowance page.


Children and Families Support Division Children's Family Support Section (first consultation: 14th floor on the first floor)
Telephone 045-540-2320
FAX 045-540-2426

Overview of System

To the City of Yokohama, Child and Youth Bureau page


Children and Families Support Division: 14th floor on the first floor
Telephone 045-540-2340
FAX 045-540-2426

Overview of System

To the City of Yokohama, Child and Youth Bureau page


Children and Families Support Division: 14th floor on the first floor
Telephone 045-540-2340
FAX 045-540-2426

Overview of System

To the City of Yokohama, Health and Social Welfare Bureau page


Insurance & Pension Section Window 26 on the 2nd floor
Telephone 045-540-2351

To the page of City of Yokohama, Child and Youth Bureau Single Parent Family

Inquiries to this page

Kohoku Ward Health and Welfare Center Children and Families Support Division

Phone: 045-540-2340

Phone: 045-540-2340

Fax: 045-540-3026

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 565-552-297

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