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Health and Welfare Center's business

Last updated on October 31, 2024.

In Yokohama City, we have established Health and Welfare Center in each ward to provide integrated services from consultation on welfare and health to provision of services.
Health and Welfare Center deals with a variety of topics ranging from welfare, health and hygiene to insurance pension.
Health and Welfare Center in Kohoku Ward is located in the Kohoku Ward General Government Building.

→Information on each section in Health and Welfare Center

Information by Purpose

Links to Health and Welfare Center

This is a collection of links to organizations and organizations related to the business of Health and Welfare Center.
Click the link name to display the linked homepage.
Please note that inquiries regarding linked information will not be accepted at this center.

Business-related Links
Yokohama City Japan National Council of Social Welfare (outside site)

It is a private organization that develops various activities centered on community-based welfare activities together with residents, public and private welfare officials and organizations in order to realize "a safe living in a community where everyone is accustomed to living."
Based on Article 109 of the Social Welfare Law, it is organized in Yokohama City for the purpose of promoting social welfare.

Japan National Council of Social Welfare (outside site)

It is a private organization that develops various activities centered on community-based welfare activities together with residents, public and private welfare officials and organizations in order to realize "a safe living in a community where everyone is accustomed to living."
Based on Article 109 of the Social Welfare Law, it is organized in Kohoku Ward to promote social welfare.

Guardian support organization Yokohama Life Security Center (outside site)We accept consultation about right protection of elderly person living in the city and people with disabilities.
Welfare and Health Training Exchange Center Wiling Yokohama (outside site)We develop welfare and health personnel through training, information provision, and welfare programs.
Yokohama City Volunteer Center (outside site)We collect and provide useful information for those who want to volunteer or recruit volunteers.
Kanagawa welfare information community (outside site)We provide the latest information on designated businesses and facilities available in The Long-term Care Insurance in Kanagawa Prefecture.
Japan Organ Transplant Network (outside site)We provide information on the significance and methods of organ transplantation.
You can also apply for an organ donation intention display card.
Japan Bone Marrow Bank (outside site)Provides information on the significance of bone marrow transplantation and how to register with bone marrow banks.
Kanagawa Red Cross Blood Center (outside site)We provide information on the significance of blood donation and how to cooperate with blood donation.
Yokohama City General Health and Medical Center (outside site)This comprehensive health and medical facility consists of the The Long-term Care Insurance department, the medical department, and the rehabilitation training department.
Yokohama City Sports Medical Science Center (outside site)It is a facility that supports the health and physical strength of citizens from a medical and scientific perspective. It can be used not only for athletes.

Inquiries to this page

Kohoku Ward Health and Welfare Center Health and Welfare Division

Phone: 045-540-2338

Phone: 045-540-2338

Fax: 045-540-2368

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 806-184-534

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