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About work certificate to submit to Yokohama-shi

Last updated on January 27, 2025.

We will guide you how to fill out when an employee is requested to create a “work certificate” to be used for entering a nursery school.
When creating a work certificate to be submitted to Yokohama City, be sure to check this page before creating it.

Please use the style of the year when you enter a nursery school.

Style of 2025

To the employer, etc. listed

  • Please be sure to check the description example before writing.
  • Yokohama City may contact you about the details.
  • The submitted certificate cannot be returned, so if there is any omission, please submit it again through the applicant.
  • When making corrections, please erase them with a double line. Correction fluids and disappearing ballpoint pens cannot be used.

Please pay special attention to the description.

Employment (planned) period, etc. (No.3)
  • Even in the case of permanent employment, be sure to indicate the beginning of the period (start of employment) as it is necessary.
  • If you are continuing to renew for fixed-term employment, please indicate the first contract start date.
  • If you are planning to start working as soon as you enter a nursery school and cannot enter the employment start date, please indicate so in the "Remarks column (No. 18)".
Working hours (No.6)
  • Please indicate the number of working days and working hours based on the employment contract, not the actual results.
  • Be sure to indicate the total time and number of working days for use in daycare centers, etc.
  • If the number of days and hours have been changed due to the use of the reduced working hours system, indicate the number of days and hours before the change, and change to "Whether or not to use the reduced working hours system for childcare (No. 12)" Please indicate the working hours and period after the change. 
(Employment contract) Renewal after expiration (No. 14)
  • In the case of permanent employment, it is not required.    
Whether or not to shorten regular childcare leave at the entrance (No. 15)        
  • If you decide to enter a nursery school, etc., please indicate if you can end childcare leave during the month of use.
    ※ If you start using the service on April 1, you must complete childcare leave by the end of April, the month you start using, and return to work by May 1. 
Non-person assignment period (including planned) (No.17) 
  • Please indicate if you are assigned to a single person (including the schedule). If the end date of your assignment is undecided, please indicate only the start date.     
Remarks column (No.18) 

If any of the following applies, or if there are any other items that you want to describe, please write them in the remarks column.

  • If you plan to increase working hours and days (including cases where it can be increased when a nursery school decides to use it), please describe the following three points.
  1. Time to increase working hours, days, etc.
  2. Number of working days per month when it can be increased
  3. Working hours per month when it can be increased
    [Example] From the month when you start using nursery schools, etc., increase to 128 hours a month on the 16th of a month.
  • If you have already retired or have decided Retirement, be sure to indicate the date of Retirement.
  • If you have taken maternity leave or childcare leave multiple times, please indicate the period.
    [Example] Prenatal and postpartum leave: Reiwa ○ month ○ day ○ day ~ Reiwa ○ year ○ month ○ day ○ day ○ day
  • From the entrance in 2025, if "normally has night shifts at least twice a month", you will be required to certify in a different format (night shift certificate). Therefore, if there is a request from a guardian to create a night shift certificate, please create it.
    As an alternative, it is also possible to write "There is a night shift at least twice a month" in the remarks column (No. 18). However, please note that if there is no description of "twice or more a month", the night shift certificate will not be replaced.

To parents

  • The certification items of the submitted documents may be confirmed in the "Contact Information".
  • We may ask you for additional documents to confirm your employment status.
  • If you are a self-employed person, you may be asked to submit objective materials related to employment.
    Example: Business permit, business opening notice, registered copy, final income tax return, contract with business partner, copy of business consignment contract, etc.
  • In the case of irregular employment, we may ask you for a shift table etc.
  • If you are applying for siblings at the same time, please copy and submit the number of siblings.
  • Please submit a proof of your employment status (including plans for job offers) as of the date of submission. If the certification date is more than six months before the submission date, it may be disadvantageous for benefit certification and usage adjustment. ※This is not the case. 
  • In the usage adjustment rank, it is determined by "number of working days per month" and "total working hours (month)". Be sure to check if there are any omissions (in the case of irregular work, weekly entry is also possible).
  • If you fall under the "Normal night shift twice or more a month" described in the night shift certificate, ask your employer to create a form.
    In addition, instead of creating the form, it is also possible to write "There is a night shift at least twice a month" in the remarks column (No. 18) of the employment certificate. In that case, if there is no description of "twice or more per month" (for example, if there is no description of the number of times per month or only working hours), it is assumed that there is no night shift at least twice a month.
  • Please indicate the name of elementary school student, etc. in the "Parents" column.

2025 Style

Support tools for creating employment certificates

It will be a style that shows items and important items that are not used in the examination of Yokohama City in an easy-to-understand manner. There is no problem if you fill out this form and submit it.
[Support Tools] Employment certificate (including [Yokohama City] entry point) (Excel: 80KB)
[Support Tools] Employment certificate (PDF: 359KB)

Standard format set by the State

[Standard Form] Employment certificate (including [Yokohama City] entry point) (Excel: 56KB)

Description Procedures

[Yokohama City] Description Guidelines (PDF: 115KB)

Night shift certificate, pledge and certificate regarding employment such as nursery teachers

For those who regularly have night shifts at least twice a month and those who wish to preferential treatment of children such as nursery teachers", parents will ask their employer to create a certificate. I am.
For more information, please check the following website.
For those who wish to use nursery schools, etc. in 2025

Example of description (when using a nursery school, etc.)

Frequently Asked Questions

Related links

Contact information

Contact: Ward office Children and Families Support Division
Name of wardTELFAX number
Green leaves045‐978‐2428045‐978‐2422


Style of 2024

To the employer, etc. listed

  • Please be sure to check the description example before writing.
  • Yokohama City may contact you about the details.
  • The submitted certificate cannot be returned, so if there is any omission, please submit it again through the applicant.
  • When making corrections, please erase them with a double line. Correction fluids and disappearing ballpoint pens cannot be used.

Please pay special attention to the description.

Employment (planned) period, etc. (No.3)
  • In the case of fixed-term employment, please indicate the initial contract start date.
  • If you are planning to start working as soon as you enter a nursery school and cannot enter the employment start date, please indicate so in the "Remarks column (No. 14)".
Working hours (No.6)
  • Please indicate the number of working days and working hours based on the employment contract, not the actual results.
  • For the number of working days per month, enter the number of working days from the 1st to the last day of the current month.
  • If the number of days and hours have been changed due to the use of the reduced working hours system, indicate the number of days and hours before the change, and change to "Whether or not to use the reduced working hours system for childcare (No. 12)" Please indicate the working hours and period after the change. 
Date of return to work (planned) (No. 11)
  • If it is possible to shorten childcare leave if you are offered a job at a nursery school, etc., please indicate the expected return date after the shortening.
    ※ If you start using the service on April 1, you must complete childcare leave by the end of April, the month you start using, and return to work by May 1.             
Remarks column (No.14)

If any of the following applies, or if there are any other items that you want to describe, please write them in the remarks column.

  • If you plan to increase working hours and days (including cases where the nursery school can increase when the nursery school decides to use it), please describe the following three points.
  1. Time to increase working hours, days, etc.
  2. Number of working days per week or per month when it can be increased
  3. Working hours per day and per month when it can be increased
    [Method] From the month when you start using nursery schools, etc., increase to 16th of a month and 8 hours a day (128 hours a month).
  • If you have already retired or have decided Retirement, be sure to indicate the date of Retirement.
  • If you have taken maternity leave or childcare leave multiple times, please indicate the period.
    [Method] Prenatal and postpartum leave: Reiwa ○ month ○ day ○ day ~ Reiwa ○ year ○ month ○ day ○ day ○ day
  • If you are working alone (including schedules), please indicate the period of your assignment. If the end date of your assignment is undecided, please indicate only the start date.
    [Method] Single transfer period: Reiwa ○ month ○ day ○ day ~ Reiwa ○ year ○ month ○ day ○ day ○ day
  • Even if the working hours of "working hours (No. 6)" are not nighttime work, if there is a regular night work at least twice a month, such as a night shift or a business trip with accommodation (excluding overtime), please indicate so.
    ※Night work refers to work including 24:00 p.m. Therefore, if the working hours of "working hours (No. 6)" exceed 24:00 p.m., it is considered that night work is performed more than twice a month.
  • In the case of a fixed-term employment contract, please indicate whether or not the contract has been renewed (including the plan) after the current contract period expires. 

To parents

  • The certification items of the submitted documents may be confirmed in the "Contact Information".
  • We may ask you for additional documents to confirm your employment status.
  • If you are a self-employed person, you may be asked to submit objective materials related to employment.
    Example: Business permit, business opening notice, registered copy, final income tax return, contract with business partner, copy of business consignment contract, etc.
  • In the case of irregular employment, we may ask you for a shift table etc.
  • If you are applying for siblings at the same time, please copy and submit the number of siblings.
  • In the case of a new application or relocation application, please submit the one described within 6 months from the date of submission in principle. In the case of the date before that, it may be disadvantageous for benefit certification and usage adjustment. ※This is not the case. 
  • Please be sure to include the name of elementary school student in the "Parents" column.

2024 Style

Example of description (when using a nursery school, etc.)

Frequently Asked Questions

Related links

・For those who wish to use nursery schools, etc. in 2024
 ※You can see use guidance and style to depend on nursery school application of 2024 from this page.

Contact information

Contact: Ward office Children and Families Support Division
Name of wardTELFAX number
Green leaves045‐978‐2428045‐978‐2422


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Inquiries to this page

Child and Youth Bureau Childcare and Education Department Childcare and Education Certification Division

Phone: 045-671-0253

Phone: 045-671-0253

Fax: 045-550-3942

E-Mail address [email protected]

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