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2024 Young Career Support Group Subsidy

We support a part of expense to affect peer support or holding of online salon to group supporting young carer in the city.

Last updated on October 17, 2024.


Groups that support young carers in the city and meet all of the following requirements (1) to (6)

  1. Being a private organization that works on or intends to support young carers living in Yokohama City. Corporations, etc. are limited to those located in Japan.
  2. There must be a single organization or group.
  3. Disseminate and announce the activities and schedules.
  4. The content of the activity is not against public order and morals and is not an organization related to specific political or religious activities.
  5. The organization or the representative of the organization has not received fraudulent grants in the past, or has not been punished for receiving subsidies.
  6. Gangsters (Act on the Prevention of Unjust Acts by Gangsters (Law No. 77 of 1991). Hereinafter, it is referred to as the "Gangsters Countermeasures Act." ) Not a gangster prescribed in Article 2, item 2. ), And there is no person who falls under the category of a gangster.

Target business

This is a business that falls under any of the following.

・Peer support
・Online salon
・Other businesses that contribute to young carer support (Please consult with the secretariat in advance after confirming the outline)

Amount of subsidies to be issued

[Start-up cost]
〇 Equipment purchase cost
・Online salon: 500,000 yen (upper limit)
・Peer support: 250,000 yen (upper limit)
〇 Communication and transportation costs
・Online salon, peer support: 150,000 yen (upper limit)
Operating expenses
・Online salons and peer support common: 50,000 yen per day (upper limit)

※There is an upper limit on the number of events, so be sure to check the conditions in the outline etc.
※Up to 3 million yen per group, including start-up and operation costs. Even if two or more projects are implemented, the upper limit of the subsidy is 3 million yen per group.

Application Guide and Application Manual

Documents to be submitted

Submission period

1st recruitment: Friday, May 31 ※The application has been closed.

2nd recruitment: Friday, November 29

Submission method

Please submit it by e-mail in principle.

[email protected] (City of Yokohama, Child and Youth Bureau Children's Home Division, Children and Families Support Section)

If there is no means other than e-mail, sorry to trouble you, but please contact the Children and Families Division.

Contact information
〒231-0005 6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi
City of Yokohama, Child and Youth Bureau Children's Family Division Children and Families Support Section (in charge of subsidy for Young Career Support Group)

About examination

  1. Examination method: We will review the documents at the examination committee.
  2. Evaluation items: Subsidized companies mainly examine the following evaluation items comprehensively and select them.

(1) Overview of the Organization (Financial Base, Activity Base, Member Composition)
(2) Business feasibility (planability, necessary system)
(3) Business continuity (Business development)
(4) Contents of business (support content)
(5) About child targeted for support (place of residence, age)
(6) Achievements in activities related to elementary school student
(7) Appropriate amount of application

Young Career Support Group Subsidy Grant Guidelines

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Inquiries to this page

Child and Youth Bureau Children's Welfare and Health Department Children's Home Division

Phone: 045-671-2390

Phone: 045-671-2390

Fax: 045-681-0925

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 606-178-869


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