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- We deliver 2024 Young Career Support Training (6 times in total) videos!
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We deliver 2024 Young Career Support Training (6 times in total) videos!
All six times held in 2024 (the first (Wednesday, June 26, 2024, the second (Friday, August 9, 2024), the third (August 21, 2024) (Tuesday), the fourth (Thursday, October 17, 2024, 2024, and the fifth (1520202024).
Last updated on March 10, 2025.
"Young Career" refers to a child who regularly performs housework or family care, which is supposed to be played by an adult.
In this training, we will listen to actual stories from instructors who are currently active in various fields, such as experts, young carer support organizations, and former parties, and provide understanding of young carers and required support for young carers. The event was held six times in total to consider how to expand the circle of support.
(1st session) "Let's make a carer-friendly Yokohama! Do you know? "Young Career."
(Lecturer) Masaru Hanabusa, Professor, Department of Psychiatry Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Yokohama Souko Yokoyama
https://youtu.be/sWk02Z1IuD8 (external site)
This is the video distribution of the 2024 Young Career Support Training "1st".
(1st session) "Let's make a carer-friendly Yokohama! Do you know? "Young Career."
(Lecturer) Masaru Hanabusa, Professor of Psychiatry Nursing, School of Nursing, Yokohama Dr. Keiko Yokoyama
0:00 In the beginning
2:11 About Yokohama-shi Young Career Support Project City of Yokohama, Child and Youth Bureau Children's Family Division
18:29 "Let's make a carer-friendly Yokohama! Do you know about Young Career?"
Masaru Hanabusa, Professor of Psychiatry Nursing, School of Nursing, Yokohama Dr. Keiko Yokoyama
1:15:55 Q&A session, etc.
(2nd session) "The actual situation of carer support in Japan, support for young carers through collaborative collaboration" The actual situation of young carers nationwide-What communities can do ~
(Lecturer) Yoshie Hamashima, Professor, Department of Social Welfare, Graduate School of Contemporary System Science, Osaka Public University
https://youtu.be/WWCAh8GRwJ4 (external site)
This is a video distribution of the 2024 Young Career Support Training Program "2nd".
(2nd) "The actual situation of carer support in Japan, young carer support through collaborative collaboration-the actual situation of young carers nationwide-what communities can be created-"
(Lecturer) Yoshie Hamajima, Professor, Department of Social Welfare, Graduate School of Contemporary System Science, Osaka Public University
0:00 In the beginning
1:10 "The actual situation of young carers nationwide-what local communities can do"
Yoshie Hamashima, Professor, Department of Social Welfare, Graduate School of Contemporary System Science, Osaka Public University
1:23:23 Q&A session, etc.
(3rd) "Experience family care in my teens-what I wish in the community as a young carer-"
(Lecturer) YCARP Let the Voices of Children and Youth Carelers Project / Elementary School Teacher Yoshine Kumagai
https://youtu.be/TkSAljPQuH8 (external site)
This is the video distribution of the 2024 Young Career Support Training "3rd".
As a young carer, he talked in detail about various experiences such as family care and life at school and at home. Please take a look!
(3rd session) "Experience family care in my teens-What I want as a young carer to the community-"
(Lecturer) YCARP Let the Voices of Children and Youth Carelers Project / Elementary School Teacher Yoshine Kumagai
0:00 In the beginning
1:10 "Experience family care in my teens-what I wish in the community as a young carer"
YCARP Let the Voices of Children and Youth Carelers Project / Elementary School Teacher Yoshine Kumagai
1:04:35 Q&A session, etc.
(4th session) "Thing through Young Career Support-What is Necessary for Young Career Support in the Future"
(Lecturer) Certified NPO KATARIBA staff member Nanao Gomi
https://youtu.be/sAa3JfldFjs (external site)
This is the video distribution of the 2024 Young Career Support Training "4th". Based on his three years of working in children's guidance office, he joined KATARiBA, a certified non-profit organization, with the desire to increase the number of supportive support to unravel the problems of families with complex problems. In the lecture, they talked about the activities and examples. Please take a look!
(4th) "Things Through Young Career Support-What is Necessary for Young Career Support in the Future"
(Lecturer) Certified NPO KATARiBA (Katariba) Staff Nanao Gomi
0:00 In the beginning
1:11 "Thing through Young Career Support-What is needed for future support for Young Career"
Certified NPO KATARiBA (Katariba) Staff Nanao Gomi
51:25 Q&A session, etc.
(5th) "Living with Young Careers! "Empower the community and the carer!"
(Lecturer) Mr. Chihiro Suguro, Representative Director of Omoshiro
https://youtu.be/kAVxB3l0yfw (external site)
This is the video distribution of the 2024 Young Career Support Training "5th". Lecturer, as the representative director of Omoshiro (Omoshiro), launched a consultation support office "Kokage" in 2021, and children living there with fathers and mothers with mental illness, such as the whereabouts business for young carers for children. "Parent and child whole accompany support" is being implemented for children. In the lecture, they talked about the contents of the activities, abundant experiences, and various examples. Please take a look!
(5th session) "Living with Young Careers! "Empower the community and the carer!"
(Lecturer) Mr. Chihiro Suguro, Representative Director of Omoshiro (Omoshiro)
0:00 In the beginning
1:11 "Living with the 5th Young Careers! "Empower the community and the carer!"
Mr. Chihiro Suguro, Representative Director of Omoshiro (Omoshiro)
1:13:08 Q&A session, etc.
(6th meeting) "Aiming for a society where children don't give up!" Encourage healthy growth and independence of children and young people with support for young carers."
(Lecturer) Yoshiko Ito, Professor, Department of Social Welfare, Graduate School of Contemporary System Science, Osaka Public University
https://youtu.be/yLZKigTkfT8 (external site)
This is the 6th video distribution of Young Career Support Training in 2024.
(6th meeting) "Aiming for a society where children don't give up!" Encourage healthy growth and independence of children and young people with support for young carers."
(Lecturer) Yoshiko Ito, Professor, Department of Social Welfare, Graduate School of Contemporary System Science, Osaka Public University
0:00 In the beginning
1:50 "Aiming for a society where children don't give up!" Encourage healthy growth and independence of children and young people with support for young carers."
Yoshiko Ito, Professor, Department of Social Welfare, Graduate School of Contemporary System Science, Osaka Public University
1:23:00 Q&A session, etc.
Click here for the Young Career Support Training (6 times in total) flyer (PDF: 920KB)
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