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Young carer

Last updated on July 25, 2024.

Special Website
Young Career Yokohama

What is a Young Career?

Although there is no legal definition, it is generally considered to be a child who takes care of housework and family members on a daily basis, which are supposed to be taken by adults.

Although there is no legal definition, we generally carry out housework and family care, which are supposed to be borne by adults, on a daily basis.

(Reference) Japan Careler Federation

Public Relations and Enlightenment

Manga about Yokohama Young Career

In order to deepen the understanding of "Young Career", based on the true story of Young Career, students and teachers of Yokohama Design Academy drew a story as fiction manga.

Young Career Monogatari Special Site
A young carer

Leaflet about Yokohama Young Career

In order to deepen the understanding of young carers for citizens, we have created a leaflet summarizing the actual situation of young carers, what each person can do for their children, and windows where they can consult.

Young Career Awareness Leaflet (PDF: 1,237KB)
※Double-sided printing and short-sided binding will result in A3 two-fold, four-page booklet.

PR video about Yokohama Young Career

Do not leave young carers alone (for adults)

Why don't you talk a little about you (for yourself)?

Consultation for Young Careers

About Yokohama Young Career Forum (FY2022)

A forum on Young Careers was held in order to deepen children's and families' understanding of Young Careers on a daily basis, monitor young Careers throughout the region, and create an environment where appropriate support can be provided.

Forum name: "Let's support young carers in the community! Are you aware of it? Respectful care by your young people, sometimes SOS that can be issued! "

State of the day

Forum details
Date and time: Sunday, March 19, 2023 from 13:00 to 16:30
Venue: Kanagawa Kenmin Hall Conference Room (3-1 Yamashitacho, Naka-ku, Yokohama)
Target: Those who are interested in young carers ・ Those who are involved in education, welfare, child care support, etc.
1: Report
Survey report "About the results of surveys on young carers in Yokohama City"
Explanator: City of Yokohama, Child and Youth Bureau Planning and Coordination Division
2: Keynote speech
Theme: "Let's learn about the realities of young carers! Why is it difficult to send out SOS?"
Lecturer: Masao Saito (Professor, Faculty of Industrial and Social Sciences, Ritsumeikan University)
3: Panel discussion
Theme: "Now care is a problem for everyone ... Create a required careful society!"
Panelist 1 Masao Saito (Professor, Faculty of Industrial and Social Sciences, Ritsumeikan University)
Panelist 2 Yuzuko Aoyama (care journalist, writer, manga artist)
Panelist 3 Ai Nishisako (Yokohama Young Career Herpnet Dementia Day Hidamari + care manager)
Panelist 4 Yuji Wata (Professor, Department of Welfare and Management, Nihon Fukushi University, President of Mutsutsukikai, Social Welfare Corporation)
4: Time for dialogue (group work)
Theme: "What the community can do to support young carers"

Survey on actual conditions

Survey to grasp actual situation (FY2022)

We conducted a fact-finding survey to understand the living conditions of young carers in Yokohama City, the impact of taking care of them on their lives, support needs, etc., and to consider appropriate support measures. Please refer to the following for details.
Press release (November 28, 2022) (PDF: 444KB)
Attachment "About the results of a survey on young carers in Yokohama City (PDF: 1,036KB)
Survey result report about young carer in Yokohama-shi (PDF: 2,092KB)

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Inquiries to this page

Child and Youth Bureau Children's Home Division

Phone: 045‐671‐2390

Phone: 045‐671‐2390

Fax: 045‐681‐0925

E-Mail address [email protected]

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