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The National Health Insurance system has changed since FY2018.

Last updated on January 22, 2019.

With the enactment of the “Amendment of Part of the National Health Insurance Law, etc. to Build a Sustainable Medical Insurance System” (May 27, 2015), the responsibility for financial management of the National Health Insurance from FY2018 The subject has changed from municipalities to prefectures. Prefectural governments will be responsible for financial management and will play a central role in the operation of National Health Insurance, such as securing stable financial management and efficient business, aiming to stabilize the system.
The management of National Health Insurance after the system reform is as follows.


  1. Prefectural governments, together with municipalities in the relevant prefectures, are responsible for the operation of National Health Insurance.
  2. Prefectural governments will be responsible for financial management, play a central role in the operation of National Health Insurance, such as ensuring stable financial management and efficient business management, and stabilize the system.
  3. Prefectural governments show the prefectural national health insurance management policy as a unified management policy within the prefecture, and promote the efficiency, standardization, and wide area of office work performed by municipalities.

Flow of National Health Insurance Finance

Prefectural governments make estimates of medical care benefits expenses, determine the amount of National Health Insurance operating expenses paid for each municipality, and notify each municipality. In addition, we calculate and announce the standard insurance rate for each municipality.
In Motoichi, based on the National Health Insurance operating expenses payment indicated by Kanagawa Prefecture, the insurance premium rate is determined while referring to the standard insurance rates, etc., and the insurance premium is imposed and collected, and the payment is paid to Kanagawa Prefecture.

Major roles of prefectures and municipalities

List of Major Roles

Prefectural governments


1.Financial management

・The responsible entity for financial management
・Payment of National Health Insurance operating expenses for each municipality
Decide on gold
・Establishment and operation of the Financial Stabilization Fund

・National Health Insurance operating expenses paid to prefectures

2.Qualification management

・Administrative affairs based on the National Health Insurance Management Policy
Efficiency, Standardization, and Wide Area
Promotion (*3 and 4)

・In a close relationship with local residents
Management of qualifications (insured person identification, limit)
Issuance of Amount Application Certificate, etc.

3.Determination and collection of insurance premiums

・Based on standard calculation methods
Standard insurance rates for each municipality
Calculating and publishing

・Premiums based on standard insurance rates, etc.
Determine the rate
・Imposition and collection of insurance premiums

4.Insurance benefits

・All expenses required for payment
Payment to municipalities
・Insurance benefits provided by municipalities

・Determination and payment of insurance benefits (medical expenses)
high medical costs, etc.

5.Health services

・Necessary advice to municipalities

・Defines according to the characteristics of the insured
Conduct health services (data.
Business, etc.

Major changes accompanying institutional reform

1.Manage qualifications by prefecture.

As a result of this reform, prefectures have become national health insurance insurers, and have been doing so far for each municipality.
The qualification management of insured persons will be carried out on a prefectural basis.
Therefore, if an insured person transfers Address to a municipal office in Kanagawa Prefecture, there will be no loss of qualification or no new acquisition.
However, since the insured person's card is issued for each transfer of Address, a new insured person's card will be issued at the municipal office of the transferee.

2. The calculation method of high medical costs will change

Under the high medical costs system, if high medical costs has received more than 4 payments in the last 12 months (applicable many times)
The co-payment amount will be reduced.
Until now, if you move to another municipality, you will no longer be eligible for National Health Insurance and will be eligible for high medical costs.
I was unable to take over the number of times.
After April 2018, if you move to another municipality in Kanagawa Prefecture, you will not be eligible for National Health Insurance, so you will take over the applicable number of times.
However, if continuity as a household is not recognized, the number of times will not be taken over. The transfer target will be after April 2018.

3.Notifications and payment of insurance premiums are the same as before

With this system reform, the structure of financial management will change significantly, but there is no change in the way citizens receive medical care. Please pay the insurance premium to your ward office Insurance and Pension Division as before.
In addition, various applications and notifications are handled by the ward office Insurance and Pension Division of your ward as before.

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Inquiries to this page

Insurance and Pension Division, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Life and Welfare Department

Phone: 045-671-2421

Phone: 045-671-2421

Fax: 045-664-0403

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 934-443-970


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