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Health business implementation plan (data health plan), specific medical examination implementation plan

Last updated on April 10, 2024.


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Booklet (PDF: 1,454KB)
Summary Version (PDF: 937KB)

Plan (text version)
Text version

Summary of Chapter 1 Plan (text file: 3KB)
1 Basic matters of the plan
(1)Background of planning
(2)Purpose of planning
(4)Legal basis and position of the plan
(5)Period of plan

2 Cooperation with implementation system, stakeholders (text file: 1KB)
(1)Cooperation with Motoichi-related ward bureau
(2)Cooperation with related organizations
(3)Call for Citizens
(4)Status of Local Resources
(5)Initiatives related to community-based comprehensive care

3 The present situation of Yokohama-shi and Yokohama-shi National Health Insurance (text file: 2KB)
(1)Basic information of Yokohama City
(2)Population of Yokohama City
(3)Average life expectancy and healthy life expectancy in Yokohama City
(4)Status of Yokohama City National Health Insurance Insured Person

Review of Chapter 2 Phase 2 Data Health Plan and Phase 3 Specific Medical Examination Implementation Plan (text file: 9KB)
1 Implementation status and evaluation
(1)Improve the rate of specific medical examination consultation
(2)Improve the implementation rate of specific health guidance
(3)Prevention of illness in lifestyle-related diseases
(4)Optimization of consultation behavior, etc.
2 Results of implementation

Chapter 3 Health issues based on the results of data analysis
1 Analysis of medical expenses (Text file: 6KB)
(1)Situation in medical expenses
(2)Situation in medical expenses by Disease
(3)Situation in medical expenses in lifestyle-related diseases
(4)Situation of dialysis patients
(5)Status of emergency inpatients due to cardiovascular disease
(6)Situation in Dentistry
(7)Patients who have not been treated for diabetes

2 Analysis of specific Health Checkups, specific health guidance (text file: 11KB)
(1)Specific situation in Health Checkups
(2)Status of Specific Health Guidance
(3)Results of “Survey on Health and Specific Health Examinations (physical checkup)”

Analysis of 3 other health services (text file: 3KB)
(1)Generic Drugs
(2)Duplicate and Frequent Inspector Status

4 Health issues based on the results of data analysis (text file: 8KB)

Chapter 4 Initiatives in the Plan
1 Overview of health business and target value (text file: 16KB)
(1)Measures taken by the lifestyle-related diseases
(2)Measures to prevent illness in lifestyle-related diseases, etc.
(3)Appropriate consultation measures

Implementation method such as 2 specific Health Checkups (text file: 11KB)
(1)Method of implementation of specific Health Checkups
(2)Method of implementation of specific health guidance
(3)Creating mechanisms to ensure and improve the quality of services

Evaluation and review of 3 plans (text file: 1KB)
(1)Evaluation Method
(2)Review of evaluation time and plan

4 Publication and dissemination of plans (text file: 516 bytes)
5 Protection of Personal Information (Text file: 4KB)
(1)Management Rules
(2)How to save records
(3)About utilization of personal information in Motoichi health business

Chapter 5 Materials (Text file: 14KB)
1 Average independence period in Yokohama City
2 Status of specific medical examinations and specific health guidance
(1)Status of Specific Medical Examinations
(2)Implementation status of specific health guidance
3 Verification of the effectiveness of health services
(1)Recommendation business for non-examined persons
(2)Recommendation of consultation from doctors
(3)Specified health guidance use recommendation business
(4)Appropriate consultation recommendation business for persons with severe risk of illness
4 “Survey on Health and Specific Health Examinations (physical checkup)”
5 Description of Terms
6 Related laws and regulations

About conduct result of citizen opinion offer pertaining to the third Yokohama-shi National Health Insurance health business implementation plan (data health plan) and the fourth Yokohama-shi National Health Insurance specific Health Checkups implementation plan draft

About the third data health plan, we carried out citizen opinion offer in October, 2023 and had a total of 21 opinions from 14 people. Thank you very much for your valuable comments.

About conduct result of citizen opinion offer (attached sheet: including list of opinions) (PDF: 456KB)

About conduct result of citizen opinion offer (word version) (word: 30KB)

List of opinions received by citizen opinion offer and correspondence classifications (Excel: 22KB)

The Yokohama City National Health Insurance has formulated the 2nd Yokohama City National Health Insurance Health Business Implementation Plan (Data Health Plan) and the 3rd Yokohama City National Health Insurance Specific Health Checkups Implementation Plan for FY2018 to develop effective and efficient health services by utilizing medical and medical examination information.
This time, we look back on the contents and results of the first half of the Data Health Plan (FY200-FY200), examine the direction and contents of the business in the second half (FY2003-FY200) and examine the future business We announce it as we have decided our policy.

How to view and obtain materials

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The 2nd Yokohama City National Health Insurance Health Business Implementation Plan (Data Health Plan) Interim Report (PDF: 4,145KB)

In order to extend healthy life expectancy, optimize medical expenses, and reduce medical expenses, the Yokohama City National Health Insurance Health Project Implementation Plan (Data Health Plan) (FY2016) and the 2nd Yokohama City National Health Insurance Specific Health Checkups Implementation Plan (FY2013-FY2013) have been formulated to promote the health of National Health Insurance members.
Since both plans will be completed this year, the plan has been formulated with a common plan period from 2018 to 2023.

How to view and obtain materials

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○Phase 2 Health Business Implementation Plan (Data Health Plan) and Phase 3 Specific Health Checkups Implementation Plan (FY2020-FY2035)
The 2nd Yokohama City National Health Insurance Health Business Implementation Plan (Data Health Plan), the 3rd Yokohama City National Health Insurance Specific Health Checkups Implementation Plan (FY30-35) (PDF: 2,713KB)
The 2nd Yokohama City National Health Insurance Health Business Implementation Plan (Data Health Plan), the 3rd Yokohama City National Health Insurance Specific Health Checkups Implementation Plan (FY2018-35) [Summary Version] (PDF: 334KB)
About result of citizen opinion offer (PDF: 218KB)

In order to maintain and improve the health of insured persons (extending healthy life expectancy) and optimize the medical expenses, themedical expenses City National Health Insurance has formulated a health business implementation plan (data health plan) to implement effective and efficient health services in accordance with the PDCA cycle, and is promoting health services.

How to view and obtain materials

Click the title below to download it.
○Phase 1 Health Business Implementation Plan (Data Health Plan) (FY2016-FY2017)
Yokohama City National Health Insurance Health Business Implementation Plan (Data Health Plan) (PDF: 1,530KB)
Yokohama-shi National Health Insurance health business operation plan (data health plan) [summary version] (PDF: 392KB)

Based on the Act on Securing Medical Care for Elderly People, the Yokohama City National Health Insurance has formulated an implementation plan for specific Health Checkups, etc. in fiscal 2008, and is promoting initiatives to prevent, detect early, treat early, and prevent the severity of the lifestyle-related diseases.

How to view and obtain materials

Click the title below to download it.
〇 Specific Health Checkups Implementation Plan (Second Phase) (FY2013-FY2015)
Yokohama City National Health Insurance Specific Health Checkups Implementation Plan (Second Phase) (PDF: 1,384KB)
About result of citizen opinion offer (PDF: 157KB)
○Specific Health Checkups Implementation Plan (First Phase) (FY2008-FY2012)
Yokohama City National Health Insurance Specific Health Checkups Implementation Plan (Phase 1) (PDF: 1,460KB)

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Insurance and Pension Division, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Life and Welfare Department

Phone: 045-671-4067

Phone: 045-671-4067

Fax: 045-664-0403

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