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Statistical data on specific medical examinations and specific health guidance

Last updated on August 4, 2020.

Statistical data on specific medical examinations and specific health guidance
Data nameOverview
About continuity of health guidance effect of Yokohama-shi National Health Insurance member (from Heisei 26 to Heisei 28) (PDF: 689KB)In 2014, we analyzed how much the effects of health guidance for those who were judged to require health guidance will continue.
About continuity of health guidance effect of Yokohama-shi National Health Insurance member (from Heisei 25 to Heisei 27) (PDF: 285KB)In 2013, we analyzed how much the effects of health guidance for those who were judged to require health guidance will continue.
About continuity of health guidance effect of Yokohama-shi National Health Insurance member (from 2010 to 2012) (PDF: 286KB)In 2010, we analyzed how much the effects of health guidance for those who were judged to require health guidance will continue.
Medical examination data analysis results of 2011 Yokohama-shi National Health Insurance member (PDF: 1,009KB)For those who received a specific medical checkup in FY2011, we analyzed the results of questionnaire items such as lifestyle habits, test results such as abdominal girth, and the effects of health guidance.
About effect (254KB) of specific health guidance of Yokohama-shi National Health Insurance member (from Heisei 25 to Heisei 26) (PDF: 254KB)In 2013, we analyzed the effects of specific health guidance for those who were judged to require health guidance in specific medical examinations.
Age transition of specific medical examination test result of Yokohama-shi National Health Insurance member (from Heisei 22 to Heisei 26) (PDF: 191KB)Regarding specific medical examination results (test data) from 2010 to 2014, we saw the transition over time.
Age transition of specific medical examination questionnaire result of Yokohama-shi National Health Insurance member (from Heisei 23 to Heisei 26) (PDF: 233KB)Regarding the specific medical examination results (interview items) from 2011 to 2014, we saw the transition over time.

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