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Last updated on April 1, 2024.

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About specific medical examination, specific health guidance system

Specific medical examinations and specific health guidance
Make use of it for your health promotion.


With the declining birthrate and aging population, the overall medical expenses continues to increase as the elderly population increases. In April 2008, the Health Checkups and Health Insurance Association were required to provide specific health guidance to medical insurers, such as the National Health Insurance and Health Insurance Union, to reduce the medical expenses, which is one of the causes of the medical expenses soaringlifestyle-related diseases prevention.
For this reason, the Yokohama City National Health Insurance has been implementing specific Health Checkups and specific health guidance programs since fiscal 2008.

lifestyle-related diseases, such as ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, and diabetes, is increasing year by year. Currently, lifestyle-related diseases (excluding malignant neoplasms) accounts for approximately 20% of the total medical care medical expenses in Yokohama City National Health Insurance.

Status of medical expenses in Yokohama City National Health Insurance

The concept of metabolic syndrome (visceral fat syndrome) is introduced.

The accumulation of visceral fat obesity is said to be a common cause of lifestyle-related diseases (hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, etc.). Metabolic syndrome (visceral fat syndrome) refers to a condition in which lifestyle-related diseases has multiple risk factors related to hypertension, hyperglycemia, and abnormal lipids in addition to this visceral fat obesity.

Metabolic syndrome progresses in this way!

Progress of metabolic syndrome

For lifestyle-related diseases prevention, the Health Checkups conducts health examinations to detect people with metabolic syndrome and spare groups at an early stage, and conducts tests to determine risk factors such as heart disease and stroke to detect visceral fat-type obesity.
Specific health guidance is provided by specialists (doctors, public health nurses, and management) so that the individual can understand his / her own health condition according to the results of the medical examination and continuously take voluntary measures to improve lifestyle. Nutritionists, etc.) provide support such as lifestyle improvement.

Judgment image diagram of specific health guidance

Guidance content of specific health guidance

Judgment criteria for metabolic syndrome (visceral fat syndrome) in Japan

The current diagnostic criteria in Japan are as follows.

  1. Measurement of the perimeter diameter of the stomach
    If the male is 85cm or more and the female is 90cm or more, judge that visceral fat is accumulated and proceed to 2.
  2. Metabolic syndrome and diagnosis when two or more of the following three items apply for a person who falls under 1 and falls under 2 or more of the following three items:
    (1) Serum lipids
    One or both of "high triglyceride (neutral fat) blood disease" (thriglyceride 150 mg / dl or more) or "low HDL cholesterolemia" (less than 40 mg / dl of HDL cholesterol) applies.
    (2) Blood pressure
    This applies to either or both systolic blood pressure of 130 mmHg or more or diastolic blood pressure of 85 mmHg or more.
    (3) Blood sugar level
    Fasting hyperglycemia is 110 mg/dl or more (equivalent to HbA1c6.0% or more).

Each medical insurer formulates a “Specific Health Checkups Implementation Plan” every five or six years, which sets out the method and implementation rate of health checkups and health guidance, and the rate of reduction in the number of people with metabolic syndrome.

Q&A of specific Health Checkups and specific health guidance

What happened to the basic medical examinations that had been conducted at Health and Welfare Center and medical institutions in the ward?

With the obligation of medical insurers to provide specific medical examinations and specific health guidance from April 2008, the basic medical examinations up to now have been abolished. For this reason, you will have a medical checkup conducted by the medical insurer you have joined.

I have Yokohama City National Health Insurance. I have a business owner checkup once a year at work. Do I need to take a specific checkup?

If you have a business owner checkup or a medical checkup that includes a specific medical checkup item, you do not need to take a specific medical checkup conducted by Yokohama City National Health Insurance, but as a Yokohama City National Health Insurance member It is necessary to understand the status of medical examinations.
If you do not mind, please contact us in advance by telephone and submit the results of your health check-up to the ward office Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section.

Inquiries to this page

Insurance and Pension Division, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Life and Welfare Department

Phone: 045-671-4067

Phone: 045-671-4067

Fax: 045-664-0403

E-Mail address

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Page ID: 380-402-546


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