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What is necessary for the procedure (don't forget to report in such a case)

Last updated on February 7, 2025.


Notification must be made to the ward office National Health Insurance Section within 14 days.
(Click the item to find out what you need for notification.)

When taking out National Health Insurance

When quitting National Health Insurance


Date of joining or quitting National Health Insurance

Date of participation and withdrawal
  Date of enrollment in National Health Insurance Day to stop National Health Insurance
(Day when it becomes unusable)

Date of transfer from another municipality (except in the case of 2)

The day after the transfer to another municipality or the day after the departure date (except in the case of 2)

2 Date of Loss of employee health insurance Workplace (the day after Retirement Day) Date of joining employee health insurance at work
3 Date of birth The day after the day of death
4 Day when welfare is no longer received Day on which welfare started

Day when we no longer receive disability certification of medical system for elder senior citizens (under 75 years old)

Date of joining the Medical System for Elderly Seniors

Fund transfer is convenient to pay the National Health Insurance premium.

If you wish to make a fund transfer to pay the insurance premium, please bring the passbook of the account you wish to withdraw and the registration stamp of the passbook.
※Some financial institutions can only be processed with a cash card.
(For details, please refer to the page transfer service.)

Necessary items for notification when you quit the employee health insurance workplace or the National Health Insurance Association

1.You can check the date of disqualification of employee health insurance
(Certificate of disqualification of employee health insurance, My Number Card + Minor Portal Qualification screen, etc.)
 ※A certificate of disqualification should be obtained at the workplace where you stopped or at the place where you issued a qualification confirmation.
 ※If you do not have the prescribed form for the certificate of disqualification, please use the employee health insurance Qualification and Loss Certificate Form (PDF: 430KB).
 ※In the case of a copy of the minor portal qualification screen, a copy of all the members who join this time (certificate of the minor portal)>The screen of "In this qualification information-(valid end date, February 0, 2000)" displayed under "My Number Card Usage Status" of the health insurance card and the screen from "Name" to "Insurer name" A copy of the screen (for smartphones, it spans 2 pages) is required.

2.Identity verification documents (My Number Card, License, Passport, etc.)
Notification by mail is also accepted. For more information, please refer to the following link.
The amount of insurance premiums and the co-payment limit for high medical costs, etc. may be reduced for those who have left their jobs due to reasons of their employer (such as staffing or bankruptcy due to poor business). For more information, please refer to the following page.

What is required for notification when you move in from outside the city

  1. Identity verification documents (My Number Card, License, Passport, etc.)

Thing necessary for report when we move in from other wards in the city

※Please notify the ward office of the ward where you newly lived.

  1. If you have the insurance card of the previous ward or have a qualification confirmation
  2. Identity verification documents (My Number Card, License, Passport, etc.)

What you need for notification when you no longer receive welfare

  1. Notice of Abolition and Suspension of Protection
  2. Identity verification documents (My Number Card, License, Passport, etc.)

What is required for notification when a child is born

  1. Identity verification documents (My number card, license, passport, etc.) of the person coming to the agency
  2. Maternal and Child Health Handbook
    ※This is not required if the registration department for child birth has been completed.

Necessary items for notification when joining the employee health insurance workplace or the National Health Insurance Association

  1. employee health insurance's qualification acquisition date can be confirmed
    (Insurance card, qualification confirmation, notification of qualification information, employee health insurance qualification certificate, my number card + minor portal qualification screen, etc.)
  2. If you have a National Health Insurance card or have a qualification confirmation
    ※Please bring your insurance card or qualification confirmation for all those who have changed the name of the head of the household or Address.

If it is difficult to come to the ward office Hours due to employment, etc., we will also accept notification by mail. For details, please refer to the notification of loss of National Health Insurance qualification by mail.
After joining the employee health insurance workplace or the National Health Insurance Association, you will not be able to use your Yokohama National Health Insurance qualification confirmation. If you use it, you may be charged the medical expenses paid by Yokohama City. For details, please refer to the refund of National Health Insurance benefits.

What is required for notification when moving out of the city

  1. If you have an insurance card or have a qualification confirmation
    ※Please bring your insurance card or qualification confirmation for all those who have changed the name of the head of the household or Address.

After the day you move out of the city, you cannot use the qualification confirmation of Yokohama City National Health Insurance. If you use it, you may be charged the medical expenses paid by Yokohama City. For details, please refer to the refund of National Health Insurance benefits.

What is required for notification when receiving welfare

  1. Notice of Protection Decision
  2. If you have an insurance card or have a qualification confirmation
    ※Please bring your insurance card or qualification confirmation for all those who have changed the name of the head of the household or Address.

What is required for notification when you die

  1. If you have an insurance card or have a qualification confirmation
    ※Please bring your insurance card or qualification confirmation for all those who have changed the name of the head of the household or Address.
  2. Proof of death (a copy of death certificate)
    ※Not required if the death has been processed by the resident registration department.

When you move in the ward, when the head of the household changes, when you divide or join the household, when your name changes, what you need for notification

  1. If you have an insurance card or have a qualification confirmation
    ※Please bring your insurance card or qualification confirmation for all those who have changed the name of the head of the household or Address.
  2. Identity verification documents (My Number Card, License, Passport, etc.)

Necessary items for notification when living outside the city for study

student registration certificate

Necessary items for notification when the qualification confirmation etc. is lost or soiled

  1. In the case of loss, documents that show the number of the insurance card, such as a notice of insurance premium determination and payment slip. In the case of soiling, the damaged insurance card or qualification confirmation.
  2. Identity verification documents (My Number Card, License, Passport, etc.)

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Inquiries to this page

◆If you have any questions about the procedure, please contact your ward office Insurance and Pension Division.

Tsurumi Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section

Phone: 045-510-1807

Phone: 045-510-1807

Fax: 045-510-1898

E-Mail address [email protected]

Kanagawa Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section

Phone: 045-411-7124

Phone: 045-411-7124

Fax: 045-322-1979

E-Mail address [email protected]

Nishi Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section

Phone: 045-320-8425、045-320-8426

Phone: 045-320-8425、045-320-8426

Fax: 045-322-2183

E-Mail address [email protected]

Naka Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section

Phone: 045-224-8315、045-224-8316

Phone: 045-224-8315、045-224-8316

Fax: 045-224-8309

E-Mail address [email protected]

Minami Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section

Phone: 045-341-1126

Phone: 045-341-1126

Fax: 045-341-1131

E-Mail address [email protected]

Konan Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section

Phone: 045-847-8425

Phone: 045-847-8425

Fax: 045-845-8413

E-Mail address [email protected]

Hodogaya Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section

Phone: 045-334-6335

Phone: 045-334-6335

Fax: 045-334-6334

E-Mail address [email protected]

Asahi Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section

Phone: 045-954-6134

Phone: 045-954-6134

Fax: 045-954-5784

E-Mail address [email protected]

Isogo Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section

Phone: 045-750-2425

Phone: 045-750-2425

Fax: 045-750-2545

E-Mail address [email protected]

Kanazawa Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section

Phone: 045-788-7835、045-788-7836

Phone: 045-788-7835、045-788-7836

Fax: 045-788-0328

E-Mail address [email protected]

Kohoku Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section

Phone: 045-540-2349

Phone: 045-540-2349

Fax: 045-540-2355

E-Mail address [email protected]

Midori Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section

Phone: 045-930-2341

Phone: 045-930-2341

Fax: 045-930-2347

E-Mail address [email protected]

Aoba Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section

Phone: 045-978-2335

Phone: 045-978-2335

Fax: 045-978-2417

E-Mail address [email protected]

Tsuzuki Ward   Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section

Phone: 045-948-2334、045-948-2335

Phone: 045-948-2334、045-948-2335

Fax: 045-948-2339

E-Mail address [email protected]

Totsuka Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section

Phone: 045-866-8449

Phone: 045-866-8449

Fax: 045-871-5809

E-Mail address [email protected]

Sakae Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section

Phone: 045-894-8425

Phone: 045-894-8425

Fax: 045-895-0115

E-Mail address [email protected]

Izumi Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section

Phone: 045-800-2425、045-800-2426

Phone: 045-800-2425、045-800-2426

Fax: 045-800-2512

E-Mail address [email protected]

Seya Ward Insurance and Pension Division National Health Insurance Section

Phone: 045-367-5725、045-367-5726

Phone: 045-367-5725、045-367-5726

Fax: 045-362-2420

E-Mail address [email protected]

Insurance and Pension Division, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Life and Welfare Department

Phone: 045-671-2422

Phone: 045-671-2422

Fax: 045-664-0403 (For inquiries regarding procedures, please contact the ward office above)

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 276-305-655


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