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  5. National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin) when he turns 20

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National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin) when he turns 20

Last updated on April 1, 2024.

Is pension only old?

In addition to the basic retirement pension for retirement, the National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin) also has the Disability Basic Pension, which is available in case of disability due to illness or injury, and the survivor's basic pension available when there are no more members who have supported the family's livelihood. In the event of an emergency, pension will be financially assured.

(FY2024)                                【】 Figures are for those born before April 1, 1956
Type of pensionAmount
Basic retirement pension

816,000 yen [813,700 yen]

Disability Basic Pension (Grade 1)1,020,000 yen [1,017,125 yen]
Disability Basic Pension (Level 2)816,000 yen [813,700 yen]
Survivor's basic pension (wife with one child)1,050,800 yen [1,048,500 yen]
I'm a member of Employee Pension Plan (Kosei Nenkin), so National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin) doesn't matter?

Those who join Employee Pension Plan (Kosei Nenkin) are also referred to as National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin)'s "second insured" andNational Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin) at the same time. National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin) is a system common to all public pension.

How many years do you pay the insurance premium?

If National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin) pays insurance premiums for 40 years from the age of 20 to 60, he will receive a full retirement pension. In addition, a minimum of 10 years of premium payment period (including exemption period and total applicable period) is required to receive pension.
The insurance premium for 2024 is 16,980 yen per month. Premiums are reviewed every year according to changes in wages and prices.

Click here for an explanation of the basic retirement pension

What should I do if I can't pay my premium?

There is an "insurance application exemption system" for when insurance premiums cannot be paid due to financial circumstances. . If you apply and meet certain criteria, you will be exempt from insurance premiums. Students have a special student payment system, and the payment of insurance premiums will be deferred upon application.
In addition, the "payment postponement system" will begin in April 2005, and if you are under the age of 50 and have difficulty paying, if you apply and meet certain requirements, the payment of insurance premiums will be deferred. The postponement system is different from the premium exemption system because it is examined regardless of the income of the head of the household.

Do you really get pension in the future?

National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin) is a system operated by the government with responsibility. We have made a proper review, so if you pay properly, pension can receive it.

Inquiries regarding procedures

Please contact Insurance and Pension Division National Pension Plan Section in your ward office.

Contact information for each ward office Insurance and Pension Division National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin)
Ward OfficeTELFaxE-Mail address
Tsurumi Ward045-510-1802045-510-1898[email protected]
Kanagawa Ward045-411-7121045-411-7088[email protected]
Nishi Ward045-320-8421045-322-2183[email protected]
Naka Ward045-224-8311045-224-8309[email protected]
Minami Ward045-341-1129045-341-1131[email protected]
Konan Ward045-847-8421045-845-8413[email protected]
Hodogaya Ward045-334-6332045-334-6334[email protected]
Asahi Ward045-954-6131045-954-5784[email protected]
Isogo Ward045-750-2421045-750-2544[email protected]
Kanazawa Ward045-788-7831045-788-0328[email protected]
Kohoku Ward045-540-2346045-540-2355[email protected]
Midori Ward045-930-2337045-930-2347[email protected]
Aoba Ward045-978-2331045-978-2417[email protected]
Tsuzuki Ward  045-948-2331045-948-2339[email protected]
Totsuka Ward045-866-8441045-866-8419[email protected]
Sakae Ward045-894-8420045-895-0115[email protected]
Izumi Ward045-800-2421045-800-2512[email protected]
Seya Ward045-367-5721045-362-2420[email protected]

Inquiries to this page

Insurance and Pension Division, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Life and Welfare Department

Phone: 045-671-2418

Phone: 045-671-2418

Fax: 045-664-0403 (For inquiries regarding procedures, please contact the ward office above)

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 937-813-196


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