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Types of public pension, etc. Basic pension for survivors

Last updated on April 1, 2024.

If a person who is enrolled in National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin) or who satisfies the basic age pension qualification period (in principle, 25 years) dies, the "spouse with child" or "child" whose livelihood has been maintained by that person until the end of the year when the child reaches the age of 18 (until the age of 20 if the child is in a grade 1 or 2 disability).

The claimant of the survivor's basic pension

When a person who falls under any of the following 1 to 4 dies, it will be paid to the "spouse with child" or "child" who has maintained their livelihood.

  1. Being an insured person of National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin).
  2. Those who are insured by National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin) and are between 60 and 65 years old and have Address in Japan.
  3. Be a recipient of the basic age pension.
  4. A person who has met the eligibility period for the basic age pension.

However, in the case of 1. and 2., it is necessary that at least two-thirds of the insured period up to two months before the month to which the death day belongs (including the exemption period, etc.) has been paid. is.

Requirements for receiving a survivor's basic pension

<Exceptions> If you die before March 31, 2026, you will be able to receive it if you do not meet the above premium payment requirements, if you do not have a non-payment period for one year up to two months before the month to which the death day belongs.

Requirements for receiving a survivor's basic pension

Survivors who can receive the survivor's basic pension are spouses (including those in a de facto marriage) or children with a child whose livelihood was maintained by the deceased at the time of death, respectively, If you meet the requirements.

  1. The spouse must have the same livelihood as the child of the deceased (in this case, the "child" must be in the following 2).
  2. For children, they must be by the end of the year in which they reach the age of 18, or are under the age of 20 and have a disability grade of grade 1 or 2 and have not been married (fetus at the time of death) Including when a child was born).

In the case of divorce, remarriage, separation, etc.

The survivor's basic pension is 816,000 yen [813,700 yen]. If you add the additional amount of the child, it is as follows. ※Figures for those born before April 1, 1956.

pension amount to be paid to spouses with children
Number of childrenBasic amount of pensionAdditional amount for childrenTotal
For one person

816,000 yen
[813,700 yen]

234,800 yen
[Same as above]

1,050,800 yen
[1,048,500 yen]

For 2 people

816,000 yen
[813,700 yen]

469,600 yen
[Same as above]

1,285,600 yen
[1,283,300 yen]

For 3 people

816,000 yen
[813,700 yen]

547,900 yen
[Same as above]

1,363,900 yen
[1,361,600 yen]

4 or more

816,000 yen
[813,700 yen]

For the amount of 3 people
Add 78,300 yen per person

pension amount paid for children only
Number of childrenBasic amount of pensionAdditional amountTotal
For one person

816,000 yen

816,000 yen

For 2 people

816,000 yen

234,800 yen

1,050,800 yen

For 3 people

816,000 yen

313,100 yen

1,129,100 yen

4 or more

816,000 yen

For the amount of 3 people
Add 78,300 yen per person

The entitlement of the survivor's basic pension is to be extinguished if the beneficiary falls under any of the following.

  1. When he died
  2. When married
  3. When an adopted child other than a direct relative or a direct relative (including a de facto adoption relationship)

In addition to the above, the survivor's basic pension for the spouse is entitled to the survivor's basic pension even if the child to be added (if there are two or more children, all children) falls under any of the following. Will disappear.

  1. When he died
  2. When married
  3. When an adopted child other than a spouse (including a de facto adoption relationship)
  4. When he is no longer a child of a person who died due to separation
  5. When you no longer have a living with your spouse
  6. When the end of the year of the year to which the child reached the age of 18 belongs (excluding children in grade 1 or 2 disability)
  7. When a child in a state of disability is 18 years of age or older and is no longer in a state of first or second grade disability.
  8. When a child with a grade 1 or 2 disability reaches the age of 20

The survivor's basic pension for a child will expire even if the child falls under any of the following:

  1. When he is no longer a child of a person who died due to separation
  2. When the end of the year of the year to which the child reaches the age of 18 ends (excluding children with grade 1 or 2 disabilities)
  3. When a child in a state of disability is 18 years of age or older and is no longer in a state of first or second grade disability.
  4. When a child with a grade 1 or 2 disability reaches the age of 20

Suspension of payment
Coordination of spouse and child
The survivor's basic pension is entitled separately to widows or widows (spouses) and orphans, but in such cases, the survivor's basic pension for the spouse shall be given priority. The survivor's basic pension for the child is to be suspended while the spouse has the right to receive the survivor's basic pension (except when the spouse is unknown and has been suspended). You.

Suspension of children who share a living with their parents
The survivor's basic pension for a child is entitled to the death of one of the parents, but if there is a father or mother of the child who has the same livelihood, payment will be suspended during that time.

Suspension of payment due to unknown location
The survivor's basic pension is based on the application of the beneficiary's child if the spouse who is the beneficiary has not been located for more than one year, and if the beneficiary's child is unknown for more than one year. Payment will be suspended by applying for another child who is the beneficiary. In addition, the beneficiary who has been suspended will be able to apply for cancellation of the suspension at any time.

Coordination with the bereaved family compensation by Labor Standards Law
The survivor's basic pension will be suspended for six years from the date of death if the Labor Standards Law compensates for the death.

Inquiries regarding procedures

Please contact Insurance and Pension Division National Pension Plan Section in your ward office.

Contact information for each ward office Insurance and Pension Division National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin)
Ward OfficeTELFaxE-Mail address
Tsurumi Ward045-510-1802045-510-1898[email protected]
Kanagawa Ward045-411-7121045-411-7088[email protected]
Nishi Ward045-320-8421045-322-2183[email protected]
Naka Ward045-224-8311045-224-8309[email protected]
Minami Ward045-341-1129045-341-1131[email protected]
Konan Ward045-847-8421045-845-8413[email protected]
Hodogaya Ward045-334-6332045-334-6334[email protected]
Asahi Ward045-954-6131045-954-5784[email protected]
Isogo Ward045-750-2421045-750-2544[email protected]
Kanazawa Ward045-788-7831045-788-0328[email protected]
Kohoku Ward045-540-2346045-540-2355[email protected]
Midori Ward045-930-2337045-930-2347[email protected]
Aoba Ward045-978-2331045-978-2417[email protected]
Tsuzuki Ward  045-948-2331045-948-2339[email protected]
Totsuka Ward045-866-8441045-866-8419[email protected]
Sakae Ward045-894-8420045-895-0115[email protected]
Izumi Ward045-800-2421045-800-2512[email protected]
Seya Ward045-367-5721045-362-2420[email protected]

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Inquiries to this page

Insurance and Pension Division, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Life and Welfare Department

Phone: 045-671-2418

Phone: 045-671-2418

Fax: 045-664-0403 (For inquiries regarding procedures, please contact the ward office above)

E-Mail address [email protected]

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