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Type of public pension, etc. Disability Grade Table

Last updated on February 8, 2022.

Annex for Enforcement of the National Pension Act

Class 1

  1. The following visual a visual acuity of both eyes is 0.03 or less, the visual acuity of the single eye is 0.04, the visual acuity of the other eyes is 0.04, and the visual acuity of the other eyes is 80 degrees or less, and 1/2 (*) visual acuity of the two eyes is 28 degrees or less.
  2. A hearing level of both ears of 100 dB or more
  3. Those with significant impairment in the function of both upper limbs
  4. Those who lack all fingers of both upper limbs
  5. Those with significant impairment in the functioning of all fingers in both upper limbs
  6. Those with significant impairment in the function of both lower limbs
  7. Those who lack both lower limbs with ankle joints or more
  8. Those with disabilities that cannot sit or cannot stand up in the function of the trunk
  9. In addition to the items listed in the preceding items, if the physical function disorder or a medical condition that requires long-term rest is recognized as equal to or greater than the previous items, and it is impossible to speak for daily life Thing.
  10. Mental disorders that are recognized as equal to or higher than the previous items.
  11. A disorder of physical function, a medical condition or a mental disorder overlap, and the condition is recognized as equal to or greater than the previous items.

Level 2

  1. The following visual a visual acuity of both eyes is 0.07 or less, the visual acuity of the single eye is 0.08, the visual acuity of the other eyes is 0.08, the visual acuity of the other eyes is 0 or less, and the visual acuity of the two eyes is 1/2 (*) or less.
  2. A hearing level of both ears of 90 dB or more
  3. Those with significant impairment in balance function
  4. What lacks the function of mastication
  5. Those with significant impairment in speech or language function
  6. Those who lack the ya finger or middle finger of both upper limbs
  7. Those with significant impairment in the function of the father and finger or middle finger of both upper limbs
  8. Those with significant impairment in the function of the upper limb
  9. The one who lacks all fingers of the upper limb
  10. Those with significant impairment in the functioning of all fingers in the upper limbs
  11. Those who lack all fingers of both lower limbs
  12. Those with significant impairment in the function of the lower limb
  13. Those with less limbs than ankle joints
  14. Those with disabilities that cannot walk to the function of the trunk
  15. In addition to the items listed in the preceding items, the condition in which the physical function disorder or the medical condition requiring long-term rest is recognized as equal to or greater than the previous items, and daily life is severely restricted, or Those that need to add significant restrictions to daily life.
  16. Mental disorders that are recognized as equal to or higher than the previous items.
  17. A disorder of physical function, a medical condition or a mental disorder overlap, and the condition is recognized as equal to or greater than the previous items.

Appendix 1 of the Enforcement Order of the Employees' Pension Insurance Law

Grade 3

  1. The following visual a visual acuity of both eyes is reduced to 0.1 or less. As a result of measurement using a logo-oldman type field vision meter, the sum of the peripheral vision angle by 1/4 (*) of both eyes is reduced to 80 degrees or less, respectively. C. As a result of measurement with an automatic field of view, the number of open viewing points decreased to 70 or less
  2. If the hearing of both ears is 40 cm or more, it is not possible to understand the normal voice.
  3. Those that leave a considerable degree of impairment in mastication or language function
  4. Those that leave significant obstacles to the function of the spine
  5. Of the three major joints of the upper limbs, the use of the two joints is abolished.
  6. Of the three major joints of the lower limbs, the use of the two joints is abolished.
  7. Those that leave false joints on long tubular bones and leave significant impairment in motor function
  8. Those who have lost their father and finger of the upper limb, or those who have lost their three or more fingers of the upper limbs together with their father or finger
  9. The use of the four fingers of the upper limbs is abolished by combining the old fingers and the first finger.
  10. Loss of one leg with a lisfran joint or more
  11. Abandoned use of ten toes in both lower limbs
  12. In addition to the items listed in the preceding items, those that leave a degree of disability that requires significant restrictions on work or impose significant restrictions on work in physical functions.
  13. Those who leave a degree of disability to the mental or nervous system that requires significant restrictions on work or significant restrictions on work.
  14. Those who do not cure injuries and illnesses and have disabilities to the physical function, mental or nervous system that require labor restrictions or impose restrictions on labor, and are determined by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare

Employees' Pension Insurance Law Enforcement Order

(Disability allowance)

  1. The visual acuity of both eyes is reduced to 0.6 or less, respectively.
  2. Single eye vision reduced to 0.1 or less
  3. Those that leave significant loss on the eyelids of both eyes
  4. If the field of view by both eyes is lost by more than half, as a result of measurement with a Goldman type field of view, if the angle of the center of the eye by 1/2 (*) is reduced to 56 degrees or less, or as a result of measurement with an automatic field of view, two eyes open viewing points is less than 100 points or two eyes center field of view is less than 40 points
  5. Those that leave significant obstacles to the adjustment function of both eyes and congestion function
  6. The hearing of one ear is reduced to the extent that it cannot be understood loudly without contacting the ear husk.
  7. Mastication or language impairments
  8. Those who lose their nose and leave significant obstacles to their function
  9. Those that leave impaired function of the spine
  10. Of the three major joints of the upper limbs, those that leave significant dysfunction in one joint
  11. Of the three major joints of one limb, those that leave significant dysfunction in one joint
  12. The lower limb is reduced by 3 centimeters or more.
  13. Those that leave significant dislocation deformation on long tube-shaped bones
  14. Those who have lost two or more fingers of one upper limb
  15. The one who lost the finger of the upper limb
  16. Abandoned three or more fingers of the upper limb
  17. The use of the two fingers of the upper limbs together with the one-off fingers.
  18. Abandoned ya finger in the upper limb
  19. Those that have lost the first toe or the other four toes of the lower limb
  20. Abandoned use of the five toes of the lower limb
  21. In addition to the items listed in the preceding items, those that leave a degree of disability to the extent that labor is restricted or requires restrictions on labor to be added to work.
  22. Those who leave a degree of disability in the mental or nervous system to which labor is restricted or requires restrictions on labor.

(※) 1/4 and 1/2 are written in Roman numerals.

 Remarks The measurement of visual acuity is based on a universal vision test chart, and if there is a refractive error, the visual acuity is measured using corrected vision.

Inquiries regarding procedures

Please contact the pension office in your district.

Contact information for pension Office
OfficeJurisdictionContact information
Kohoku pension Office (outside site)Aoba Ward
Kohoku Ward
Tsuzuki Ward  
Midori Ward
Phone: 045-546-8888
Fax: 045-546-8880
Tsurumi pension Office (outside site)Kanagawa Ward
Tsurumi Ward
Phone: 045-521-2641
Fax: 045-504-5600
Yokohama Naka-pension Office (outside site)Naka Ward
Nishi Ward
Phone: 045-641-7501
Fax: 045-641-7578
Yokohamanishi pension Office (outside site)Asahi Ward
Izumi Ward
Sakae Ward
Seya Ward
Totsuka Ward
Hodogaya Ward
Phone: 045-820-6655
Fax: 045-825-4381
Yokohama Minami pension Office (outside site)Isogo Ward
Kanazawa Ward
Konan Ward
Minami Ward
Phone: 045-742-5511
Fax: 045-714-7250

Inquiries to this page

Insurance and Pension Division, Health and Social Welfare Bureau Life and Welfare Department

Phone: 045-671-2418

Phone: 045-671-2418

Fax: 045-664-0403

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 356-264-600


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