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  6. How are part-time income and taxes involved? (FY2025)

Last updated on February 5, 2025.

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How are part-time income and taxes involved? (FY2025)

I'm a salaryman, but how does my wife's part-time income relate to the taxes of our couple? My wife's part-time salary income is 1.02 million yen, and my annual income is 5 million yen in salary income.

First, let's take a look at whether your wife's part-time income is taxed, and then whether there is a spouse deduction or special spouse deduction that is deducted from your income in your own tax calculation. (Assumption of taxation in fiscal 2025)

How much tax does it cost?

There are income tax and resident tax as taxes on income and income.

Income tax

Under the Income Tax Law, part-time income is regarded as salary income and tax is calculated in the same way as ordinary salaried workers, but the remaining amount obtained by subtracting employment income deduction from salary income is the basic deduction (480,000 yen) In the following cases, income tax will not be levied.
In other words, the "minimum taxation" of salary earners in income tax is as follows.

(Deduction of employment income) 550,000 yen + (basic deduction) 480,000 yen = (minimum taxation) 1,030,000 yen

In the case of question, income tax is not levied because the amount of income is less than 1.03 million yen.

Resident tax

On the other hand, there is a "tax exemption system" for resident tax, and the limit is 450,000 yen in the case of Yokohama City. .
In other words, if the salary income is less than the sum of the salary deduction and the tax exemption limit (450,000 yen) (1 million yen), resident tax will not be levied.

(Deduction of salary income) 550,000 yen + (tax exemption limit) 450,000 yen = 1 million yen

In the case of question, residence tax is levied because the amount of income exceeds 1 million yen.
In this case, the residence tax will be levied the year following the year in which the income was earned, so in this case it will be levied as the residence tax for 2025.

Subject to spouse deduction

If your spouse's salary income is 480,000 yen or less (salary income is 1,030,000 yen) or less and your total income is 10 million yen or less, you can deduct both income tax and resident tax from your income Subject to deduction.
Your wife's income is 470,000 yen (salary income: 1,020,000 yen-salary income deduction: 550,000 yen), and your income is 3,560,000 yen (salary income: 5 million yen-salary income deduction: 1,440,000 yen) In calculating income tax and resident tax.

Special spouse deductions are subject to special spouse deductions

Special spouse deductions are based on spouse deductions that spouses whose part-time income exceeds 1.03 million yen will not be applied to spouses whose part-time income exceeds 1,030,000 yen, and will take into account the spouse's contribution to income earning. It is a system established.
The application of this special deduction is required that the total income of the person receiving the deduction must be less than 10 million yen, as with the conditions for applying the spouse deduction.
Your wife's part-time income during 2024 is 1,020,000 yen and your salary income is 5 million yen, so the spouse deduction will be applied to the income tax for 2024 and the resident tax for 2025. Will be
※ If a taxpayer whose previous year's income is only salary and whose total income exceeds 10 million yen has a spouse who has no income to make a living, a taxpayer or spouse must file a personal municipal tax. May be. For more information, please contact Tax Division City Tax Section in your ward.

Contact information

If you have any questions, please contact each ward office.

Tax Division City Tax Section, each ward office
Ward OfficeWindowTELE-Mail address
Aoba Ward55th floor on the 3rd floor of Aoba Ward
Asahi Ward28th floor, 2nd floor of Asahi Ward Hall Main
Izumi Ward304, 3rd floor of Izumi Ward
Isogo Ward34th floor, Isogo Ward Office, 3rd
Kanagawa Ward325 on the 3rd floor of Kanagawa Ward Hall Main
Kanazawa Ward304, 3rd floor of Kanazawa Ward
Konan Ward31st floor, Konan Ward Office, 3rd
Kohoku Ward31st floor, Kohoku Ward Office, 3rd
Sakae Ward30th floor, 3rd floor of Sakae Ward Hall Main
Seya Ward33rd floor, Seya Ward Office, 3rd
Tsuzuki Ward  34th floor, Tsuzuki Ward   Office, 3rd
Tsurumi WardNo. 2 on the 4th floor of Tsurumi Ward
Totsuka Ward72th floor, Totsuka Ward Office, 7th
Naka Ward43rd floor on the 4th floor of Naka Ward Office Main
Nishi Ward44th floor, Nishi Ward Office, 4th
Hodogaya Ward26th floor, 2nd floor of Hodogaya Ward Hall Main
Midori Ward35th floor, Midori Ward Office, 3rd
Minami Ward33rd floor, Minami Ward Office, 3rd

Inquiries to this page

Tax Division, Chief Tax Department, Finance Bureau (I cannot answer consultations on individual taxation details and declarations.) Please contact your ward office Tax Division.)

Phone: 045-671-2253

Phone: 045-671-2253

Fax: 045-641-2775

E-Mail address

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