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Please refer to the tax statement of property tax and city planning tax!

Last updated on December 19, 2024.

"Taxation statement" is an important document that informs you of the location, lot number, price, etc. of land and houses subject to property tax and city planning tax.
Please refer to the “Property Tax / City Planning Tax (Land / House) Tax Payment Notice” sent to you in early April every year.

How to view the tax statement

The contents printed vary depending on the type of asset.
Please refer to the following PDF file.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

In the following cases, please contact and contact the ward office Tax Division of the ward where the fixed assets are located.

  • There are indications different from the status of land and houses owned by you.
  • I don't know the meaning of the numbers or terms listed.
  • Other questions


  • The “Location and Lot Number” column is indicated by “Lot Number”, which is different from “Address” on the residential display.
  • The column of "Taxable land area" indicates the land area of the taxed land, so it may differ from the land area such as the land registry.
  • The column of "floor area" may differ from the exclusive area such as the building registry, such as in the case of a section-owned house (condominium, etc.).
  • In the event of damage caused by a disaster such as an earthquake or fire, reduction or exemption measures may be taken to reduce the tax burden depending on the situation. .
  • In Yokohama City, each ward office performs evaluation and taxation duties.
  • If you have any questions, please contact the ward office Tax Division in the ward where your fixed assets are located.

Please let us know if there is a change in land or house.

Next, applicable person, please see "change report << request >> about property tax" enclosed with tax payment letter of advice, and please report in Yokohama-shi electronic application, report system (outside site).

  • Those who have changed or modified the name of the recipient of the tax notice Address or the name.
  • Those who have changed (or have plans) the land use status described in the tax payment letter of advice (tax statement) during this year
  • Those who have newly built, renovated, or demolished houses during this year (or have plans)

Those who have changed the registration or those who do not fall under the above do not need to submit a notification.

Contact information

If you have any questions, please contact each ward office.

Each ward office, Tax Division Property Tax, Land Section House
Ward OfficeLand Section window number Phone numberHouse contact number Phone numberE-Mail address
Aoba Ward51, 3rd floor of Aoba Ward Office
50th floor on the 3rd floor of Aoba Ward Office
[email protected]
Asahi Ward29th floor, 2nd floor of Asahi Ward Hall Main Building
29th floor, 2nd floor of Asahi Ward Hall Main Building
[email protected]
Izumi Ward302 on the 3rd floor of Izumi Ward Office
302 on the 3rd floor of Izumi Ward Office
[email protected]
Isogo Ward36th floor, Isogo Ward Office, 3rd floor
36th floor, Isogo Ward Office, 3rd floor
[email protected]
Kanagawa Ward323, 3rd floor of Kanagawa Ward Hall Main Building
322, 3rd floor of Kanagawa Ward Hall Main Building
[email protected]
Kanazawa Ward302 on the 3rd floor of Kanazawa Ward Office
301 on the 3rd floor of Kanazawa Ward Office
[email protected]
Konan Ward32nd floor, Konan Ward Office, 3rd floor
32nd floor, Konan Ward Office, 3rd floor
[email protected]
Kohoku Ward35th floor, Kohoku Ward Office, 3rd floor
34th floor, Kohoku Ward Office, 3rd floor
[email protected]
Sakae Ward32nd floor, 3rd floor of Sakae Ward Hall Main Building
33rd floor, 3rd floor of Sakae Ward Hall Main Building
[email protected]
Seya Ward31st floor, Seya Ward Office, 3rd floor
31st floor, Seya Ward Office, 3rd floor
[email protected]
Tsuzuki Ward  32nd floor, Tsuzuki Ward   Office, 3rd floor
33rd floor, Tsuzuki Ward   Office, 3rd floor
[email protected]
Tsurumi Ward5th floor on the 4th floor of Tsurumi Ward Office
4th floor, 6th floor, Tsurumi Ward Office
[email protected]
Totsuka Ward73rd floor, Totsuka Ward Office, 7th floor
73rd floor, Totsuka Ward Office, 7th floor
[email protected]
Naka Ward45th floor, 4th floor of Naka Ward Office Main Building
44th floor, Naka Ward Office Main Building, 4th floor
[email protected]
Nishi Ward43rd floor, Nishi Ward Office, 4th floor
43rd floor, Nishi Ward Office, 4th floor
[email protected]
Hodogaya Ward28th floor, 2nd floor of Hodogaya Ward Hall Main Building
28th floor, 2nd floor of Hodogaya Ward Hall Main Building
[email protected]
Midori Ward34th floor, Midori Ward Office, 3rd floor
34th floor, Midori Ward Office, 3rd floor
[email protected]
Minami Ward31st floor, Minami Ward Office, 3rd floor
31st floor, Minami Ward Office, 3rd floor
[email protected]

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Inquiries to this page

Property Tax Division, Chief Tax Department, Finance Bureau Land Section

Phone: 045-671-2258

Phone: 045-671-2258

Fax: 045-641-2775

E-Mail address [email protected]

Property Tax Division, Property Tax Division, Finance Bureau

Phone: 045-671-2260

Phone: 045-671-2260

Fax: 045-641-2775

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 737-978-244


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