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News of 2024 property tax, city planning tax tax payment letter of advice dispatch

Last updated on December 19, 2024.

We sent tax payment letter of advice of property tax, city planning tax in 2024

We sent out property tax, city planning tax payment letter of advice in 2024 from ward office Tax Division of ward where assets are located.
Fiscal 2024 is the year of revaluation once every three years. Revaluation refers to reviewing the price of land and houses, which is the basis for calculating the tax amount every three years.

  • The price of land (residential land) was reviewed with a target of 70% of the published land price as of January 1, 2023.
  • The price of the house was revised by applying a correction rate reflecting changes in building prices, etc., and applying the deduction correction rate (aging deduction correction rate) according to the age of each house.

You can check the price of taxable assets in the tax statement attached to the tax notification letter (see the following page for how to read the tax statement.) 。
Please see the tax statement of property tax and city planning tax!

About error in mention on the back of tax payment notice

The explanation of "If you are dissatisfied with the price of fixed assets" on the back of the tax payment letter of advice (first sheet) was incorrect. I apologize and correct it.
In addition, the tax payment notice sent has been corrected using the "errata" or "listed on the back of the envelope".
Errata (PDF: 91KB)

For those who have changed in Address or who have changed land use status

Next, those who apply should see the “Change Report on Property Tax <Request >>” enclosed with the tax payment letter of advice, and submit a report with the Yokohama City Electronic Application and Notification System (outside site). Thank you.

  • Those who have changed or modified the name of the recipient of the tax notice Address or the name.
  • Those who have changed (or have plans) the land use status indicated in the tax payment letter of advice during this year
  • Those who have newly built, renovated, or demolished houses during this year (or have plans)

※Attention If you have changed your registration or do not fall under the above, you do not need to submit a notification.

About payment method of property tax, city planning tax

Please see page of "payment method" for the details of payment method of property tax, city planning tax.

About property tax, city planning tax

About summary of property tax, city planning tax, please see page of "summary of property tax in 2024" and "property tax (land, house), city planning tax".

Contact information

If you have any questions, please contact each ward office.

Each ward office, Tax Division Property Tax, Land Section House
Ward OfficeLand Section window number Phone numberHouse contact number Phone numberE-Mail address
Aoba Ward51, 3rd floor of Aoba Ward Office
50th floor on the 3rd floor of Aoba Ward Office
[email protected]
Asahi Ward29th floor, 2nd floor of Asahi Ward Hall Main Building
29th floor, 2nd floor of Asahi Ward Hall Main Building
[email protected]
Izumi Ward302 on the 3rd floor of Izumi Ward Office
302 on the 3rd floor of Izumi Ward Office
[email protected]
Isogo Ward36th floor, Isogo Ward Office, 3rd floor
36th floor, Isogo Ward Office, 3rd floor
[email protected]
Kanagawa Ward323, 3rd floor of Kanagawa Ward Hall Main Building
322, 3rd floor of Kanagawa Ward Hall Main Building
[email protected]
Kanazawa Ward302 on the 3rd floor of Kanazawa Ward Office
301 on the 3rd floor of Kanazawa Ward Office
[email protected]
Konan Ward32nd floor, Konan Ward Office, 3rd floor
32nd floor, Konan Ward Office, 3rd floor
[email protected]
Kohoku Ward35th floor, Kohoku Ward Office, 3rd floor
34th floor, Kohoku Ward Office, 3rd floor
[email protected]
Sakae Ward32nd floor, 3rd floor of Sakae Ward Hall Main Building
33rd floor, 3rd floor of Sakae Ward Hall Main Building
[email protected]
Seya Ward31st floor, Seya Ward Office, 3rd floor
31st floor, Seya Ward Office, 3rd floor
[email protected]
Tsuzuki Ward  32nd floor, Tsuzuki Ward   Office, 3rd floor
33rd floor, Tsuzuki Ward   Office, 3rd floor
[email protected]
Tsurumi Ward5th floor on the 4th floor of Tsurumi Ward Office
4th floor, 6th floor, Tsurumi Ward Office
[email protected]
Totsuka Ward73rd floor, Totsuka Ward Office, 7th floor
73rd floor, Totsuka Ward Office, 7th floor
[email protected]
Naka Ward45th floor, 4th floor of Naka Ward Office Main Building
44th floor, Naka Ward Office Main Building, 4th floor
[email protected]
Nishi Ward43rd floor, Nishi Ward Office, 4th floor
43rd floor, Nishi Ward Office, 4th floor
[email protected]
Hodogaya Ward28th floor, 2nd floor of Hodogaya Ward Hall Main Building
28th floor, 2nd floor of Hodogaya Ward Hall Main Building
[email protected]
Midori Ward34th floor, Midori Ward Office, 3rd floor
34th floor, Midori Ward Office, 3rd floor
[email protected]
Minami Ward31st floor, Minami Ward Office, 3rd floor
31st floor, Minami Ward Office, 3rd floor
[email protected]

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Inquiries to this page

Property Tax Division, Chief Tax Department, Finance Bureau Land Section

Phone: 045-671-2258

Phone: 045-671-2258

Fax: 045-641-2775

E-Mail address [email protected]

Property Tax Division, Property Tax Division, Finance Bureau

Phone: 045-671-2260

Phone: 045-671-2260

Fax: 045-641-2775

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 214-095-540


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