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  6. Registration
  7. When Address changes, or when the user number (library card) is lost

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When Address changes, or when the user number (library card) is lost

Last updated on January 18, 2024.

Address, Phone number, when names change

  • If the registered items (name, Address, Phone number, etc.) have changed, please present your identity, new Address, name confirmation documents, and user number (library card) to the library window and proceed with the change. User number (library card) can be used even after the change.
  • In the case of a change other than your name, you can also apply online. (Only those who live, work, or attend school in Yokohama City)
    For more information, please refer to "Information on Registration, Update, and Change Procedures".
    ※If you include a change in your name or if you are using a wide area, you need to apply at the counter.

Transfer to outside the city (transfer to Kamakura, Kawasaki, Zushi, Fujisawa, Yamato, Yokosuka, Machida)

If your employer or school is not in Yokohama City, you will be switched to the library card, so please present your user number (library card) at the library window and proceed with the change.

Transfer out of the city (moved out of the city other than Kamakura, Kawasaki, Zushi, Fujisawa, Yamato, Yokosuka, and Machida)

If your employer or school is not Yokohama City, please return your user number (library card) to the library.

When you lose your library card

  • Please visit Yokohama City Library and present "Yokohama Municipal application form for a library card" to confirm your identity and current address (confirmation documents).
    A new user number (library card) will be issued.
  • If you call us, please submit "application form for a library card" at a later date.

About library service using temporary library card

If you have lost your library card before December 24, 2023, we will issue a temporary library card. Services that require "password" input are not available on the online catalog page and in-house user search machines. This is a measure to prevent unauthorized use of library cards by third parties.

Confirmation documents

Presentation of confirmation documents is necessary/required procedures

  • Registration
  • Change of registration details
  • Registration renewal
  • Report of loss of library card

Please bring a document (original) that confirms the name and address of the applicant.

Example of Confirmation Documents

  • Driver's license
  • Health insurance card
  • Certificates issued by local governments and government agencies (including copies of resident certificate and certificate of family register certificates issued by family register) are issued within three months of issuance.
  • Utility bill receipt (within 3 months from issuance)
  • Student ID card, student handbook
  • Mail sent to the applicant with a postmark of less than 3 months. (If you would like to confirm by mail, please present a cash card, etc. that can identify you. However, this excludes member's cards, etc. that have not passed the identity of the issuer when issuing. )


  • If there is an expiration date, it must be within the expiration date.
  • In the case of a receipt, etc., please present one within 3 months from the date of issue.
  • If you live outside Yokohama and commute to Yokohama, please also present documents (employee ID card, student ID card, student handbook, etc.) that can confirm your place of work and school.
  • In principle, procedures by the applicant are required. If it's not convenient, you can take care of your family in living together.
  • If someone other than the living together family is acting on your behalf, please bring the following two items in addition to the applicant's confirmation documents.
    • Power of Attorney (PDF: 99KB) signed by the delegated person (applicant)
    • proxy/agent's library card (i.e., Address) or documents that confirm the name and address of proxy/agent

When elementary school student and infants under elementary school age perform registration procedures by themselves

  • You can confirm your name and address by mail sent to the applicant. (It is not necessary to present other identification documents together.) If you are under elementary school age, a New Year's card without a postmark is also valid as a confirmation document.
  • When parents come together and register, please bring confirmation documents such as health insurance card.

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