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Yokohama City History Volume 5 Contents

To the History of Yokohama City

Development of the Keihin Industrial Zone
Chapter 1 Progress of Industrial electrification and Electric Power Companies
Section 1 Trends in Electricity Supply in Yokohama City Area - Focusing on Yokohama Electric Power Company
1 The aspect of industrial electrification in Yokohama city area before and after World War I
2 Establishment of Yokohama Joint Lighting Company and initial results
3 Merger of Hakone Hydroelectric Company and change of company name (Yokohama Electric Company)
4 Start of power supply business and expansion of power generation
5 Development of Yokohama Electricity under World War I
6 Tokyo Denki Co., Ltd. and Keihin Electric Power Company
Section 2 Trends in Industrialization and Power Supply in Kawasaki, Tsurumi and Hodogaya Areas
1 Electricity business of Keihin Electric Railway, Keisen Electric Power Co., Ltd. and Fuji Gas Spinning
2 Power Business of Soichiro Asano
3 Competition and Integration of electric power companies after the Great Depression
4 Competition between the three major electric power companies in the Keihin region (Tokyo Electric Light, Nihon Electric Power, and Daido Electric Power).
Chapter 2 Development of Steel and Shipbuilding
Section 1 Trends in Nippon Kokan in the late Taisho and early Showa eras
1 Nippon Kokan after the Great Kanto Earthquake
2 Nippon Kokan during the Depression
Section 2 Asano Shipyard at the end of Taisho and early Showa eras
1 Iron Works Department of Asano Shipyard
2 Asano Shipyard Shipbuilding Department
Section 3 Trends in Yokohama culverts at the end of Taisho and early Showa eras
1 Yokohama culvert at the end of Taisho
2 Yokohama culvert in the early Showa period
Part 7 Trends in Industries
Chapter 1 Development of Railways and Changes in Land Transport
Section 1 Tokaido Line in Taisho and early Showa eras
1 Tokaido Line during World War I
2 Tokaido Line since the 1920s
Section 2 Establishment of Coastal Electric Railroad and Merger of Tsurumi Rinko Railway
1 Establishment of coastal electric orbit
2 Establishment of Tsurumi Rinko Railway and absorption of coastal electric tracks
Section 3 Development of Keihin Electric Railway and the establishment of Shonan Electric Railway
1 Keihin Electric Railway in the Taisho Period
2 Founded Keihin Electric Railway and Shonan Electric Railway in the early Showa period
Section 4 Opening of the Tokyo Yokohama Electric Railway Kanagawa Line
Section 5 The launch and development of Yokohama streetcars
1 Prehistory - History of Acquisition of Yokohama City
2 Municipal start and outbreak of the Great Kanto Earthquake
3 Reconstruction work and its end
Chapter 2 Trends in Commerce and Industry
Section 1 Trends in Commerce and Industry
1 Employment Population
2 Industry
3 Commercial
Section 2 Trends in the Manufacturing Industry
1 Start of manufacturing and export
2 Manufacturing and Distribution of Taisho
3 Trends in the late Taisho and early Showa eras
Section 3 Trends in Export Silk Related Business
1 Silk hand cloth processing business
2 Export silk dyeing business
3 Major Small Manufacturing
Chapter 3 Trends in the Financial Services Business
Section 1 Development of World War I
1 Regionality of the World War boom
2. Characteristics of Major Banks
3 Trends in Deposits
4 Trends in Loans
Section 2 Trends after the Great Depression - in return to Musubi-
1 Decline of the head office bank
2 Raw Silk Finance of Yokohama Banks
Part 8 Activities of Yokohama Chamber of Commerce
Chapter 1 Composition of Yokohama Chamber of Commerce in Taisho
Section 1 Member of the Diet
Section 2 Officers
Chapter 2 Business of Yokohama Chamber of Commerce
Section 1 Proposals and Reports on Trade Tariffs
Section 2 Proposals and Reports on Port Customs
Section 3 Proposals and Reports related to transportation and transportation
Section 4 Proposals and Reports Related to Communication
Section 5 Proposals and Reports on Commerce and Industry
Section 6 Proposals and Reports Related to Taxes
Chapter 3 Business of Yokohama Chamber of Commerce in Taisho
Section 1 Proposals and Reports on Trade Tariffs
Section 2 Proposals and Reports on Port Customs
Section 3 Proposals and Reports related to transportation
Section 4 Proposals and Reports Related to Communication
Section 5 Proposals and Reports on Commerce and Finance
Section 6 Proposals related to tax
Section 7 Proposal of diplomatic relations
Section 8 Proposals and Reports on Reconstruction of Yokohama City
Part 9 Labor Movement in the Late Taisho
Chapter 1 Uplifting the Movement after World War II
Section 1: The rapid increase in disputes and the development of class growth
1 Movement to acquire political freedom
2 Revival of the Socialist Movement
The wave of the three disputes, the summer of 1919
4 Stagnant labor union formation
5 ILO meetings as a turning point
Section 2 Instruction of Depression and Sanjicalism
1 Participation in the general election campaign and labor unions
2 Offshore Conflict and First Labor Festival
3 Labor Union Movement under the Depression
Chapter 2 Combination of Labor and Socialist Movements
Section 1 Impact of San Dicalism
1 Continued dismissal and rationalization
2 Battle of Shipbuilding in Yokohama
3 Limits of Direct Action Theory
Section 2 Transplant of Unified Front Theory
1 The defeat of the Yokohama culvert dispute
2 Necessity to overcome natural growth potential
3 Trial of the Cooperative Front Movement
4 setbacks caused by the Great Kanto Earthquake
The beginning of the Showa Period Labor Movement

Table of Contents
Publication pageTable
2Table 1Changes in the number of factories and driving force in Yokohama City (1913-9)
16Table 2Monthly electricity rate revision of Yokohama Electric Power Company (1916)
18Table 3Management of Yokohama Electric Company
19Table 4Coal consumption of Yokohama Electric Power Company and its unit price (1913-9)
51Table 5Management Trends of Nippon Kokan after the Great Kanto Earthquake
52Table 6Production and sales immediately after the Great Kanto Earthquake (first half of 1924)
52Table 7Production increase in the Taisho 10's
52Table 8Production volume and sales volume in the second half of 1924
55Table 9List of steel cartels (as of June 30, 1932)
56Table 10Manufacturing and sales status in the second half of 1926
56Table 11Production and sales in the first half of 1927
56Table 12Manufacturing and sales status in the second half of 1927
57Table 13Trends in Production by Steel Varieties at Nippon Kokan
57Table 14Major production varieties at major steelworks (1926)
58Table 15Production volume of rolled steel
59Table 16Monthly production per worker at the end of Taisho and early Showa eras
60Table 17Management Trends of Nippon Kokan after the Financial Depression
60Table 18Management Trends of Nippon Kokan after the ban on gold
61Table 19Gains and losses on major steelmaking companies in the early Showa period
62Table 20Nippon Kokan Balance Sheet (Assets Department)
63Table 21Nippon Kokan's Balance Sheet (Debt)
64Table 22Trends in amortization of fixed assets at Nippon Kokan
64Table 23Number of workers at Nippon Kokan
65Table 24Manufacturing and sales status of Nippon Kokan (first half of 1993 to first half of 1996)
70Table 25Steel production and sales at the Iron Works Department of Asano Shipyard
71Table 26Profit and loss of major pig companies and ironmaking incentives
71Table 27Estimated supply of pig iron in Japan
72Table 28Major production varieties at major steelworks (1926)
73Table 29Production volume by Atsushi steel sheet company in the first half of the Showa era
74Table 30Changes in the Top Concentration of Production
74Table 31The efficiency of the late Taisho at the Asano Shipyard
75Table 32Construction of large vessels at the Asano Shipyard
76~77Table 33Moving Conditions of Workers at Asano Shipyard
77Table 34Percentage of the Shipbuilding Department of Asano Shipyard
78Table 35Sales Trends of the Dock Department of Asano Shipyard
80Table 36Balance sheet of Yokohama Dock after the earthquake
81Table 37Trends in Profit and Loss at Yokohama Dock after the Earthquake
82Table 38Changes in Major Shareholders of Yokohama Dock
83Table 39Percentage of profits of Yokohama Dock
84Table 40Construction of new ships at Yokohama Dock since the end of Taisho
84Table 41Ship repair status of Yokohama Dock
85Table 42Changes in the number of workers at Yokohama Dock, regular workers, dismissals, and labor unions
88Table 43Major ships built in Yokohama Dock in the early Showa period
89Table 44Situation of Large Shipbuilding of Yokohama Dock and Asano Shipbuilding
90Table 45New ship construction results by Nippon Yusen and Osaka Merchant Ship Construction Site (1919-20-30)
91Table 46Labor disputes at shipyards in Kanagawa Prefecture at the end of Taisho and early Showa eras
92Table 47Wages managed by the University of Heavy Industries in the Keihin Industrial Zone
93Table 48Business status of Yokohama Dock at the end of Taisho and early Showa eras
112~113Table 49List of tonnages by station (1922)
124Table 50Population growth in Tsurumicho and Tajima-cho
124Table 51Trends in the number of passengers
125Table 52Profit and Loss on Tsurumi Rinko Railway
126Table 53Trends in cargo handling at Tsurumi Rinko Railway
127Table 54Average Freight Revenue from Tsurumi Rinko Railway
128Table 55Commuting status of companies along the coastal electric track
129Table 56Number of commuters to various factories along the Tsurumi Rinko Kaigan Electric Line
131Table 57Trends in earnings of Keihin Electric Railway during the Taisho period
133Table 58Operating results of Keihin Electric Railway during the Taisho period
136Table 59Major Shareholders of Keihin Electric Railway
137Table 60Trends in profit and loss of Keihin Electric Railway in the early Showa period
138Table 61Transportation results of Keihin and Toyoko Electric Railways at the end of Taisho and early Showa eras
140Table 62High-speed trains near Tokyo
143Table 63Major Shareholders of Shonan Electric Railway (as of May 31, 1933)
144Table 64Profit and loss of Shonan Electric Railway during its founding period
150Table 65Breakdown of income from railway companies around Tokyo (1930)
151Table 66Gains and losses on Tokyo Yokohama Electric Railway at the end of Taisho and early Showa eras
153Table 67Comparison of Operating Results Index in the Early Showa Period
157Table 68Emergency streetcar openings immediately after the Great Kanto Earthquake
158Table 69Development of the City of Yokohama
159Table 70Reconstruction of streetcars at the end of Taisho and early Showa eras
161Table 71Operating Results of Yokohama Tram (I)
161Table 72Operating Results of Yokohama Tram (II)
162Table 73Number of passengers and ride fees
163Table 74Competitive transportation with streetcars
163Table 75Comparison of 6 major city streetcar fares (June 1927)
167Table 76Occupational Composition of Industrial Population in Yokohama City
168Table 77Occupational and Distinguished Composition of Yokohama City Occupational Population (1930)
170Table 78Trends at the Yokohama Plant
171Table 79Trends by Division at the Yokohama Plant
172Table 80Major Plants in Yokohama City (end of 1919)
173Table 81Business tax paid in Yokohama City (FY1918) 1
173Table 82Amount of damage caused by the earthquake in Yokohama City Industry
175Table 83Major Plants in Yokohama City (end of 1930)
176Table 84Occupational and distinction composition of industrial population in Yokohama (1930)
177Table 85Trends in Small and Medium-sized Plants in Yokohama City
178Table 86Number of Workers by Category in Yokohama City (1920)
181Table 87Number of employees in Yokohama City Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (1930)
182Table 88Hierarchical nature of industrial management in Yokohama (1932)
184Table 89Number of Commercial Management in Yokohama
184Table 90Number of Goods Sales Business in Yokohama
186Table 91Business tax paid in Yokohama City (FY1918) 2
188Table 92Amount of damage caused by the earthquake in Yokohama Commercial
189Table 93The hierarchy of commercial management in Yokohama (1932)
192Table 94Trends in exports of Asamada
199Table 95Production Trends in Asamada by prefecture
199Table 96Asamada Manufacturing in Yokohama City
200Table 97Asamada Plant by scale in Yokohama City
201Table 98Major Asamada Plant in Yokohama City (end of 1916)
204Table 99Price trends for Asamada and same raw materials
213Table 100Trends in the export of silk wags
213Table 101Silk hand cloth factory by scale in Yokohama
214Table 102Silk hand cloth manufacturing in Yokohama City
219Table 103Export textile dyeing factory in Yokohama by size
220Table 104Export textile dyeing business in Yokohama City
221Table 105Major dyeing, arrangement and refinement factories in Yokohama (end of 1919)
227Table 106Large small manufacturing industry in Yokohama
227Table 107Large-scale small factories in Yokohama by size
228Table 108Major small factories in Yokohama (end of 1919)
235Table 109Regional characteristics of the development of ordinary and savings banks (I)
236Table 110Regional characteristics of the growth rate of deposits and loans
238Table 111Lending and depositing of the Bank of Yokohama Meeting House Union Bank
239Table 112Fund management of Yokohama Shokin Bank's domestic branches
242Table 113Accounts of major banks in Yokohama (I)
243Table 114Head office and branch bank
245Table 115Deposits of leading commercial banks
247Table 116Shareholder structure of Yokohama Shokin Bank (end of 1933)
247Table 117Major Shareholders and Officers of Second Bank (I)
248Table 118(Yokohama) Major Shareholders and Officers of 74 Banks
250Table 119Employees and Officers of Soda Bank
250Table 120Major Shareholders and Officers of Watanabe Bank
252Table 121Major Shareholders and Officers of Yokohama Business Bank
252Table 122Savings Bank in Yokohama
255Table 123Deposits of Major Banks in Yokohama (I)
256Table 124Deposits of Major Banks in Yokohama (II)
261Table 125Branch distribution of Yokohama City Head Office Bank (end of 1919)
262Table 126Deposits at Yokohama Shokin Bank Head Office
263Table 127Major Accounts of Second Bank (I)
264Table 128Major accounts of Motegi, Yokohama 74,744 Banks
265Table 12974 bank deposits
266Table 13074 Bank Head Offices and Branches (As of June 30, 1919)
267Table 131Major Accounts of Soda Bank
268Table 132Deposits by Region of Soda Bank
269Table 133Major Accounts of Watanabe Bank
269Table 134Major Accounts of Yokohama Business Bank
270Table 135Percentage of Yokohama Branch
271Table 136Major accounts of Soda Savings Bank
272Table 137Savings and Deposits of Soda Savings Bank
273Table 138Major accounts of the Bank of Yokohama Savings Bank
275Table 139Deposits by head office and branch of Yokohama Savings Bank
276Table 140Ordinary savings structure of Yokohama Savings Bank
282Table 141Loan Composition of Major Banks in Yokohama (I)
283Table 142Loan Composition of Major Banks in Yokohama (II)
285Table 143Foreign exchange transactions
286Table 144Foreign exchange transactions of banks in Yokohama (I)
289Table 145Shareholders of Yokohama Raw Silk Co., Ltd. (June 1919)
290Table 146Major Accounts of Yokohama Raw Silk Co., Ltd.
295Table 147Shareholders and Officers of Japan-Russia Business Co., Ltd. (November 30, 1920)
303Table 148Results of Masuda Trading Co., Ltd.
306Table 149Financial Results of Kobee Abe Shoten Co., Ltd.
308Table 150Trading banks for small and medium-sized trades
314Table 151Total amount of advance loans
319Table 152Supply of "original funds" by Yokohama Banks [estimated]
321Table 153Efforts to exchange raw silk
322Table 154Trade notes of Yokohama Banks
323Table 155Lending mortgages of major banks in Yokohama (end of 1916)
323Table 156Lending of products collateral by Yokohama Banks
325Table 157Business Bank of Yokohama City Commerce and Industry (as of 1919)
326Table 158Loan composition of Yokohama Shokin Bank head office
330Table 159Bank of Yokohama Industrial Company (as of 1919)
333Table 160Investments in Yokohama Asset Owners (as of 1919)
358Table 161Regional characteristics of the development of ordinary and savings banks (II)
359Table 162Financial Indicators for Tokyo and Kanagawa
360Table 163Foreign exchange transactions of banks in Yokohama (II)
361Table 164Accounts of major banks in Yokohama (II)
363Table 165Major Shareholders and Officers of Second Bank (II)
363Table 166Major Accounts of Second Bank (II)
364Table 167Deposits by head office and branch of the Second Bank
365Table 168Breakdown of deposits at the Second Bank
366Table 169Loans from the Second Bank
367Table 170Increase in loans at the head office of Daini Bank in June
368Table 171Loans by collateral for the Second Bank
368Table 172Loans for merchandise mortgages from Yokohama Banks (end of 1926)
373Table 173Raw Silk Finance of Yokohama Banks (1930)
380~384Table 174Member of the Yokohama Chamber of Commerce (Meiji 44-Daisho 14)
385Table 175Number of Members of the Yokohama Chamber of Commerce by Occupation (March 1944 to March 2014)
385Table 176Breakdown of Company Representative
468Table 177U.S. Imported to Japan
547Table 178Discount rate on bills for earthquake disaster
Table of Contents
Publication pageExplanation
110~111Figure 1Changes in metropolitan transportation
115Figure 2Cargo yards near Tokyo and Yokohama
122Figure 3Opening of sections in the Keihin region
139Figure 4Keihin Shonan Electric Railway Route Map (1930)
145Figure 5Shonan Electric Railway Route Map (1930)
149Figure 6Tokyo Yokohama Meguro Kamata Electric Railway Line Floor Plan
160Figure 7Street map in the early Showa period
Table of Contents
Figure 1New Port Opening Memorial Yokohama Hall (1917)
Figure 2Coast distant view (1917)
Figure 3Quay and Chiyomaru (1917)
Figure 4Full view of the pier (1917)

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