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Volume 5 of Yokohama City History

To the History of Yokohama City

Part 10 Trends in Municipal Administration (bottom)
Chapter 1 Municipal Administration after World War I
Section 1 Municipal Election of 1918 and Appearance of Kubota Municipal Government
1 1918 Municipal Assembly Member Election
2 Abolition of permanent members and the Gas Bureau's prison
3. Appointment of Mayor Kubota
Section 2 Social Administration and Urban Planning
1 U.S. Uprising and Relief Association, Public Market
2 Municipal Reform Bureau, Jikei Division and Yokohama Fire
3 Social business under post-war economic conditions
4 General Election in 1920 and the Great Depression
5 Train Municipality and Suiden Municipal Problems
6 Major Yokohama Project and Harbor and Landfill Issues
Section 3 Separation of self-government factions and establishment of Watanabe municipal administration
1 High Commercial Site Problem and Dission of Autonomous Communities
2 Election of City Councillors in 1922
3 The resignation of Mayor Kubota and the appointment of Mayor Watanabe
4 Problems on the eve of the Great Kanto Earthquake
Chapter 2 Great Kanto Earthquake and Reconstruction Projects
Section 1 Great East Japan Earthquake and its Social Impacts
1 Great East Japan Earthquake and its damage
2 The words and persecution of Korean riots
Section 2 Establishment of Reconstruction Plan
1 Emergency business immediately after the earthquake
2. Preparation of a budget for reconstruction
3 Amendments to Councils and Councils and Parliaments
Section 3 Reconstruction Project in Yokohama
1 Financial resources and planning entities for reconstruction projects
2 Civil engineering-related projects and land readjustment
3 Construction of a garbage incineration plant
4 Central Wholesale Market
5 Social Policy Administration
Chapter 3 Municipal administration in the end of Taisho and the early Showa era
Section 1 Watanabe Municipal Government after the earthquake
1 Mayor's assistant role salary reduction theory
2. The dismissal of assistants and the resignation of Mayor Watanabe
Section 2 Issues of Ariyoshi Municipal Government
1 Personnel administration of Mayor Ariyoshi
Revision of 2 constituencies and election of city council in 1926
3 Acquisition of permanent leaseholds and prisons
4 Transfer of neighboring towns and villages
Section 3 Various Situations concerning the General Election
1 Development of Social Education Administration
2. Supplementary Provision of General Election
Chapter 1 Development of raw silk export and sale of raw silk
Section 1 Changes in the export of raw silk
1 Increase in the export of raw silk
2 Establishment of Kobe Market and Yokohama Market
3 Trends in Export Trades
4 Trends in raw silk sales
Section 2 Analysis of the Silk Milling Finance and Raw Silk Sales Merchant “Securing Financial Survey Results”
1 Warp Finance in the early Showa period
(1) About "Winning Financial Survey Results"
(2) Overview of Silk Milling Finance
2 Lending of threading funds
(1) Lending of original funds
(2) Relationships in Charges
3 Flow of thread-related funds
(1) Loans from raw silk distributors
(2) Decrease in collateral prices
Chapter 2 Expansion of Yokohama Port and the Keihin Canal Problem
Section 1 Yokohama Port Phase 3 Expansion Plan and Keihin Canal
1 Early Keihin Canal Plan
2 Establishment of the Third Phase Expansion Plan for Yokohama Port and Trends of Keihin Canal Company
Section 2 Tokyo Port Construction Problem and Keihin Canal
1 Opposition between the Tokyo Port Construction Problem and the Yokohama side
2 Establishment of the Yokohama Port Investigation Committee
3 Proposal of Ikuzo Wakao et al. on the Keihin Canal
4 Trends in prefectures, cities and Asano over the Keihin Canal Plan
Section 3 Port Expansion Plan after the Great Kanto Earthquake and the Keihin Canal Problem
1 The Imperial Capital Reconstruction Project and the Keihin Canal Project
2 Progress of the Yokohama Port Expansion Plan Large Breakwater Construction Plan
3 Launch of the Koyasu and Namamugi Landfill Project
4 Trends in the Keihin Canal Problem
Chapter 3 Demolition of Settlements and Establishment of Customs
Section 1 Demolition of Settlements
1 Demolition of settlements and subsequent problems
2 Negotiations for return of cricket ground in Yokohama Park
Section 2 Establishment of Customs Self-Defense Forces
1 Tax rights recovery problem and gaisho settlement
2 Customs Revision in 1899
3 Customs Revision in 1911 and Commerce and Industry in Yokohama
After the publication of the main part of Yokohama City History
Tsukahama City History Main Summary Table

Table of Contents
Publication pageTable
2Table 11918 Yokohama City Council Member Election Voters and Number of Votings
54Table 21922 Municipal election, number of voters, number of abstentions
54Table 3Number of Capacity
76Table 4Prefectural City Earthquake Damage Household Survey
76Table 5Yokohama Housing damage situation
76Table 6Population affected by Yokohama City
104Table 7National Reconstruction Project
105Table 8Yokohama City Execution and Reconstruction Project
106Table 9Yokohama-shi execution restoration costs
107Table 10Cost adjustment for reconstruction and restoration facilities
108Table 11City execution reconstruction and restoration project cost financial resources
108Table 12Municipal bond borrowers and borrowing conditions
109Table 13Expected amount of debt service
109Table 14Forecast of Yokohama City Income
143Table 15January 28, 29, 1926 Municipal assembly election winner
144Table 161925 Six Major City Councilors Occupational Condition
144Table 17Ratio by population of six major cities (as of Taisho 9.10.1)
144Table 181926 Municipal Assembly Member Occupational Condition
147Table 19Perpetual Land Ownership by Country
166Table 20January 28, 1930 Municipal Assembly First General Election
166Table 21Election of Municipal Assembly
166Table 22Ratio of factions elected by municipal assembly
167Table 23January 28, 1930 City Council Member Election Winner
167Table 24January 28, 1930 Municipal Assembly elected by party faction
168Table 251st Fusen Municipality Party in Six Major City
172Table 26Raw silk export quantity and value (including ball thread)
174Table 27Contents of export raw silk and export destination
175Table 28U.S. raw silk imports by country
176Table 29Production of raw silk by country
185Table 30Incoming volume of raw silk in Kobe and export trading
186Table 31Export quantity and value of raw silk by export port (including ball thread)
187Table 32Volume of raw silk in Yokohama and Kobe
188Table 33Order of raw silk by industry
193Table 34Percentage of domestic and foreign trade in raw silk exports (Yokohama)
194~195Table 35Export of raw silk by foreign trade (Yokohama)
196Table 36Exports of foreign trade and waste yarn by nationality
198~199Table 37Exports of major foreign merchants by export destination
200~201Table 38Domestic silk export volume (including operations of a silk industry in Yokohama)
202~203Table 39Export volume of major exporters (including management of silk mills)
204Table 40Exports of raw silk by destination of major exporters
206Table 41Export of Kobe/Yokohama Bessei Silk
210~211Table 42Outcome of raw silk by Yokohama Sales Store
212Table 43Raw silk from the top 10 stores
213Table 44Raw silk from wholesalers and exporters
214Table 45Raw silk by supplier
215Table 46Scale of the Silk Miller by Sales
216Table 47Number of instrument silk mill by size (1930)
221Table 48Lending of yarn financing to spinning companies of various loan institutions (new loan amount by month)
222Table 49Lending of spinning funds to spinning companies of various loan institutions (balance lending at the end of the month)
225Table 50Willing-related funds to raw silk wholesalers of the Bank and Industrial Association Central Bank Monthly loans and balance at the end of the month
227Table 51Lending of silk-related funds by financial institutions
229Table 52Balance at the end of lending of silk-related funds between banks
234~235Table 53Loans for cocoon purchased by each institution (new loan amount by month)
238Table 54Loans by subject
240~241Table 55Breakdown of notes receivable outstanding by collateral
243Table 56"Normal" interest rate on bills loans (bid basis)
245Table 57Trends in Bill Loan Balance at the end of the month
248Table 58Collection of Bill Loans (FY1929)
249Table 59Collection of bills receivable (fiscal 1930)
254~255Table 60Discounts on bills for bills discounted and raw silk exchange rates for each institution (new monthly)
258~259Table 61Collection of bills discounted and exchange rates
260Table 62Breakdown of bills discounted and bills discounted at the end of the month by collateral
261Table 63“Normal” interest rate on bills discounted and bills for bills discounted and bills for bills discounted.
266Table 64Loan Outstanding at the end of the month
268~269Table 65Loans for silk-related funds to wholesalers of raw silk at banks (including the Central Bank of the Industrial Association) (new this month)
270Table 66Breakdown of the balance at the end of the loan to the wholesalers of the Bank located in Yokohama by collateral
271Table 67Collection of loans to wholesalers of raw silk at banks located in Yokohama
273Table 68“Normal” interest rate loans to wholesalers of raw silk at banks (by geographical location)
274Table 69Interest rate (minimum daily basis)
274Table 70Collateral price of collateral for loaned raw silk at the Bank of Yokohama
276Table 71(As of the end of the month) Average amount of per packaged raw silk collateral 1
277Table 72Average loan amount per stone collateral for cocoon by each institution
279Table 73Market value per cocoon (national average)
416Table 74Comparison of trade with the United Kingdom and the United States
438Table 75Imports and Imports by Major Countries
445Table 76Oil imports
448Table 77Import of leather goods
448Table 78Imported cotton yarn
448Table 79Imported cotton fabrics
448Table 80Import of wool yarn
448Table 81Import of woolen fabrics
449Table 82Imports related to iron
Table of Contents
Publication pageExplanation
228Figure 1Transition of Silk Finance (as of June 30, 1930)
At the end of the book Earthquake damage map
At the end of the book Figure of city planning business
At the end of the book Land Readjustment Map
Table of Contents
Figure 1The city center of Yokohama, which was destroyed by the Great Kanto Earthquake
Figure 2Yokohama City Council (Rooftop of the Municipal Central Employment Agency) held immediately after the earthquake
Figure 3Benten Dori after reconstruction
Figure 4Isezakicho Street after reconstruction
Figure 5The newly established Keihin National Highway (left) and the old National Highway (right) (near Namamugi)

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