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- Barrier-Free Basic Concept
- Barrier-Free Basic Concept
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Barrier-Free Basic Concept
Last updated on March 18, 2025.
In Yokohama City, in order to promote the development of a welfare town where all people respect basic human rights, live with peace of mind, act freely on their own initiative, and participate in activities in all fields, We establish "town development regulations of city welfare" and citizen's all of you, each company, Yokohama-shi cooperate and push forward various approaches aiming at promotion of town development of welfare.
In addition, based on "law about promotion of smoothness such as movement of elderly person, person with a disability" [commonly known as barrier-free law] (outside site), we utilize basic design system and are often used by citizens In the districts where we gathered, we are promoting barrier-free towns with emphasis and integrated emphasis.
Development of each 18 wards 1 district was completed in 2016.
Currently, in order to further make barrier-free, we are examining multiple stations at the same time and working on the formulation of a basic barrier-free concept for each ward, including a review of the already formulated districts, and are currently being formulated at 63 stations.
- [Public Relations Magazine] YOKOHAMA Town Development-Yokohama City Barrier-Free Basic Design-(PDF: 2,511KB)
- [Public Relations Magazine] YOKOHAMA Community Development-Yokohama City Barrier-Free Basic Concept-(text version)
- [Public Relations Magazine] YOKOHAMA Town Development-Yokohama City Barrier-Free Basic Design-(Easy-to-understand version) (PDF: 2,477KB)
About basic concept
In the district where facilities often used by citizens gathered, barrier-free projects of implementation obligations for stations, roads, parks, buildings, traffic lights, etc. It is a concept to promote.
About basic design (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) (outside site)
About examination system of Yokohama-shi
In Yokohama City, we have established the Yokohama City Barrier-Free Examination Council, etc., and are examining the basic concept.
Basic Concept of Yokohama City
※You can also see the booklet on the basic concept at the Road and Highway Bureau Road Policy Promotion Section.
About important point maintenance district of Yokohama-shi
You can check the range of the priority maintenance area on Yokohama Map (outside site).
Yokohama Map Top Page → Others → Barrier-free basic concept map
You can also check the following PDF. The scope of priority maintenance districts is as follows. Excerpts from the relevant parts of the basic concept.
- Tsurumi Ward (PDF: 635KB)
- Kanagawa Ward (PDF: 2,126KB)
- Nishi Ward (PDF: 1,005KB)
- Naka Ward (PDF: 3,183KB)
- Minami Ward (PDF: 901KB)
- Konan Ward (PDF: 446KB)
- Hodogaya Ward (PDF: 8,107KB)
- Asahi Ward (PDF: 1,261KB)
- Isogo Ward (PDF: 2,070KB)
- Kanazawa Ward (PDF: 382KB)
- Kohoku Ward (PDF: 1,718KB)
- Midori Ward (PDF: 4,446KB)
- Aoba Ward (PDF: 654KB)
- Tsuzuki Ward (PDF: 912KB)
- Totsuka Ward (PDF: 2,391KB)
- Sakae Ward (PDF: 580KB)
- Izumi Ward (PDF: 2,317KB)
- Seya Ward (PDF: 549KB)
※Please refer to the basic concept for details of each business.
About smoothing route agreement such as movement, smoothing facility agreement such as movement
In Yokohama-shi, there is no facilitation route agreement such as movement in important point maintenance district or facilitation facility agreement such as movement.
Progress of Specific Businesses
After basic design development, each company will make concrete business plan based on basic design and carry out business (specific business) of barrier-free in important point maintenance district. In Yokohama-shi, we carry out business in principle five years after basic design development.
About progress of specific business, we report in Yokohama-shi barrier-free examination meeting.
- Progress of specific businesses (as of March 31, 2024) (PDF: 911KB)
- We can confirm the implementation situation of specific business by barrier-free basic design map of Yokohama map (outside site).
About public information materials of specific business
We made public information document about district where there was constant progress about specific business.
- Futamatagawa Station Area Barrier-Free Basic Design [Public Relations Magazine] (PDF: 7,783KB)
- Bandobashi Station and Koganecho Station Area Barrier-Free Basic Design [Public Relations Magazine] (PDF: 4,016KB)
- Kanazawa Bunko Station / Kanazawa Hakkei Station Area Barrier-Free Basic Design [Public Relations Magazine] (PDF: 5,686KB)
Proposal system for creating basic plans
Citizens who use facilities in important point maintenance district can propose new creation of basic design and change of existing basic design to Yokohama-shi by making draft of basic design and submitting to Yokohama-shi I can do it.
Communication board for railway stations
It is a tool for those who have difficulty communicating through conversations, etc., to communicate smoothly at the station.
At the manned ticket gates at 157 railway stations in the city, universal design support (4 languages: Japanese, English, Chinese, and Korean) communication boards are installed.
In addition to railway stations, communication boards are available for shops, emergency services, and disasters.
- Communication board for railway stations (PDF: 4,117KB)
- Flyer for railway stations (PDF: 441KB)
- Sticker for railway station ticket gates (PDF: 143KB)
Documents to be submitted under the Barrier-Free Law
It is presentation document to use in specific business of barrier-free basic design.
- Barrier-free universal design measures (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) (outside site)
- Welfare Town Development (Health and Social Welfare Bureau)
- Barrier-free business for roads in Yokohama City (Road and Highway Bureau Facility Division)
- Traffic safety specific business plan (Kanagawa Prefectural Police) (outside site)
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