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Environmental pamphlet for children "What's going on? Environment in Yokohama, 2023

Last updated on October 28, 2024.

This pamphlet summarizes the status of the earth's environment and the environmental initiatives of Yokohama, mainly for the upper grades of elementary school.
It is distributed by the Green Environment Bureau Environmental Activities Division.

Please use it for environmental learning and environmental-related events.
If necessary, you can print and distribute it freely from the following.

[For printing] Brochure (A3 size, Kannon folding) (PDF: 1,050KB)

[For viewing] Pamphlet (PDF: 1,271KB)

Click here for the answer!



Twitter "YOKOHAMA GO GREEN (outside site)" also tells you about the mysterious creatures and the environment!

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Inquiries to this page

Green Environment Bureau Park Green Area Environmental Activities Division

Phone: 045-671-2484

Phone: 045-671-2484

Fax: 045-550-4554

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 274-997-436


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