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Last updated on September 4, 2024.

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Regional Strategy for Biodiversity (Yokohama Action Plan)

Regional Strategy for Biodiversity (Yokohama Action Plan)

 The Biodiversity Regional Strategy (Yokohama Action Plan) is a regional biodiversity strategy based on the Basic Law on Biodiversity. We are promoting initiatives to encourage citizens to interact with familiar creatures, deepen their understanding of biodiversity, and take action based on the four policies of "spread awareness," "conservation, regeneration and creation," "creation of mechanisms," and "town development and economic activities."
 In November 2018, it was incorporated into the "Yokohama City Environmental Management Plan" with the plan revision. The main contents of the Yokohama Action Plan are described in Chapter 5 Basic Policy 2, Biodiversity.

Overview of the Plan

 Date of formulation (revised) [plan period]       

Concept of formulation and revision

Revised in November 2018
Medium- to long-term targets by FY2025

  • Revised by incorporating it into the Yokohama City Environmental Management Plan, a comprehensive plan in the environmental field of Yokohama City.
  • Major contents are described in Chapter 5 Basic Measures 2 “Biodiversity”

Revised in January 2015 (PDF: 8,705KB) (Summary version (PDF: 954KB))
Medium- to long-term targets by FY2025
[Short-term target: Until FY2017]

  • Specific initiatives and targets have been revised due to the expiration of the planning period.
  • Reflect the promotion of "mainstreaming biodiversity" in the significance of planning, etc.

Formulated in April 2011 (PDF: 13,477KB)
Medium- to long-term targets by FY2025
[Short-term target: Until FY2013]

  • Established the Yokohama Action Plan (Yokohama b Plan) as a regional strategy for biodiversity based on the Basic Law on Biodiversity.
  • We set "target image of 2025" and set "priority measures" and "specific initiatives and targets up to 2013" to realize it.

Revised in November 2018

  • Revised by incorporating it into the Yokohama City Environmental Management Plan, a comprehensive plan in the environmental field of Yokohama City.
  • Major contents are described in Chapter 5 Basic Measures 2 “Biodiversity”
  • FY2017: Yokohama-shi environment creation council Environmental management plan review (report) about Yokohama-shi environmental management plan and biodiversity Yokohama action plan in revision sectional meeting (PDF: 1,447KB)
  • From June 25 to July 31, 2018: Citizen opinion offer (public comment) conduct (result) for draft (PDF: 443KB)

Revised in January 2015

Formulated in April 2011

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