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- Yokohama City Environmental Management Plan
- Yokohama City Environmental Management Plan (Past Plan)
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Yokohama City Environmental Management Plan (Past Plan)
The Yokohama Environmental Management Plan was revised in November 2018. The previous plan is posted on this page. Person who wants to look at the latest version, please see page of Yokohama-shi environmental management plan (revised in November, 2018).
Last updated on April 17, 2024.
Yokohama City Environmental Management Plan
The Yokohama City Environmental Management Plan is a plan to comprehensively and systematically promote environmental measures based on the conservation and Creation of the Yokohama City Environment. The history of the Yokohama City Environmental Management Plan began in March 1986 in order to respond to the needs of citizens seeking industrial pollution, urban and living pollution, and a comfortable environment. In response to the enactment of the Basic Environmental Law in November 1993, a basic ordinance on the conservation and creation of the Yokohama City Environment was enacted in 1995. Since then, revisions have been made to address environmental-related laws and diversifying and complex environmental issues, and have continued to this day.
Revised in January 2015 (plan period is until FY2017)
Download the plan
History of the Plan Revision
- Consultation and report materials of Yokohama City Environmental Creation Council
- Consultation from Yokohama City to the Council (PDF: 31KB)
- Report from the council to Yokohama-shi (PDF: 2,511KB)
- Public comment on the revised draft
- Results of implementation (PDF: 337KB)
- Revised draft outline leaflet (PDF: 418KB)
- Revised draft (PDF: 7,156KB)
Formulated in April 2011 (plan period is until FY2014)
Download the plan
History of the Plan Revision
- Consultation and report materials of Yokohama City Environmental Creation Council
- <Revision of the Environmental Management Plan>
- Consultation from Yokohama City to the Council (PDF: 821KB)
- Report from the council to Yokohama-shi (PDF: 2,120KB)
- <Goals for Living Environment in the New Environmental Management Plan>
- Consultation from Yokohama City to the Council (PDF: 221KB)
- Report from the council to Yokohama-shi (PDF: 3,027KB)
- Public comment on the revised draft
Revised in March 2004 (plan period is until FY2010)
Download the plan
History of the Plan Revision
Formulated in September 1996 (plan period is until FY2010)
Download the plan
- Main part
- Cover, First, Table of Contents (PDF: 4,528KB)
- Chapter 1 Basic Concept for Planning (PDF: 8,715KB)
- Chapter 2 Development of Measures and Actions of Citizens and Businesses (PDF: 98,223KB)
- Chapter 3 Guidelines for Environmental Considerations in Development Projects (PDF: 12,379KB)
- Chapter 4 Promotion Measures for the Plan (PDF: 4,315KB)
- Materials (PDF: 45,197KB)
History of the Plan Revision
- Report from Yokohama-shi environment creation council to Yokohama-shi (PDF: 3,842KB)
Biodiversity Yokohama Action Plan
In November 2018, the Yokohama Biodiversity Action Plan (Yokohama b Plan) was incorporated into the Yokohama City Environmental Management Plan.
If you would like to see the Biodiversity Action Plan (Yokohama b Plan) before the revision, please see the Biodiversity Regional Strategy (Yokohama Action Plan) page.
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