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[Recruitment end] Biodiversity Youth Symposium 2023 in Yokohama

In Yokohama City, we have set "biodiversity" as one of the cores of environmental administration and are promoting various initiatives. A symposium was held on the theme of biodiversity to realize nature positive. On the day of the event, a total of 50 people participated. Through keynote speeches, introductions of initiatives, panel discussions, and exchange workshops, interactive discussions and exchanges were held with various people, including domestic and overseas youth, international organizations, and companies.

Last updated on February 22, 2024.

Click here for the report.

Opening remarks

Opening Greetings
Opening Greetings

Kenya Endo, Director of City of Yokohama, Environmental Planning Bureau, spoke about the importance of activities by various actors, referring to the expectations for this symposium, the significance of biodiversity, and the purpose of this symposium and the holding of "GREEN x EXPO 2027" to realize a society in harmony with nature.

Keynote speech

Future Biodiversity and Civil Science

Photo of speakers

Hiromi Kobori (Professor, Tokyo City University)
Based on the current situation and trends of biodiversity in Japan and overseas, he gave a lecture on the importance of citizen science, with practical examples and results.

Photo of lecture
Keynote Speech 1

The Power of Use to Promote Transformation

Photo of lecture

Mr. Marynasakiyama (Co-founder of GYBN (Biodiversity Global Youth Network))
He gave a lecture on how the youth generation plays an important role in social change and policy making in solving environmental issues, along with an overview of their activities.

Photo of lecture
Keynote Speech 2

Panel discussion

Moderator photo

Moderator Tetsuhei Michiya, Secretary-General of the Japan Committee for the Protection of Nature
The event was held in a two-part system under the progress of Tetsuhei Doya, Secretary-General of the Japan Committee for the Protection of Nature.

Panel Discussion Part 1

Panelist photo
Exchange of opinions

In the first part, a total of four people, Ryo Sasai, Naoki Okano, Yu Murase, and Rie Yamashita, who are enrolled in the city, announced their efforts and under the theme of "Environmental Actions I Practice", We exchanged opinions from various perspectives, such as loss and fair trade, one-way plastic, and sustainable initiatives.

Panel Discussion Part 2

In Part 2, Naoki Okano and Rie Yamashita, on behalf of the panelists in Part 1, spoke on behalf of the panelists, and together with youth groups and international organizations active in Japan and overseas, Discussions were held on the theme of "Environmental Action to Practice".

Panel discussion

In each panel discussion, in addition to exchanging opinions among panelists, questions from participants of the venue and moderator Michiya were also invited to "individually" and "everyone" toward the realization of a "symbiotic society of people and nature". Discussions were held on environmental actions that can be done.

Voice of Participants

・It is very interesting to learn about the activities of youth generations in Japan and overseas.
・The activities and messages of youth that were announced resonated with my heart.

Exhibition booth introduction

FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) and Earth Day Tokyo introduced activities and events, exhibited ITTO and JICA materials, and exhibited panels.

Exchange meeting (workshop)

Photo of the exchange meeting
State of the exchange meeting

Participants had a free talk with each other and deepened their friendship. It was an opportunity to build a network based on the importance of biodiversity and what we can do for the conservation.

Exchange meeting

Voice of Participants

・It was also a good stimulus for participants of the same generation ・ I deepened my understanding of international trends.
・It was an opportunity for the youth generation to work across countries.

Closing remarks

State of closing remarks
Greetings from Mr. Hamashima, Director of the mainstreaming of biodiversity, Ministry of the Environment

He spoke about his expectations for the realization of a nature-positive economy through the exchange of opinions at the symposium.

For the next fiscal year

State of the presentation
Christian Schwarzer, who makes the presentation

Christian Schwarzer, co-founder of GYBN, announced that Yokohama will host the International Youth Conference on Biodiversity in the summer of 2024.

Group photo
Commemorative photo

Click here for the publicity flyer

Event Overview

Date and time of the event

From 13:00 to 18:00 on Sunday, November 19, 2023


Pacifico-yokohama Y-PORT Center Public Relations Office GALERIO (Gale Rio)
(6th floor, Yokohama International Cooperation Center, 1-1 Minatomirai 1-chome, Nishi-ku, Yokohama)

Venue Information

  • Get off at Sakuragicho Station on the JR-Negishi Line: 12 minutes walk from East Exit
  • Get off at Minatomirai Station in Minato Mirai Line: A 5-minute walk from Queens Square.


50 people (advance application required, first come first served)


Please access Yokohama-shi electronic application, report system, and apply. (application completed)
※The deadline will be closed as soon as the capacity is reached.
※Participation fee free


■Keynote Speech (13:15~)
Professor Hiromi Kobori, a special professor at Tokyo City University, and Ms. Marynasaki, co-founder of GYBN (Global Youth Biodiversity Network) will be invited as guests to give keynote speeches on topics such as civil science and international case studies on biodiversity.

■Panel discussion
We welcome city companies, students, and international organizations as panelists, and exchange opinions between youth generations and generations in a discussion format.

[Part 1 (14:00~)] Environmental Action I practice
In alphabetical order

Naoki Okano (3rd grade of N High School, Representative Director of GRAF)

Ryo Sasai (Mitakedai Junior High School, Yokohama City)

Yu Murase (4th year, Faculty of Urban Science, Yokohama National University, Certified NPO Fair Trade Label Japan Intern)

Mr. Rie Yamashita (IKEA Kohoku Local Marketing Manager, IKEA Japan Co., Ltd.)

[Part 2 (15:50~)] Environmental actions that everyone practice
In alphabetical order
Naoki Okano (3rd grade of N High School, Representative Director of GRAF)
Chantal Lovisho, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD))
Mr. Rie Yamashita (IKEA Kohoku Local Marketing Manager, IKEA Japan Co., Ltd.)
Christian Schwarzer (Global Youth Biodiversity Network)
Undecided (2027 International Horticultural Expo Association)

■Exchange meeting (workshop) (17:10-)
We will provide a forum for dialogue with panelists and participants who are promoting initiatives to contribute to the biodiversity conservation in Japan and overseas.
※Language used (Japanese/English * Simultaneous interpretation in Japanese and English)

Click here for the ankate

Please access Yokohama-shi electronic application, report system, and answer. (end)
※After the symposium, access will be possible.

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