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Provision of Land Owner Information
Last updated on April 19, 2023.
Provision of Land Owner Information
If necessary for making rules, etc., we will provide information on land and building owners and tenants.
*About building agreement and scenery agreement, in principle, it becomes information only for landowner.
When can I use it?
- As we conduct a questionnaire survey to make plans (local town development plans, etc.) and rules (building agreements, city planning, local town development rules, etc.), it is necessary to know the exact landowners in the study area.
- You need to know the landowner because you want to carry out a project based on the plan.
- We will decide whether or not landowners information can be provided after consultation.
- Before providing landowner information, please submit a written oath after receiving training according to the "Ordinance on the Protection of Yokohama City Personal Information".
- The provided landowner information cannot be used for anything other than local community development activities.
- When we change purpose or contents of activity to receive offer of landowner information and cancel, abolish activity, it is necessary to receive approval of city beforehand.
- When local town development activity to receive offer of landowner information is finished, please erase or discard landowner information immediately.
- The management of landowners' information is strictly performed and do not copy unnecessarily.
- If you violate the law, you will be ordered to return the landowner information. In addition, local town development activity group which was ordered to return cannot receive support by local town development support system afterwards.
The following local community development activities groups
- Community Development Group
- Local community development organization
- Building Agreement Steering Committee
Flow of Application
*Please contact us as soon as possible.
①Land owner reporting application (first style) (word: 19KB)
②Results report and completed registration form (No. 4 style) (word: 15KB)
③Performance report in landowner information provision and continuous use registration form (No. 5 style) (word: 19KB)
[Important] Be sure to put a password on documents with personal information before submitting.
Ordinances, etc.
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Inquiries to this page
Urban Development Bureau Regional Town Development Division
Phone: 045-671-2696
Phone: 045-671-2696
Fax: 045-663-8641
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 770-789-148