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  1. Yokohama-shi Top Page
  2. Living, procedures
  3. Community Development and Environment
  4. Urban Development
  5. Citizen-based town development
  6. Support and subsidies for community development activities
  7. Grants to town development business (facility maintenance based on local town development plans, etc.)

Last updated on October 27, 2023.

The text is from here.

Grants to town development business (facility maintenance based on local town development plans, etc.)

In the local town development support system, we can receive subsidies for maintenance costs for facility maintenance based on the "local town development plan", which is a plan compiled while gaining the understanding and support of local residents.

What kind of facilities can be used for maintenance?

  • Installation of disaster prevention warehouses
  • Maintenance based on "local town development plan" such as installation of information boards on roads

What kind of maintenance costs can be used?

  • Design costs
  • Construction costs
  • Construction management fee


Local community development activity groups that carry out the following initiatives

  • Activities led by local residents, from maintenance to maintenance.
  • It can be expected that community development activities will continue after facility maintenance and expand widely.

Grant amount

  • Up to 90% of expenses, up to 5 million yen
  • Up to three years on a yearly basis

Flow of Application

*We will support you within the budget. (Application deadline is until the end of January in principle.)
In principle, payment should be made later. As an exception, if there is no funding in the region, it can be paid in advance.
If you wish to pay in advance, please contact the department in charge.

Business subsidies

*Please contact us as soon as possible.


Ordinances, etc.

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Inquiries to this page

Urban Development Bureau Regional Town Development Division

Phone: 045-671-2696

Phone: 045-671-2696

Fax: 045-663-8641

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Page ID: 922-896-672


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