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  7. Renovation and rebuilding of condominiums, sale of premises, examination of site division, subsidy for consensus building costs

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Renovation and rebuilding of condominiums, sale of premises, examination of site division, subsidy for consensus building costs

Condominium Revitalization Support Project

Last updated on March 26, 2025.

Activities to be subsidized

Consensusual use of condominiums, comparison of rebuilding, site sale, and site split activities, and consensus building activities

As a future study of older condominiums, we will assist in activities to compare whether to continue living while repairing them as they are, or to rebuild or dismantle and sell them.


Process for Future Review

Activities to consider and form consensus building construction work to improve the performance of condominiums

In order to use older condominiums comfortably in the future, we will support activities to consider the performance improvement shown below, such as installing equipment that is now common.

Performance improvement items to be subsidized
Performance improvement itemsExample of maintenance contents
Barrier-freeInstallation of slopes, handrails, elimination of steps, installation of automatic doors, installation and expansion of elevators, etc.

Energy conservation
Introduction of renewable energy

Changes in insulation specifications for rooftops, exterior walls, openings, etc., introduction of solar power generation facilities, etc.
Measures against anti-crime programInstallation of auto locks, security camera, etc.
Change of knitting of functions currently generalizedImprovement of convenience facilities (meeting halls, home delivery boxes), change from elevated tank type water supply to direct connection type, etc.
OthersThrough consultation with the city

Consideration of large-scale repair work is not eligible for assistance.
※When considering multiple constructions, only those that contribute to performance improvement will be eligible for assistance.

Reference of renovation

Guidelines for Creating Long-Term Repair Plans (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) (outside site)

Subsidiary requirements

Applicant requirements

  • The applicant must be a study organization consisting of division owners who have been approved by Condominium Residential Association or Condominium Residential Association.
  • The Residential Association has decided to carry out condominium renovation activities and its expenses.

Condominium requirements

Requirements for Condominium Management

  • There is a Residential Association and the General Assembly is held at least once a year.
  • The management agreement has been created.
  • A long-term repair plan has been established and has been reviewed within seven years.

In addition to the above, condominiums that are at risk of collapse, such as lack of earthquake resistance, may be eligible for assistance. First of all, please consult with the Housing Revitalization Division.

Subsidy amount and period (number of times)

Up to 1/2 of the cost of study activities per year (up to 300,000 yen)

※Up to 600,000 yen for joint activities conducted by multiple condominium Residential Association and others

Up to 5 years (5 times)

If 15 years have passed since the last subsidy year, the total year (number of times) will be zero.

Ask the subsidized condominium Residential Association, etc.

  • Share awareness of the entire condominium, such as dissemination, intention surveys, and resolutions at general meetings, etc., regarding the contents examined with assistance. (The results will be reported to the city at the end of the fiscal year)
  • Cooperate with investigation and approach about apartment measure of city until year when we received assistance and the next year.
  • Efforts shall be made to obtain certification for management plans for condominiums. (Except when promotion of rebuilding, etc. is resolved)
  • Condominiums with danger, such as lack of earthquake resistance, should be repaired, repaired, or removed.

Flow of Procedure

Before Activities

  1. Prior consultation (Please contact us by phone or email first)
  2. Registration to the Yokohama Condominium Registration System
  3. Application
  4. Notification of grant decision from city

Activities (voluntary activities or contracts with contractors to completion)

After the activities

  1. Report on business results
  2. Notification of the decision of the subsidy amount from the city
  3. Request for grant of subsidies
  4. Grant of subsidy from city

How to apply

Please be sure to apply in advance.

Online application

Application from Yokohama City Electronic Application System

Application form (outside site)

When it is difficult to apply using the electronic application system

Please submit it by mail to the address below.

24th floor of 10 City Hall at 6-50 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama

Housing Reconstruction Division, City of Yokohama, Housing and Architecture Bureau Housing Department

Documents required for application

Those who apply and purchase before receiving the grant decision of the subsidy from the city are not eligible for the subsidy!

  • Support application (word: 27KB)
  • Location: A house map, etc. that shows the application site
  • Guide maps, layout drawings, etc. of condominiums
  • Photos, etc.: Photo showing the current status of condominiums
  • Condominium Residential Association Management Rules
  • Proposal: Purpose, (consignment) Business details, schedule, etc.
  • Business Plan and Budget
  • Proposals and resolutions of the General Assembly for the relevant fiscal year: Proposal book and decision book (minutes) of general meeting pertaining to the use of Yokohama-shi apartment reproduction support project about contents, budget, etc. for reproduction activity
  • (In the case of outsourcing) Estimate for consideration for condominium regeneration (at least valid until the date of submission of the application)
  • (In the case of outsourcing) Specifications: Specific work plans created to obtain estimates, etc.
  • Power of Attorney (not required if Residential Association proceeds directly)
  • Others Achievements of past activities, records of activities, etc.

Documents required for business performance report

  • Assistance (word: 25KB) Business results report (word: 25KB)
  • (In the case of outsourcing) Copy of contract, etc. (including breakdown)
  • Copy of receipts for expenses related to activities (documents proving that Residential Association paid the expenses, issued by the contractor in the case of outsourcing)
  • Activity reports (reports submitted by contractors to Residential Association, etc.) A copy is also acceptable.

※Be sure to include materials, methods, and results when sharing awareness throughout the condominium in the activity report. (Communication, intention survey, resolution at general meetings, etc.)

Documents required to request subsidies


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Inquiries to this page

Building Bureau Housing Department Housing Reconstruction Section

Phone: 045-671-2954

Phone: 045-671-2954

Fax: 045-641-2756

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 699-162-818


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