- Yokohama-shi Top Page
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- Housing and Living
- Housing
- Yokohama Condominium Portal
The text is from here.
Yokohama Condominium Portal
You can see the management and operation of the apartment! If you think that it is a high hurdle to consult with an expert, please see here first.
What's New
I don't have any new information.
- Basic knowledge of maintenance
- Management Rules and Long-Term Repair Plan
- Large-scale repair work
- Condominium Registration System, which allows users to receive various information
- Information provision services such as Q & A and trial examples related to condominium management
- You can interact with the condominium Residential Association in the city!
- Seminar for Condominium Residential Association
- Videos of past seminars (such as management of Residential Association and condominium management problems)
- Past seminar videos (large-scale repair work, long-term repair plan, etc.)
- Compare extension of life, rebuilding, and sale of condominiums
- Support for activities at the beginning of the future study (coordination support by dispatching experts)
- Renovation and rebuilding of condominiums, sale of premises, examination of site division, subsidy for consensus building costs
- Long life and use it for a long time
- It is earthquake-resistant and has been used for a long time (building designed before May 1981).
- Sale of the entire condominium and relocation (sale of site)
- Rebuilding and relocating
- Split the site of housing complex (site split)
- We raise designated authorization office work support corporations
- In 2022, condominium management is going to a new era! -We have newly formulated the "Yokohama City Condominium Management Optimization Promotion Plan" ~
- Act on Smoothing Rebuilding of Condominiums and Procedures
- Guide for Condominium Management and Regeneration
- Efforts to promote the study of temporary housing, etc. accompanying the rebuilding of condominiums and to provide information
- Condominium Mirai Planner Course
- Condominium Residential Association Survey
- Condominium Residential Association Support Center Recruitment of Business Management Organizations
List of related pages Open the menu of related page list
- Information on Municipal Housing, public rental housing, etc.
- Various support systems related to housing
- Yokohama Condominium Portal
- Activation of housing complex
- Sustainable Residential Area Promotion Project
- Subsidy systems for housing, etc.
- Planning, council, statistical data, etc. related to housing
- Window guidance, various certifications, and browsing related to architecture
- Procedures and consultations on construction and residential land
- Housing support system in the event of a disaster
Page ID: 844-418-617