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  6. Citizen questionnaire survey about Yokohama-shi graveyard

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Citizen questionnaire survey about Yokohama-shi graveyard

Last updated on February 13, 2023.

About the questionnaire survey conducted in FY2022


With changes in family views and diversification of lifestyles, ideas for funerals and forms of graveyards are also diversifying. We think that it is necessary to grasp and reflect in graveyard maintenance. .
Therefore, in Motoichi, we carry out citizen questionnaire survey every five years and, in 2022, we hear thought and request about graveyard widely from citizens again and examine future graveyard demand number and supply measures A survey was conducted for the purpose of utilizing it.

Implementation period

From October 11, 2022 to October 31, 2022 (21 days)

Survey method

We conducted a mail and Internet survey of 5,000 citizens aged 20 and over, randomly selected from the Basic Resident Register list.

Number of collections

Number of collections: 1,822 cases (collection rate: 36.4%)
※Mail answer: 1,299, Internet response: 523 cases

Survey Report

Past survey report

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