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- (Tentative name) About Fukaya communication site ruins grave garden
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(Tentative name) About Fukaya communication site ruins grave garden
Last updated on September 24, 2021.
The site of Fukaya Communications Station is the site of a US military base of about 77 hectares, which was requisitioned by the US military in 1945 and returned in June 2014. Motoichi has formulated the "U.S. Army Facility Return Site Use Guidelines" (June 2006) and the "Yokohama City U.S. Army Facility Return Site Use Action Plan" (revised in March 2011). The site of the site is a unique design and natural design that attracts a large-scale sports and a base for revitalizing the environment in the Tokyo metropolitan area, taking advantage of the circular shape of the facility and conditions of the facility and the facilities.
Then, while listening to opinions and requests regarding the use of the former site, mainly by local citizens, including the Fukaya Communication Center Return Countermeasures Council, after examining the introduction of various functions and facilities, "Fukaya Communication Center Site Basic Plan (draft) ) "(July 2017) and raised citizen opinions. After that, we gathered citizen opinions and devised "Fukaya communication station ruins use basic plan" (February, 2018) as basic policy of use of ruins. .
The (tentative name) Fukaya Tsushinsho Site Graveyard Maintenance Project allows you to enjoy the seasonal flowers, visit many people as a place to relax, and create a green space integrated with the park and enhance disaster prevention functions. In order to respond to the demand for graveyards, which have become a city-wide issue, we will maintain a park-type graveyard.
Graveyard Name and Location
Graveyard name: (Tentative name) Fukaya Tsushinsho Site Graveyard
Location Izumicho, Izumi-ku, Yokohama-shi
(Tentative name) Outline of the site of the former site of Fukaya Communications Station
It will be a municipal park-type graveyard rich in greenery, and will maintain lawn-type and funeral burial facilities surrounded by seasonal flowers and greenery. In addition, we open garden road or green tract of land in graveyard and plan formation of space integrated with park which can be used as place of walk and rest.
Evaluation of public works projects
(Tentative name) Fukaya Communication Station Site Graveyard Maintenance Project
In Yokohama City, we are examining the maintenance of the (tentative name) Fukaya Communication Station site grave garden.
Based on the Yokohama City Public Works Evaluation System, we have solicited the opinions of the citizens about the (tentative name) Fukaya Tsushinsho Site Graveyard Maintenance Project.
The results will be compiled and posted at a later date.
Public works pre-evaluation record (draft) (PDF: 6,589KB)
Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure
Details of the procedure
(Tentative name) About environmental impact assessment procedure of Fukaya communication site ruins graveyard maintenance business, you can see on the following homepage.
(Tentative name) About Fukatani communication site ruins graveyard maintenance business About environmental impact evaluation procedure
Notice of inspection of environmental impact assessment method and holding briefings
(Tentative name) As we made "environmental impact assessment method book" based on Yokohama-shi environmental impact assessment regulations about Fukaya communication place ruins graveyard maintenance business, we will tell about the summary and general inspection and holding of briefing session.
Date of the event | Time | Venue | Capacity (first come, first served) |
Friday, October 8 | From 19:00 to 20:30 (Open at 18:30) (planned) |
Tozuka Kumin Cultural Center Sakura Plaza (16-17 Totsuka-cho, Totsuka-ku, Totsuka-ku) |
160 people |
Sunday, October 10 | From 19:00 to 20:30 (Open at 18:30) (planned) |
Tozuka Kumin Cultural Center Sakura Plaza (16-17 Totsuka-cho, Totsuka-ku, Totsuka-ku) |
160 people |
Sunday, October 17 | From 19:00 to 20:30 (Open at 18:30) (planned) |
Izumi Ward Citizens' Culture Center Theatrefonte |
160 people |
Monday, October 18 | From 19:00 to 20:30 (Open at 18:30) (planned) |
Izumi Ward Citizens' Culture Center Theatrefonte |
160 people |
Remarks 1: It will be held jointly with the "tentative name Fukaya Communication Station Site Park Maintenance Project Briefing Session".
Remarks 2: The description is the same for each session.
Remarks 3: For details, please refer to the flyer. (PDF:1,547KB)
Use of the former site of Fukaya Communications Station
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