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  1. Yokohama-shi Top Page
  2. Living, procedures
  3. Housing and Living
  4. saijo Cemetery
  5. Maintenance of graveyards
  6. About Yokohama-shi graveyard problem study group report

Last updated on May 11, 2020.

The text is from here.

About Yokohama-shi graveyard problem study group report

Purpose of Establishment of Study Groups

As the social situation is changing, such as the declining birthrate, aging population, and the progress of nuclear families, the Yokohama City Cemetery Problem Study Group (hereinafter referred to as the “Yokohama Cemetery Problem Study Group”) was established in August 2009.

History so far and reason for setting up a study group

  • There is a need to examine the way of graveyard supply in Motoichi, the necessity of maintenance of municipal graveyards, etc.
  • New forms of graveyards, such as lawn-type graveyards that can make use of greenery, tree-type graveyards, wall-type graveyards that utilize land shapes, and funeral graveyards for those without successors, etc. Because the needs of citizens are increasing, and the supply is expected to be supplied to municipal graveyards, it has become necessary to consider municipal graveyard maintenance.
  • In Motoichi, supply was carried out mainly at private graveyard, but dispute over graveyard construction continues to occur, and examination of solution measures is necessary.

Base for installation

Items to be considered

  1. How to set the number of graveyard demand
  2. The division of roles of citizens pertaining to graveyard maintenance
  3. Possibilities of maintenance of park-type municipal graveyards
  4. conservation, Green Areas, Adjustment Areas and Cemetery Maintenance
  5. Relevance of regulations on private graveyards

Report of Yokohama City Cemetery Issues Study Group

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